
for low level employees only (no bosses allowed)


if you could feed your boss to any kind of animal... what kind of animal would it be?


the championship of the worst boss goes to???

Aug 4, 05 4:39 pm

i would choose a wildabeast... if thats how you spell it... as herbivores, i have a feeling their flat teeth would be particularly unpleasent in the long term... thats horrible that i just said that

Aug 4, 05 4:40 pm  · 

I'd say a bat.

Aug 4, 05 4:47 pm  · 

sea urchid..

Aug 4, 05 4:52 pm  · 


Aug 4, 05 4:59 pm  · 


Aug 4, 05 4:59 pm  · 


Aug 4, 05 4:59 pm  · 

per correl...

ok not really...maybe a boa constrictor...or a man
eating rabbit

Aug 4, 05 5:02 pm  · 

hmm, I'd let this boss go quickly. He'd be fed to a hippo, or something else that takes great, chomping bites. Previous bosses, however... I think one previous boss would deserve to be fed to spiders, or possibly scorpions. Millions of them. I figure that'd take a while.

Aug 4, 05 5:02 pm  · 

flesh eating bacteria

Aug 4, 05 5:05 pm  · 

oh, that is good. Or maybe some sort of acid, to be poured on at intervals.

Somehow, I don't think this is a very healthy topic for me to frequent...

Aug 4, 05 5:16 pm  · 

a cuddly bear

Aug 4, 05 5:18 pm  · 

i like a cuddly bear... thats very cute... but DEADLY

Aug 4, 05 5:26 pm  · 

I like my bosses.

Aug 4, 05 5:59 pm  · 

those pigs in snatch
killer bees, but only between the stomach, back of the legs, and neck
mosquitos would really suck
head first dunking into a tank of piranhas
and my fave, the manny ramirez pinata-yes, manny IS an animal

these are just suggestions. i have never disliked a boss. except when they refuse to pay overtime to non-salaried workers...

Aug 4, 05 6:28 pm  · 

A Sloth - very slow dying indeed. Sloths scare the hell out of me, so do moths - maybe its the 'oth' sound...

Aug 4, 05 6:52 pm  · 

AH no overtime for non salaried workers really burns my waffles

Aug 4, 05 6:54 pm  · 

a pig, remembering snatch

Aug 4, 05 7:22 pm  · 
Aug 4, 05 7:44 pm  · 

for this summer, i think a poison toad with lots and lots of warts and big eyes.

Aug 4, 05 8:11 pm  · 

I'm having dinner and regret checking out this thread. *puke*

Aug 4, 05 8:41 pm  · 

Since I don't employ anyone today, I guess I'm not a boss. However,
can I include clients in this frenzy? If so, I'd want the bad ones to be mauled by Killer Tomatoes, or maybe iguanas (iguanae?).

Aug 4, 05 8:59 pm  · 

The championship of worst boss I ever had would hav to be M**cia *aV** Ass**i*tEs. That interior design firm was the worst due to: No organization, business sense, or care to understand Architecture. Though they kicked axx when it came to picking fabric for 5000 curtains. They did also pay better than any Arch firm, but that is one instance for me where the money did not outweigh the b/s.

Aug 4, 05 9:05 pm  · 

no,no. The R*** part of P****** + R*** takes the cake. F'n Jeckyll and Hyde man. Some days everything was beautiful, other days you had to be a mind reader not to get fired. The other guy was cool, but that one was crazy, full of his own self importance like nobody I've ever met.

Aug 4, 05 9:10 pm  · 

Hmmm Rationalist,
I was actually looking at *er*O**TZ + *U*h. I think maybe I'll stay self-employed. Although, I did enjoy 'thumbing my nose' @ the 'boss' & leaving her to figure it all out as I walked out the door. Maybe not something to flaunt, but I kinda miss that about having a real job!

Aug 4, 05 9:23 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Depends on which boss, but one of em I'd throw in a deep pit of thousands of hungry ants.
The others I'd let go easy.

Aug 4, 05 11:46 pm  · 

MysteryMan- not the same P****** + R***. The *'s in mine signify the proper number of letters for each name. You're safe (as far as I know anyway).

Aug 5, 05 12:01 am  · 

Wow, Rationalist.
The **names almost come out to the same no. of letters - I see I missed an asterisk, or two, so I guess Perkowitz + Ruth are off the hook.

Aug 5, 05 9:17 am  · 

I'd throw them in a pit filled with scorpions.

Aug 5, 05 10:37 am  · 

yup. They may be great, they may be terrible, I wouldn't know.

Aug 5, 05 11:35 am  · 

i think for my first boss he should be eaten by calamari.... kind of a spin off of "sleeping with the fishes". he had alleged turkish mafia connections....

my current boss has his soul eaten by our value engineer on a daily basis so it seems only humane to keep his body and soul together.

Aug 5, 05 1:54 pm  · 

I would feed my boss to termites, but by way of feeding termites to my boss. Actually... hmmm... tapeworms!

Aug 5, 05 5:10 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Jumping into the fray...

For the record, T** B*****, formerly of U**** D***** G****, is a royal jackass to the nth degree. I was job captain on a particular project that had a series of impossible deadlines, and my entire project team was composed of people who had no concept of CAD standards, or barely even knew how to draw a straight line within AutoCAD. (You know it's bad when every supposedly orthagonal line in the drawing is off by .00001 degrees, or when half the drawing disappears when you freeze layer A-GLAZ-MULL. Arrgh!) Needless to say, I was routinely in the office until 1 or 2 AM cleaning up the drawings.

Mr. B*****, on the other hand, never once stayed in the office a minute past 4:59 PM.

One particularly gruelling night, I was in the office until 4 AM trying to get our drawings up to the barest minimum standards of competency before they went out for bid the next day. With an hour-long commute home, I barely had time to take a shower and a short nap before having to be back down at the office at 8:00 AM. Despite my best efforts, I was ten minutes late, and Mr. B***** was there to rip me a new one the minute I walked through the door.

To this day, I don't know what kept me from reaching into his chest and ripping out his heart, and making sure he saw how cold and black it was before he collapsed onto the floor. May he be forever cursed with chronic flatulence and a painful rectal itch. Arrgh!!!!

Okay, I'm better now...

(The good news: At least I was getting paid overtime, and was able to spend a week in London with all the OT money I earned on that project.)

Aug 7, 05 11:25 pm  · 

so living in gin... what animal?

Aug 8, 05 12:27 pm  · 

in reading 'the dante club' recently..there's a type of
blowfly that when it bites you lays hundreds of eggs
inside the bite. the eggs become maggots that feed
off whatever was bitten...thus eating you from the
inside out...

with that said..i'm not sure any of my bosses deserve
that...however, there may be a developer or two.

Aug 8, 05 12:47 pm  · 

I would suggest a herd of housecats - humiliating, annoying, frenzied, perfect!

Aug 8, 05 7:10 pm  · 

would like to have fed my last boss to a flock of say 25 cannibalistic cannaries. that would hurt.

Aug 8, 05 7:37 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Oh, right, I forgot to mention an animal.... Therefore, I decree that T** B***** should be slowly nibbled to death by a rabid, incontinent aarvark.

Aug 8, 05 9:52 pm  · 
big dead elephant



Aug 8, 05 10:01 pm  · 


ha ha colin wins!

Aug 9, 05 6:40 pm  · 

ned flander's evil parakeet

Aug 9, 05 7:01 pm  · 

hedgehog or porcupine, raw and unskinned.

Aug 10, 05 8:33 am  · 

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