
Urgent: please help ; "Kernel_data_inpage error etc..."



I need your urgent hellp to figure out how i can correct these computer errors. I will be informal as much as i can to explain my situation. To start: I have a toshiba satellite 1400-s151 laptop which is 2-3 years old. It never gave me a problem like this...UNTIL NOW. what it says on the blue screen is:


Then it says if it is the first time the this happens restart your computer

It also says that it could be due to bad installation of hardware and/or software. Ways to fix his is to disable Bios memory options such as caching or shadowing.
oxoooooo7a (0xc0201850, 0xc000000e, 0c042f3860, 0x80614cbb)
The after that it says Dumping Physical Memory.
and underneath that is says something like(didn't quite catch it sorry:(: atapi-sys-address F9788CA8 base at f9779000 datestamp....(didn't get the last part of the last line sorry:(

It doesn't show up this blue screen the second i turn it on. FIRST, it gave me this error screen after 5 hours, then it will restart and it will recover (after dumping physcial memory) and windows error report screen will show up and will say:
windows has recovered from serious error (on error report it will say: error signature: BCCode: 7a, BCP1:Co20B1850, BCP2: C000000E, BCP3:80614CBB, BCP4: 0D7A6860
OS ver:5_1_2600
SP:-2-0 Product:256-1
on error report contents from tech info click here:
-the following 2 files will be included in error report:
1. drive c:\Docume~1/Nabeel(user name)\LOCALS~\Temp\wer484.dir00/Mini06305-01.dmp
2. drive c:\Docume~1/Nabeel(user name)\LOCALS~\Temp\wer484.dir00/sysdata.xml

That was just the first time. After a couple of days it got worse by doing a couple of times more and showed me another error which is (not as often as the first):

same thing as the first error except it says now:
0X00000077 (0XC000000E, 0XC000000E, 0X0000000, 0X099FD000)

After these, it will show some of kerneldatainpageerror and one more kernelstackinput error. During that time (after 3 kerneldata and 1 kernalstack error), my laptop also starts to make clicking noise never heard before (as if it's writing/reading continuously even if I'm not accessing it) and just as it is doing that after a couple of time my computer will lags and freeze couple of second. After that, my computer just freezes (when the green light is constantly on for more then 10 seconds.) and gives one of the preceeding messages (mostly kerneldatainpageerror).

Therefore, I am afraid it will start to get worse and worse until it will delete every-single-valuable-things from my hard drive! However i am sure one of you kind beings can help me out before it start to do the-most-terrible-thing: delete my entire fuc*** hard drive. (can these two error possible of doing that?)

Before you suggest something know this:
I virus scanned but it found nothing. i also ran regcleaner, tweakregistercleaner but it didn't help either (although it found some stuff often left behind after uninstalling programs), and other spyware programs (ad-aware, spy doctor, search and destroy etc) and got rambooster but none of them seem to help. Therefore, that doesn't seem to be the problem at all. However..

I pinpoint the problem why did it all happened and I came down with 3 things (its only these anyway:)):
1. my first and main suspicion the whole thing started is when my the free download manger encountered a damn BUG. I uninstalled the program but it didn't help (also erased its registry history with regcleaner and tweakregcleaner)
2. I acidently set my externel hard drive one volume (have 3 volume in the external HD) as active, but i dont think that is the problem because i had it active for about a month and during that time it never gave me an error or any of that kind... (again until the download manger encountered a bug but not the problem with the hd just the error)
3. I downloaded 300 files (about 20 mb each) in less then 8 days (i was on trial so during that time i want to downloaded as much as i can so i won't get fully billed :)) and it was the first time in those 8 days i used my laptop 16 hours a day. However, again i also don't think thats the problem because i scanned all the files with the virus many times and spyware (the site also has a strict policy on spyware so they couldn't and din't have any, for that i am sure:))

Therefore, I really think its either the bug or the external hard one volume set on active acidently. Therefore, MY REQUEST to my dear member is: Can you please tell me how to fix the bug by what program that does it and how to undo the external hard drive volume as unactive because i don't use it all the time (just to backup files) and just turn it off when i am done. Also, any addition information will definitely help from any of you dear members. so please reply as soon as and as much as you can. I will really really appreciate it!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! (I will do the same to help you when ever i get the chance.) peace take care!

Jun 19, 05 5:38 pm
Luis Fraguada

you could always do a parallel instal to get in there and try to fix things, i.e. deactivate the external volume, poke around.

Jun 19, 05 5:44 pm  · 

TO wisof: can you tell me please how do u do a parallel install

Jun 19, 05 6:09 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada

install another version of the os without deleting the original, keep the file structure intact. It is one of the options while going through the install process. After windows detects the original os, go ahead and install where you have some free space on your hard drive WITHOUT formatting. Then you can try and fix things, but more importantly, you can BACKUP! Backup your work and other stuff on your hard drive in case you do have to format and reinstall.

Jun 19, 05 8:01 pm  · 

thanks for the advice it really really helps!! :) however, i just want a little bit more information which is:
what cd you put in to install the os (i have 3 toshiba recovery cd. one of them has the window xp home edition do u know which one? if not how do u find out)
Also, And also, just to let you know, i forgot to tell u that i got a black screen when i was having these problems which is:
PXE-E61: media test failure, check cable (i think i got this because i acidently made an external hard drive one volume as active, however it never gave me this screen when i first did that and that was a month ago).
Also, one more thing i just remembered now which is i scanned-only with a registry cleaner called repair registry pro and it found a lot of problems (more then 300 mostly file/path reference). therefore, should i buy it to fix it (is it important to do that? is this be the cause of the kernel message errors i am having?) or i should buy another registry cleaner that is better then this one (which one do u think i should get or should i get the one that finds the most problem in my computer?)

Jun 20, 05 1:06 am  · 

Reinstalling windows depends on how Toshiba does things. If the OS is loaded on a recovery CD you may be F*cked as most recovery CD require reformatting in order to run the OS install. If you have the Windows disk you can re-install without re-formatting and all your data will still be on your hard drive.

I would also suggest calling Toshiba's help desk as your first course of action. (800) 457-7777

Tell them what you were doing when you got the blue screen.

The black screen is most likely related to your external hard drive issue.

the error code according to smartcomputing has to do with faulty hardware or possibly a virus.

Jun 20, 05 2:24 am  · 

to architechdesk: thanks for the information. well that sucks are you sure that it will only reformat the os not reinstall it like the windows disc. when i call toshbia they want fuc*ing money to get my advice (besides i know better then those foreign speaking members that i have spoken to)

i think also the black screen is most likely related to your external hard drive issue. therefore can you tell me how do i fix this

Jun 20, 05 2:37 am  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

your hard disk is corrupt at best, dying at worst.

i suggest you get a linux bootable cd (knoppix or something) and backup the important stuff onto an external drive or similar; then format the drive and reinstall.

try the ars forums for technical advice:
because i'm no expert.

Jun 20, 05 3:00 am  · 

where do i get a linux bootalbe cd (it will work with a toshiba satellite window xp home edition laptop right?)

Jun 20, 05 3:13 am  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

hang on...

before you start with that: can you get windows to load at all?
can you access your external drive?
if so, forget trying to fix the problem by buying cleaners and tweakers:

1. the first thing to do is BACK UP your valuable files onto your external drive. Hunt around to make sure you got everything you would cry to lose, but don't bother trying to copy the whole hard drive. sometimes these problems start small and then spiral into the abyss. get your files out now while you still have a chance. unplug your external drive from your laptop

2. find the first recovery cd. put it in and restart. when it asks you what kind of fix you want, tell it to reinstall windows from scratch. you want to reformat the drive and put a clean copy of windows on. don't try to install over top of your existing installation.

3. when windows is reinstalled, the first thing you should do is run windows update and wait for it to finish.

4. connect your external drive, and copy your files back where you want them. for good measure, copy everything off your external drive and reformat it.

If you still have errors after a clean install, then its definitely a hardware issue. A linux cd is only necessary if you can't even get windows to start long enough to get your files off. It all smells seriously hardware to me.

Jun 20, 05 4:09 am  · 

okay thanks for the information. i can't get windows to load at all it just shows the black screen which is:
pxE-e61:media test failure, check cable

and about the external hard drive volume which i set up as active is now corrupted and unreadable (other partitions orvolumes on the external hd is fine)! so what should i do know! i don't know what to do now because not only i have to back up the files from laptop to the external hd but also the volume that is corrupted to another volume of the external hd. so i want to know can i back up or send the files from the corrupted volume to another place in the external hard drive because i have 200 files save their.

Jun 20, 05 4:33 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

you need help from a real person who can access your machine, not internet help.

Jun 20, 05 5:03 pm  · 

okay thanks for all the help i will do first all the things everyone of u recommended (if it will do that). if that does't solve the problem i just have to buy new hd or get real help. what i just like to know is do u know any article (i can't find any) that say about why does laptop makes loud notcable click noises (like trying to access the hd) never heard before?

Jun 20, 05 5:24 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

thats why i think your HDD is busted

Jun 20, 05 7:30 pm  · 

your right it is (called toshiba to confirmed it) therefore can you tell me how can i still back up the file if it does't let me in safe mode? and if it does, should i save on the same external hd (btw, the one volume that was active is now corrupted and unreadable which sucks!) but diffferen't volumes that are fine and not corrupted or anothe external hd?

Jun 21, 05 2:12 am  · 
vado retro

brad pitt

Jun 21, 05 7:04 am  · 

to vado retro: thats not funny this is serios matter so please don't joke around and let me know wha ti have to do (the request i stated above

Jun 21, 05 5:47 pm  · 

tom cuise3230, you answered your own question above--maybe you should seek real help? It's only so useful for people to try and troubleshoot a computer they can't see.

Jun 21, 05 5:51 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

snjr is right. you need to take your computer to a good repair shop, and explain the situation. we can't help from here, and I'm worried that if you keep fiddling you're going to make things worse.

if you don't have the expertise to fix the problem, then you need to pay someone who does. possibly brad pitt.

Jun 21, 05 9:29 pm  · 

okay i understand your trying to help and ur right i should do that for my laptop. however i know i can fix the external hd corrupted volulme, unfortunetly i told u accidently the wrong error message windox xp was giving me. the correct one is:
this drive is not accessible
the drive STRUCTURE is corrupted or unreadable.
if its not the same thing can u tell me ho wi can fix it with othe methods if thats what i have to do?

Jun 22, 05 2:35 am  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

connect it to another computer and see what happens.

you may just have to reformat (possibly the partition, or if that doesn't work, the whole drive).

seriously, take it to a repair shop.
that's all the advice I have.

Jun 22, 05 3:22 am  · 

just one last question please: if i reformat the corrupted volume will it not delete the files in it?

Jun 22, 05 6:37 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada

formatting will delete the files on the volume. Technically they will still be "available." To access files after formatting a volume is very costly and sometimes impossible.

Jun 22, 05 6:48 pm  · 

then i will definetly will not do that because i need that data and dont want to spend much! i just forgot to ask u that can i hook up the external bad hd one corrupted volume to a good laptop and connect another brand new external hd and send the data from the 1st external hd good volumes (that are not corrupted to the other external hd simultaneously? (or i have to put the data from the 1stexternal hd to the laptop and then send that data from the laptop to the 2nd external drive

Jun 23, 05 2:14 am  · 

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