
Most Dangerous Thing You've Ever Done:


Please tell us, what's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?

Jul 21, 05 5:09 pm

climb to the top of a water tower (2), drunk.
jump off an 85' cliff into 15' of water, drunk.
drive, drunk.

Jul 21, 05 5:30 pm  · 

Deliberately or accidentally?

Jul 21, 05 5:30 pm  · 

yep, drive drunk. that would be the dumbest thing i've ever done too. did it back in the early 80's as a teen. never did it again. scared the shit out of me when i thought about it with a clear conscious. i was so disappointed in myself.

Jul 21, 05 5:34 pm  · 
el jeffe

read archinect while at work.
didn't we do this thread already?

Jul 21, 05 5:34 pm  · 

i should have prefaced the above by saying i'm not an alcoholic, just dumb.

Jul 21, 05 5:36 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

Smoked pot. According to TV ads, I've helped terrorists, killed little children on bicycles, betrayed my familial responsibilities, fried my brain like an egg, and more.


Jul 21, 05 5:37 pm  · 

bad center, bad.

Jul 21, 05 5:41 pm  · 

i was going to say cliff-jumping too, but center's convinced me that i''ve got more dangerous habits..
dang, and here i thought i was such a nice guy... :(

Jul 21, 05 5:56 pm  · 

in no particular order;
- done drugs ( mostly high school )
- shop lifted candy ( grade 3 )
- drove drunk way too many times to remember ( mostly high school )
- cliff jumped ( straight .. deep water.)
- streaked at my HS grad... it was the late 70's
- hit a fellow worker in the face with a running was an accident.
- wrecked my car while racing a friend through a park, (again High School)

High School was fun.

Jul 21, 05 6:11 pm  · 

We had a bunker built in some trees on a hill near our high school's football stadium on a friend's property, and on game nights we used to get out the potato gun out and shoot rats, dead birds, and sometimes fish or frogs towards the stadium seats. We knew they would make it that far because we tested it out in advance when no one was around. We even had firing tables drawn out so we could target the school band section of the bleachers, or the area where the cool kids sat, or the sidelines where the players were.

Now, I know you're wondering how we shot that without a potato landing alongside a rat or something... Well, we designed this screen that was attached to four wires connected with bolts to the outside of the barrel. After a potato was properly stuffed inside making the chamber airtight, the mesh screen was pushed down over the potato (with wires connected) and then whatever we were shooting into the stadium was placed over that.

When it would fire, the rat would go flying, but the mesh screen would stop just short enough that it kept the potato from going much further than a few feet. It "stopped short," so to say.

The only time we ever heard about what we'd done around school was when the rumor was that "a catfish head somehow fell into a tuba during the second quarter of the homecoming game."

Man, that thing had the most incredible distance. It's vertical arc was impressive, it was like a mortar or something.

Actually I don't know what's dangerous about that. It's just more awesome than anything.

Jul 21, 05 6:14 pm  · 

sex without condoms

Jul 21, 05 6:17 pm  · 
Jul 21, 05 6:20 pm  · 
Jul 21, 05 6:57 pm  · 

drove home from LA to Long Beach after spending three weeks on only 3 hours of sleep a night, also one time after spending 50 hours straight awake, as well as numerous times at three or four in the morning. Numerous times asleep at the wheel. So lucky I never hit anyone (after all, who else is on the 710 at four in the morning?)

Jul 21, 05 7:45 pm  · 

got drunk and stole a girls brand new tahoe

Jul 21, 05 8:02 pm  · 
Ms Beary

drove drunk, many times. unprotected sex. threw wild parties with underage drinking and lots of drugs. the usual I guess.
never cliff dove though, I ain't that stupid.

Jul 21, 05 8:38 pm  · 

I got off my face on liquid acid and ended up walking around the streets of london with no shoes and no top on, under the August sun. I got badly sunburnt and i cut my feet on broken glass. The first few hours were kinda fun but then I thought i would never get out of that fucking trip, that shit was really scary, way too strong for me. I'm not sure if that's the most dangerous thing i've ever done but that was definitely one of the scariest. After that i came to the conclusion that LSD is probably not for me... i'll never do it again.

Jul 21, 05 8:56 pm  · 

I've been cliff diving off the faces of rocks into the harsh southern coasts

Jul 21, 05 9:12 pm  · 
Francisco David Boira

Getting on top of elevators (this means outside the car)* and use the manual controls therefore pissing off the riders inside who never got to their desired floors.

*Grew up in a highrise so for me the height's scare factor was none existent...and yes I was 10 or 12 at the time.

Jul 21, 05 9:27 pm  · 

In our last University semester, our group of friends, about 10 of us, had developed a curiosity for the Ecstacy drug. Another friend dared that he could get "a boatload of the stuff" and him not being such a wise guy in the first place, we took the dare.

Two nights later on a Friday after many of us had finished some tough exams, we were all sitting around at one of our girlfriend's places and in he walks with someone we didn't know, who had a duffle bag from which he pulls a paper bag of some 50-60 pills. We had been drinking wine since early in the evening, and I remember it being totally unknowing and carefree that the bag got passed around, each of us daring one another to take one.

One turned into five very quickly. People are joking, best friends begin kissing, flashing bras, motioning for pants to be unzipped, etc. and it was all generally carefree and uninhibited. Somewhere in the mix our friend's guy he brought along with the pills pulled a camcorder from his bag and of course as everyone is taken to the effect of the pills and wine, no one seems to care that they're being videotaped.

As the night wore on things were really getting interesting. Interesting to the point that no one cared at all that a group of good friends - some of whom had casually dated each other or hinted at romantic hopes - were, well, let's just say things had quickly turned into a downright orgy without a care in the world. Just about all of us were naked, the girls teasing everyone with breasts and spread legs and not caring at all that there we all were, having sex on couches and floors and chairs.

To this day, this last part still doesn't sit well with me. One of the girls who lived in the apartment was rumoured to be bisexual. She came out of her room after a few minutes with one of the girls and says "Which one of you boys is up for this?" and from behind her back she pulls one of those strap on rubber penises. She starts fastening it around her waist. We were all so wasted from the pills and an "anything goes" approach to the night had taken hold much earlier.

One of the guys was all for her using the strap on on him, and no one seemed to think this might be crossing a line. Three others are going at it on the couch, and the guy just bends forward over a sofa and she gets him ready. (I'm trying to leave out graphic details and stuff).
Things happened. He really enjoyed it, let's just leave it at that.

I didn't go that far. I think he was the only one who did it.
But if we are talking about "danger" here, this is the dangerous part:
The guy who brought the pills didn't seem to have much attention paid to him as the night progressed. The girl who lived at the apartment got a phone call about a week later from someone who said they were at her place the other night when they were all having fun, and has about 5 hours of video, of everything, including "the guy who found out he might like doing it with men."

Trouble is, that guy entered local politics in a city he moved to a few years after graduation. We all knew he had aspirations to be in politics, he always talked about wanting to be a Senator one day. Even worse is that his father is a well respected law professor whose reputation would be ruined by all this. My friend on the tape will say that it doesn't bother him, but we know that he is constantly scared that some day that tape is going to surface and destroy his life. His face is shown frequently and his name said out loud on the tape several times.

We know he's been to counseling because of his fears because of this. I mean, put yourself in his shoes - you had a little fun that you didn't barely know was happening, and your life in public could be totally ruined by it. Yah, I'm on there too doing my fair share, but nothing like what he did. It was a crazy night that maybe shouldn't have happened, but on the bright side we all through caution to the wind and did things I had only dreamed about doing with some of those girls. It was like a fantasy, and in some ways it really sucks that it was tarnished by some drug dealer making a blackmail tape.

Jul 21, 05 9:28 pm  · 

jumped out of a moving train to run after some thieves

Jul 21, 05 9:29 pm  · 

changed the blade of a table saw without pulling the plug - and my knee just hovering over the on switch under the tabletop

Jul 21, 05 10:22 pm  · 
Francisco David Boira

Come on! Are you guys just posting without reading previous submissions?!
LaTorpilleRose this is I hope he doesn't want to become something too high profile because I bet you this story will make it out there pretty quickly.
Awesome post…makes you wonder.

Jul 21, 05 10:33 pm  · 

f*ck - that has got to be the most insane/amazing account I have ever read on Archinect. What a situation for your friend - thats heavy.

Jul 21, 05 10:46 pm  · 

huffing gas was always a cheap thrill.

Jul 21, 05 11:00 pm  · 

The thing of it is - to this day it still seems like a dream. Imagine 10 of the best guy and girl friends of your life, girls or guys that you always had a thing for and wondered "what if we got together?" then one day thanks to a little willing experimentation with a drug known for increasing sexual urges, you are having sex with these girls, and so are some guy friends right beside you, and you don't care at all...

Yah, heavy indeed. :D

It's always felt like that movie Very Bad Things with Christian Slater in my mind.

Jul 21, 05 11:26 pm  · 

wow. yeah. that's out there.
so how were the friendships after that? i have to imagine at least a little awkward/strained... but maybe not...

Jul 21, 05 11:40 pm  · 
Lord Auch

I worked doing hydrolic work overs on high pressure natural gas wells up to 4500lbs pressure. You stand on top of a rig and force pipe pown a live gas well. Some wells are sour, meaning they contain hydrogen sulfide, which kills instantly in high enough concentrations >3000 ppm. 1500 to 3000ppm will knock you out and poison you in min. Explosion and fire is a concearn, think 500 foot supersonic bic lighter flame. Alot of the time there is nothing left to identify. Gas coming through microscopic pin holes can cut you in half too.
The money was good though.

Jul 21, 05 11:48 pm  · 

I've never considered driving drunk to be dangerous. That's why it's the most dangerous thing I've done with a machine (a big one, at least, we won't talk about the small ones).

These might also qualify:
1) Mountain Biking vertically
2) Learning to ski @ 80mph for the first 5 trips (ribs, wrist, bumps, bruises, head, shin, ankle)
3) Deciding that it was too much trouble to hike 2 miles back to where my friends were, so instead, I scaled a 120ft rock cliff w/ no safety gear, or ropes + it was raining hard. When I got to the top, I suddenly realized that I was kool for doing that + I was lucky as hell
4) Going home with nice ladies that I just met.
5) Jumped out of a moving car (I had a real good reason)
6) Standing up to a Southern Sherrif's Deputy
7) Standing up to a City Cop
8) Fleeing the scene from said cop (I was framed)
9) Standing my ground to a drunken sailor who just happened to have a knofe pointed at me
10) Drag Racing (sober)
11) Taking the controls of a T-34. I didn't think it was dangerous, but the real pilot with me did.

Gawd, my list could get longer & I'm really starting to wonder why I'm still alive. Thank God for my wife, I think she & passing 35 chilled me out.

Jul 22, 05 12:02 am  · 

Running from the LAPD, swimming with sharks/barracuda, chugging half a bottle of gin, using a Hi-Lift jack.

On a daily basis; driving in LA traffic.

Jul 22, 05 12:07 am  · 

Oh yeah,
Appleseed, you reminded me of my acquatic adventures too. Good to know I've got company running from the law, too.

Jul 22, 05 12:24 am  · 

gravity bongs...oh those fun college years

Jul 22, 05 1:15 am  · 

hey Lord Auch,

you reminded me of a story my plumber told today about one of his partners having his hand cut off by high preasure steam comming from a pipe. i had no idea that was an occupational hazard.

Jul 22, 05 1:23 am  · 

^^^ LaTorpilleRose

Didn't any of you first-timers overdose with 5 pills? cuz 5 is a lot. Alcohol and ecstacy don't mix either.

Jul 22, 05 1:30 am  · 

MysteryMan - nice itemized list! Number 3 is great.

TorpilleRose - man, wtf? Christ! like a movie or something.

Jul 22, 05 9:50 am  · 

Unfortunately, I got more.
I'm just trying to figure out why I've still got limbs & where all the holes went.

Jul 22, 05 2:39 pm  · 

TorpilleRose: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

5 pills each huh? and who had the Viagra for the guys?

5 HOURS of video? Having sex the whole time? How prepared was this dealer? Who walks around with like three video cassettes to record this stuff? Is he a paparazzo?

And the part that makes me laught the most... the strap-on. 5 pills each may or may not also have the curious side effect of causing some minor or major bowel movements. Diet and metabolism play a role, but did politician friend of yours take a poop before he took that ride? if he didn't, he really was "living dangerously." I dunno...interesting story.

Jul 22, 05 3:27 pm  · 

I bet it wasn't 5 pills, but I do bet they were totally out of their minds!

Jul 22, 05 3:37 pm  · 

LaTorpilleRose...reminds me of high school...aahhh, those were the days... lol

Jul 22, 05 5:09 pm  · 

Good lord, might have been 5 ecstacy pills might have been 2. Whatever it was, it was vicious. Although I don't remember anyone making BM's near each other or anything.

Really glad you all liked that. Interesting things have happened in my life since, but I doubt anything will ever take the place of that memory, unless of course I become an astronuat someday.

Jul 23, 05 11:44 pm  · 
Devil Dog

going to war.

Jul 24, 05 8:38 pm  · 

Good God, I had to report this on behalf of a friend in Texas.

Last night, he called me up just to tell me that on a dare, a guy he knows drove his entirely non-street-legal hot rod out onto a main road through town, waited for a red light, and white smoked the tires to the point that the intersection looked like some kind of insane rock show. The smoke from the tires was as high as the street signals!!

Then, as if that wasn't enough, he took off for a good 300 yards before deploying the parachute at the next traffic light, white smoking the tires AGAIN, and, then taking off down a backroad to his house.


Jul 25, 05 4:06 pm  · 

depending where in texas he did this, the town may not even have police. state troopers on the other hand are not to be fucked with.

Jul 25, 05 4:49 pm  · 

Sounds like Wichita Falls, Tx.

Jul 25, 05 5:20 pm  · 

"Sounds like Wichita Falls, Tx."

Tyler, actually. Horrible place.

Jul 25, 05 6:16 pm  · 

well hell where do i begin....i think you were listening to my conversations at the office, the bosses gone on vacation so we have been enjoying our days (and actually getting work done). my life prior to architecture was one dangerous blur....

lets see, as a kid (12) i was trespassing on a construction site and the security guard use to cuss us out and tell us "if we knew what was good for us we'd never come back" well hell we were 12, so the next time we came back he started shooting at us, yes, shooting. i dove behind a pile of rocks, and took a riccocheted slug in the calf, and that wasn't even the dangerous part. i was so scared of what my dad would do to me for trespassing that i took the bullet out myself...really.

i was a childhood pyro...a damned good one, and used to light soccer, baseball fields and so on on fire to get out of playing a game i knew we'd lose. well hell, i just lit them up just fro the hell of it.

when i was growing up the cool thing for me to do is make smoke bombs out of my dads bullets, pull the slug off, empty the powder and have the wonderful makings of a smoke bomb, well this was the slow burn powder, and one time (not knowing any better) i pulled out the fast burn powder, loaded up the ol' x-wing fighter, tossed in luke skywalker, lit it up and BLAM...everything went up so fast i couldn't move fast enough. lost my eye brows, most of my hair, and burnt my face (looked like a sun burn).

used to make traps to keep people away from our forts as kids, so i used to make them far more lethal, i used to make the hole traps (you know the ones you make a hole, cover it with something and the cover it with dirt...and just wait for someone to come and fall in) well i would make spikes to put in there, and point them downward so that once you fall in you can't pull your leg out unless you want to stab yourself....damn i sound wonder i went in to the army before college

you know i could really go on forever, this was all in my earlier teen years...i polished my skills in the later teens, and in the army...and damn the things we did in the army...

you know i am really surprised i made it to adulthood, my boys will never get anything over on me. this was just my destructive period, another good story is the heroine chick, the living in my car during the blizzard of 96 story, the damn i am really surprised i am still alive story.

now the only thing i do is make small weapons at work with dowels and x-acto blades (they make great office arrows)

Jul 25, 05 10:39 pm  · 

....before deploying the parachute at the next traffic light,....

I always wanted A TransAm with a parachute on the back!

Jul 26, 05 9:10 am  · 

Absolutely True: My Bro-In-Law & a Buddy STOLE a GA State Trooper's Cruiser while he was in a restaurant (he left it running!!!!), AND hacked off the driver's side door (they didn't have a socket set!).

If you ever go to a bar in the ATL called Euclid Avenue Yacht Club, look up above the bar - the evidence is there.

Jul 26, 05 9:15 am  · 


Awesome. Before my dad and stepmom were married, she lived on some land with a big back lot surrounded by trees. Really cool place to play as kids, I was probably 6 or 7. Her daughter (who would become my stepsister) and I didn't get along so well most of the time, and once while she was gone to her dad's for the weekend, I dug a hole in the back lot and covered it with brush in the hopes that we would go racing back there on our bikes and she would go nose first into the hole and flip over.

I feel horrible admitting to that - and it didn't even work. I just think back now, "She could have really been hurt!"

Jul 26, 05 10:07 am  · 

... jumping off a 30ft cliff into the ocean without looking down first.

And of course, this day the bay was crammed full of jelly fish (you could LITERALLY throw small rocks into it and they wouldn't sink). Luckily most of them were harmless, so in the end I (only) suffered the equivalent of 5 or 6 wasp stings and as painfull as it may have been, it sure as hell beats landing on a boat.

Jul 26, 05 12:21 pm  · 

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