
Charlie Rose: Monday 8-15: David Childs of SOM. Reactions to the show.


Charlie Rose is interviewing SOM's David Childs for an hour about the WTC redevelopment and hopefully Childs will also be asked about the Tom Shine copyright lawsuit.

Post show reactions?

Aug 15, 05 12:58 am
brian buchalski

how about pre-show anticipations?

Aug 15, 05 3:24 am  · 

I, for one am peeing my pants with anticipation.

Aug 15, 05 3:50 am  · 

pre-show peeing:

Rose measures in at 6'1 1/2" and weighs in at 178 lbs with a 46.5" reach.

Childs measures in at 5'4 1/4", weighs 158 and has a 36" reach.

Aug 15, 05 8:20 am  · 

Did anyon catch the Piano/Gehry/Huxtable inteview? Rose couldn't stop saying "bilbao effect"

Aug 15, 05 9:20 am  · 

A copyright suit loss by 800 lb gorilla SOM will be the new "Bilbao effect" in the Architectural profession that changes the way design credit on all projects is given.

Aug 15, 05 10:02 am  · 

charlie won't dare ask that question.

Aug 15, 05 10:10 am  · 

I'm sorry, I'm an idiot, what time is the show on?

Aug 15, 05 10:42 am  · 

Let's kill them alllllllllll

Aug 15, 05 10:48 am  · 
liberty bell

WonderK, if you go to the Archinect "home" section where this is listed and follow the Charlie Rose link, you can link to local viewing times by zip code. It's not on til midnight in Indy, so I'll be taping it.

Aug 15, 05 11:46 am  · 

yikes, it's not on until midnight in Cincy too. At least it doesn't interfere with the Daily Show. Have to keep my priorities straight.

Aug 15, 05 12:27 pm  · 

Am I missing something? It doesnt appear to be on in Chicago tonight, or Tuesday morning if midnight. WTTW-11 Chicago?

Aug 15, 05 1:42 pm  · 

According to the CR web site, David has been bumped off. No re-scheduled time is given.


Johns Hopkins University / US News & World Report
Professor of Law, NYU

Former US Special Envoy to the Middle East
Counselor & Ziegler Distinguished Fellow,
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Aug 15, 05 1:49 pm  · 

c. rose- dave. tom shine. twist and turn. who did it first?

d. childs- charlie. its a shake. we are SOM and built more hi rises than anyone else in the business. judge knows this, archinects know this, and, most importantly, american people know this. god knows, i wish him the best. he was a good student with a good project. will he ever intern for us? maybe. we'll put him in Next County Courthouse project. it is a two story program with no room to twist.

end of the question.(if it comes up)

Aug 15, 05 2:18 pm  · 

child's is only 5'4" WHAT?

I am so going to step on him next time i see him...........

I need to find that tall old guy I beat up and apologize!!

Aug 15, 05 3:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

Joe Bloggs - No architects, but I have Richard Serra.

Aug 15, 05 3:26 pm  · 

ooooh Serra on c-rose!? I saw Libeskind on their when I was a younger, more impressionable arch student and he was captivating. I laugh in retrospect.

Abra - that's hilarious.

Aug 15, 05 3:59 pm  · 

rescheduled for tuesday

Aug 15, 05 4:45 pm  · 

I think I still hava a tape of Charlie Rose at Eisenman's Aronoff (sp?) Center in Cincinatti, circa 1998--Eisenman, Hobbs, Gwathmy, Graves, Kwinter, Lynn, Whiting and I think one or two more. Not interested in trading though.

Aug 15, 05 5:11 pm  · 
vado retro

i saw an interview with chipperfield a few years back. charlie didnt ask him anything about his work. he only talked about frank gehry. it was reediculouso.

Aug 15, 05 10:02 pm  · 

i just watched the interview, and i am disgusted beyond belief! to think that TWO men would do that to each other on national tv, and PBS no less!!!

Aug 15, 05 10:30 pm  · 

CR website says DC has been re-scheduled. It seems like it has been severely edited down to fit other guests.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

JIM DWYER, The New York Times
THOMAS VON ESSEN, Former NYC Fire Commissioner
on the recently released audio transmissions from 9/11


Aug 15, 05 10:47 pm  · 

How disappointing. Can't say I'm surprised.

Aug 16, 05 12:08 am  · 

any one hear if he's going to interview Thom Mayne in the near future?

Aug 16, 05 8:54 am  · 

Charlie Rose scares me...he makes the craziest facial expressions.

Aug 16, 05 1:48 pm  · 

Tonight is the night, apparently. Confirmed

Aug 16, 05 7:56 pm  · 

Childs struck me as the Boe-Tie variety Architect. He seems to think theyre the only ones who can successfully deliver a modern building as well.

Aug 17, 05 9:19 am  · 

Yeah, he made it seem as if SOM (or should I say "David Childs/SOM") is the only firm capable of delivering a building that responded to programatic and engineering needs...

Aug 17, 05 9:45 am  · 

he also seemed to be a very bad, uninspired architect - He talked a good game about the public demanding better better architecture yet his work is utterly mundane. Its only redeeming value is scale so large it has to command attention - good god, AOL Building? It is just the latest in a massing evolution that started witht the orig. developers 25 25 years ago.

Aug 17, 05 10:03 am  · 

At least Childs admitted that his work is not "A-List". I gotta say, I found myself agreeing with his thoughts on the role architects play in enhancing the city fabric. However the flaw in his argument was that if SOM creates the B-list buildings, which make a city, then why were they hired to create a building so visible? He made the analogy of the capitol building in DC and the buildings around it. SOM, Childs said, would not design the capitol but the infill, therefore wouldn't the WTC be considered the highlight building and not the infill? By Childs rationale Ghery or Koolhaas or, gasp, even Libeskind should be designing the WTC.

Aug 17, 05 10:13 am  · 
liberty bell

Taped it late last night but won't watch it til tonight, so I'll withhold comments. But I'm eager to hear what others thought!

Aug 17, 05 10:14 am  · 

Ya - I too agreed about his stance as the "Get it Built Architects" - However in SOM's heyday they pushed the limits and managed to get it built as well. Sounded like a cop - out. I think his most relevant point was about the unions in NYC dictating the structural designs. The hidden guiding hands.

Aug 17, 05 10:31 am  · 

i liked the fact that he was humble and credited not only himself but also his staff with the work that SOM does.

Aug 17, 05 11:25 am  · 

Yes very humble as then went on a role about how he did something unique by tapering the profile. Anyone record it? How many times did he use the word "I" in his dialouge?

Aug 17, 05 12:24 pm  · 

I don't mind that he used the word "I", afterall he is the principle designer. Too bad though that he didn't come up with this partii, I think Stern proposed it first for a bldg in NY.

Aug 17, 05 1:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

Charlie Rose looked dapper in that purple tie, more stylish than Childs, but he needs a haircut.

Child's apparent humbleness and crediting of all the people on his team, young partners and whatnot, felt sincere in the way that a partner has to be/should be supportive of his team.

But as you said evilplatypus the way he immediately switched to describing Freedom Tower as "What I did with the taper, how I came up with this idea" - suddenly his previous words seemed like spin. It IS in the best interest of partners to describe themselves as just one part of a wonderful team, but I think he flubbed this in then making the tower seem like his own.

And honestly, who would want to claim that p.o.s. as their own design?

I also thought it was ironic that he spoke about the opportunity to make a "great civic space" at Penn Station, and how proud he is to get projects where he can push a developer to do an "A" building rather than the "B" or "C" building that is typically their economic tendency. Where are those ideas in the Freedom Tower design? Where is the great civic space in a 200' blank wall?

And saying the WTC was "inefficient" in its floor plate - bad PR. Makes it sound like he's pleased that he's now able to put something better on the site. Boo.

But he seemed like a likable enough guy, I like how he raised some of the little things that architects love but I don't think the general public think we appreciate - like Scandinavian vernacular builders details and the city being made of both foreground and background buildings.

Aug 18, 05 12:07 am  · 
Sean Taylor

I can understand him switching from the "we designed it as a team" to the "I did this and I did that" because it is just natural to speak that way. As the prinicpal of a firm, I would hate for my interviews/words to be analysed in the way that they are in this forum. But then again, I am not on Charlie Rose (yet).

I did think that it was ironic that he spoke about the virtues of designing the "B" buildings that make up the cities fabric and then focused on the Penn Station building and the Freedom Tower (both obviously "A" buildings), but this was directed mostly by Rose.

And yes, Rose needed a haircut. It was obvious (to those that were paying attention) that the interview of the two people that wrote the book on "102 seconds" was conducted after the interview with Childs. So obviously, the Childs interview was edited and tacked onto the end of the show (because C. Rose introduced the Childs interview at the end of the authors interview with newly cut hair). Possibly because the Childs interview was boring?

I will say that Childs seemed to be giving an interview that reminded me of "Architecture 101" first year classes.

Aug 18, 05 12:24 am  · 

I just saw the tape and was disappointed at the softball interview that CR pitched that turned into a love fest at many times. i agree with tyvek that DC came off as more than a bit condecending in his explanation of urban design.

The worst moment was when DC started telling CR that when he moved to NY, Phillip Johnson invited him to lunch and introduced him to people. DC was then trying to suggest that he is now the new "over counsel" of the architecture world in NYC who is looking out for and supporting young "talent." What a silly thought.

ANd all the rationalization about A or B or C buildings by DC will not change the fact that he dances and jumps to the beat of the developers' whims and their $20 bills.

Aug 18, 05 1:13 am  · 

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