
Why do you think you're creative?


responding to an earlier post re the corelation between critical thinking and creativity. I believe they are not necessarily the same thing. Although one can influence or lead to another. It is the difference between asking (critical thinking) and doing (creativity)

Aug 19, 07 3:15 am  · 

So it seems we have attributed creativity to
-the fear of an 'other' trying to destroy our creations,
-the zietgeist ,
-the not-the-zietgiest-just-a-wave(isn't that the zietgeist?),
-the juxtaposition of random things,
-a really long post that I stopped reading after I saw that it included the word 'forthwith',
-and whatever Brickhouse was doing the other day, which I think all of us are lesser beings for knowing about.

creating through the juxtaposition seems as worthless as, well, a lobster and a telephone.

I'm shocked no one has mentioned either faith or hope- my creativity will largely come from the faith that something better is possible, and the hope that we can achieve it, and also from celebrating/highlighting/enhancing the things that inspire the two.

It's also a giving impulse, no?

to those of us who are driven by fear of destruction and the desire to be 'sinister'- can't we achieve a more pure creativity if we are inspired, rather than driven by fear? indulging a thing because it is sinister isn't really very 'creative', its just 'opposite' (and frequently destructive of impressionable youth)

BTW i am using the definition of creative that implies innovation, as in common usage... I think just making a lot of stuff is 'prolific', not really 'creative'

there's something very 'bird of paradise' about it all....

Aug 19, 07 11:02 am  · 

The bird of paradise was definitely trying to be procreative, indeed prolific. Yet it's metabolism, a creative/destructive operation, that sustains almost all life.

Otherwise, the notion of being creative in the hope of making things better may be just as easily mean being creative due to discontent.

Aug 19, 07 11:19 am  · 

what exactly is the 'metabolic imagination'... I googled & got nothing enlightening

Aug 20, 07 2:18 pm  · 
john bender

i can make a mean piece of art on my shower wall with my finger paints

Aug 20, 07 3:29 pm  · 

Don't worry conormac, most people don't even have a metabolic imagination. For that matter, even a fertile imagination is fairly uncommon.

Aug 20, 07 3:37 pm  · 

Metabolic Imagination is Ruskin, maybe? Sounds like Ruskin ...

Aug 20, 07 3:37 pm  · 

I'm pretty sure Metabolic Imagination is Lauf.

Aug 20, 07 3:45 pm  · 
vado retro

most of us are just culturati wannabes.

Aug 20, 07 3:59 pm  · 

talk about a dying bred

Aug 20, 07 4:04 pm  · 

'brothers metabolic' couldn't even get anyone to tell them that 'architecture' doesn't have an 's' at the end, ever, let alone get anyone in the entire scope of google to talk about them except themselves.

so I'm not really worried about it, thanks rita.

Aug 26, 07 1:28 pm  · 

because i always want sex and im very good at it

Aug 26, 07 2:49 pm  · 

haha... wrong post? I think it applies...

Aug 27, 07 6:07 pm  · 

I believe that creativity is coming only when your mind (base of creativity) is in high mood … what I exactly mean that ur mind should not be in his normal situation .. ;)

Cuz creativity as I under stand is to create something unique and not exist in any fields.

Sep 3, 07 2:11 pm  · 

because i always want sex and im very good at it

This answer FTW.  God, puritanical people are annoying.  Like Billy Joel says "laugh with the sinners or cry with the saints."  And he's not even Catholic.

Back on topic.  As a kid, I could walk into a place I liked, draw it, and people could identify it, saying "Oh, that's (name of building).  As a working adult, I feel like I can walk through the spaces as I'm doing the construction documents, and there's no surprise when I walk through them when under construction.  My spatial ability and sense of proportions is pretty good.

My skills at stuff like oils, watercolors, and other artistic media are challenged, though.

Aug 18, 13 12:13 pm  · 

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