
I'm a size 9 but i'll try the 6.5, you never know!


ok everyone, please list all the crappy jobs you've had while in school and before starting your real careers. don't be shy to get into details.

Jun 30, 05 2:33 am

surely you have more important things to think about.

Jun 30, 05 2:35 am  · 

oh please,chill

Jun 30, 05 2:46 am  · 

sorry, i get cynical late at night when I'm procrastinating by wandering archinect...

But, based on your other posts that you've started, you do seem awfully interested in the lives of other people. Why is this?

Jun 30, 05 2:52 am  · 

it's not about lives of other people, I don't know any of these people so It's not like I'm try to pry. well when i first got here It seemed like everyone was so fed up with their jobs and everything was so negative. topics like this one make people laugh and not take life so seriously. but if you don't like it you don't have to respond dear.

Jun 30, 05 2:57 am  · 

You're right, I don't have to respond, but you your putting the question out there it was inviting a response. Sorry if it wasn't what you were expecting.

Jun 30, 05 3:01 am  · 

well I do have lots of important things to think about but all I'm saying is that you shouldn't take life so seriously there is nothing wrong with having fun. you know people who are so serious don't live as long.

Jun 30, 05 3:08 am  · 

Man, those ARE crappy jobs. Good thing you--oh wait, this is just a thread about two people bickering...nevermind..

Jun 30, 05 5:31 am  · 

kids, stop bickering.

in high school i worked in a chili field with the migrant workers in new mexico. back breaking work made more so because on day one they issued us hoes (not ho's) and they farmer was cutting the handles down to 2' long so we would "bend down low and watch what we were doing to the plants"

some may call it a crappy job. i loved it though. great experience.

Jun 30, 05 10:36 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

frosh year of college:

USDA Lab in mosquito research.
I was bitten at least 2-3 times a day all summer long. I had to breed and do experiments on mosquitoes. I won't go into details but just to give you an idea:

Guinea Pig blood feeding
Chicken blood feeding
chicken diarrhea in a mosquito cage
hundreds of mosquito cages with over 10,000 hungry mosquitos
a greenhouse filled with mosquitos
mosquito repellent testing, with me as the test subject.

maybe that's why i went to architecture?

Jun 30, 05 3:12 pm  · 

my crappiest jobs include

mc donald's
working in a tire warehouse unloading tractor trailers filled with tractor tires
digging/shaping the deep ends of pools with pick and shove
cleaning artifical kidneys at a dialysis unit

Jun 30, 05 3:29 pm  · 

i got you all beat, i had to insert dvd porn covers and information on a warehouse porn site. No joking, this was just for a few weeks though

Jun 30, 05 3:29 pm  · 

i was a barista.

Jun 30, 05 3:35 pm  · 

same here steph, i was a barista too, at the college coffee shop.
the students were a bunch of rude assholes, i was sleepy all the time having worked well through the night and getting to the shop at 7:00 am in the morning.
On the flip side, i used to give free coffee to most of the people in the arch. school, and made a lot (i mean a lot) of friends that way in around 2 months.

Jun 30, 05 3:53 pm  · 

More or less in the order of appearance:

University parking office clerk
Jack-in-the-Box cashier
Reference Library Assistant
Various office temp jobs (most boring: filing coupons at Safeway corp. headquarters, or maybe it was opening envelopes for the IRS)
Office assistant, Seattle Indian Health Board
Medical receptionist, Seattle Indian Health Board
Herfy's side/cook,
Green Coat (ie., campus security patrol)
Taco Time kitchen staff
YMCA desk clerk
Teaching assistant (several years through 3 different grad programs)
Note Taker
Limousine Chauffeur
Workstation specialist
Contributing Music Editor
Electronic Resource Coordinator
Research Assistant
Adjunct Faculty
Construction Manager
Design Assistant (currently)
Ph.D. student (starting August)

Jun 30, 05 3:55 pm  · 

last summe rI worked in a gas station in the middle of the ghetto. I think we sold more blunts than anything. hahaha, but naw it wasnt too awful bad. interesting people/conversations.

Jun 30, 05 4:30 pm  · 
el jeffe

worked in a video store in West LA that was heavily involved with the porno industry for about 4 months before getting fired because i think they could tell i thought the job was really a joke. 95% of the revenue came from 50% of the floor area (back half of the store was the porn section.) the floor plan was fantasically panoptic from the cash register and the experience was a freaky education in human sexuality (at least as it relates to shopping for porn.) i felt like i needed to take a shower after attending the summer company party at the owner's house in reseda (porn epicenter)...boogie nights simply isn't fictitious.

Jun 30, 05 5:46 pm  · 
le bossman

bagged groceries at a grocery store [high school]
worked for lake treatment company [sprayed chem's to kill exotic species - high school]
worked for an erector - 3 summers [undergrad]
flipped burgers at ski area - 5 winters [high school/undergrad]
drafting for a small architectural firm - summer internship
drafting for a small architectural firm - 1 year after graduation
architecture intern - huge engineering firm - 1 summer
trying to find new job...

Jun 30, 05 7:50 pm  · 
le bossman

oh yeah, worked in the wood shop of an art museum in grad school, and as a freelance model builder

Jun 30, 05 7:51 pm  · 

Ranch work (i.e. digging post holes)
Lawn Care
Temp work...sawmill cleanup crew
computer programmer for real estate org.
contruction/design assistant
Computer Lab Moniter in Art school
sawmill (green chain i.e. worst part)
concrete formwork foreman
warehouse worker (this was actually fun)
Hotel Night desk
Intern design/build
Target morning stocking
Freelance model building/rendering etc

as you can see I made great use of my brain in the last 5 years.. /sarcasm

I left out about half of the temp jobs I've done.
The trick is trying to apply whatever you do in any of these towards architecture. File away the experience for future design tools...If I ever have to design a hotel, I know the way it works....

Jun 30, 05 8:01 pm  · 

I've sold shoes to WOMEN that's right, it doesn't get worse than that, only for a bit though, It used to be men's shoes, men were totally fab, this job has made me hate my own kind. women are generally confused, indecisive, extremely demanding and inconsiderate when it comes to their shoe shopping. so thank god for architecture school!

Jun 30, 05 8:03 pm  · 

Damn, forgot that I also spent two summer working on a dude ranch. That was an awesome job, though.

Jun 30, 05 8:18 pm  · 
women are generally confused, indecisive, extremely demanding and inconsiderate

That sounds like something a male architecture student would say. :D

Jun 30, 05 9:07 pm  · 

hey, I said when it comes to shoe shopping

Jun 30, 05 10:14 pm  · 


In order:
Pet Sitter
Cherry orchards
Mowing lawns
Paving contractor
Experimental Greenhouse plant waterer
Greenhouse Pesticide Applicator
Lab Assistant
Blueprint operator
Bike assembler
Bike Mechanic
Exhibition Researcher
Graduate Assistant
Alleged graphic designer
Freelance writer
Licensed Architect
Ready to go back to bike mechanic.

Jul 1, 05 12:40 am  · 

worked at a huge country music festival called WE-fest. It was my job to work at a booth applying fake tattoos. no restrictions on placement.

Jul 1, 05 1:09 am  · 
el jeffe

"sorry, we're all out of number '3' tats"

Jul 1, 05 11:33 am  · 

el jeffe- like so?

Jul 1, 05 10:45 pm  · 

Worked at a University in the dormotory, cleaning the dishes after the punks ate. Fun.

Best off beat job I had was working for the census bureau in 1990. I made about $40 per hour for a month and made my own hours. I loved that job.

Jul 2, 05 3:39 pm  · 

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