
The quintessential architectural accessories


what do you reckon? there is a firm of architects here in Ireland who all have a penchant for these bags

any one else got a favorite bag or other item which they might considder or that they have observed an unsual trend among fellow architects for a particular love of an item which could be considdered he quintessential architectural/architects accessorie?

Jun 13, 05 7:08 pm

Are they building anything?

Jun 13, 05 8:31 pm  · 


Jun 14, 05 12:23 am  · 

tegretol, clonazepam, fluanxol

Jun 14, 05 1:02 am  · 

chissandra & ciclobenzaprim

Jun 14, 05 1:19 am  · 


Jun 14, 05 2:37 am  · 

tey are building stuff- good stuff at that
also featured in 10x10_2

Jun 14, 05 6:55 am  · 

thanks for the link, fergus...great work there by boyd cody.

as for an accessory...this is kind of like the 'dress emo' game of a few years back...hmmm...i'd have to say dark frame metal or plastic rimmed glasses...either obnoxiously round or quite square.

Architects are also most often the ones in their clique always armed with a writing utensil...and a cool one at that....Rotring, anyone?

Jun 14, 05 4:40 pm  · 

Sanford Uni-Ball micro.

Jun 14, 05 4:48 pm  · 

YES, driftwood!!!

these things used to be everywhere, the only thing my office ordered. now, a couple of year later, i have to search them out because they've been pushed off the shelf for the new curvy, cushion-grip models. now i'm buying 'em by the case.

Jun 14, 05 4:51 pm  · 

It's the greatest writing utensil ever known to man. I buy in bulk as well.

Jun 14, 05 5:04 pm  · 
Jun 14, 05 5:08 pm  · 

the Sign pen...

fat lines, thin lines...its perfect!

Jun 14, 05 5:11 pm  · 

anyone remember that cool wallet that someone posted here?

Jun 14, 05 5:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

Cool glasses are passe, everyone is wearing them these days, my lawyer client wears a cooler pair than I do for chrissake.

My favorite accessory that screams "architect" is a roll of drawings. I just carry them around with me everywhere I go.

Jun 14, 05 5:56 pm  · 

liberty bell...ah the Matt Dillon architect role in 'something about mary'.

Jun 14, 05 6:09 pm  · 
vado retro

i always carry a roll as well. i like to roll them out at the local cafe and act like i am being creative.

Jun 14, 05 6:11 pm  · 

Individual designs - Nice!

Jun 14, 05 6:30 pm  · 

fav bag? jack spade has the greene street and warren street messenger bags. my personal fav is the green street day bag. not too big. not too small. fits a powerbook and a few choice magazines, as well as a cell and ipod.
nordstrom i'm sure you don't have to go shopping at quite such a horrible store as nordstrom, but the jack spade website is slow and only shows it in red?

Jun 14, 05 6:34 pm  · 
Jun 14, 05 10:26 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada
Freitag bags made from recycled freight truck tarpaulins

all bags are different, and can be custom cut. there is a web interface to cut your own bag from available tarpaulins . . .

Jun 14, 05 10:45 pm  · 

Heh... "Sucking some data..."

Jun 15, 05 1:44 am  · 

i'm with mickmack, the sign pen is my favorite disposable writing instrument...

i have also been considering picking up one of the greene street bags mentioned above.

my most valued bit of kit is my sunglasses though. i love walking into a meeting full of stodgy old rich people with my shades on.

Jun 15, 05 9:28 am  · 

anyone know where to cool tubes, I realy liked the old fashoned oned with leather in the outsude that have a button fastening when I was in helsinki a few years ago Aaltos office had a good few lying around and the academic bookshop sold them downstairs but they were about 125euro each. I had some friends that had nice white plastic ones but the shop in dublin (where I'm studdying) stoped selling them! and my own well there was that little mishap it had while I was cycling in for a crit one day and the strap broke. All I could do was look around and watch in disbelief as a large articulated lorry ran over my tube with my presentation drawings in it!
any one know a web site that sells cool drawing tubes?

Jun 15, 05 12:53 pm  · 

I heard leibskind now only wears cowboy boots!? something to do with a simbol of america a pioneering spirit and freedom or some other shite apparently

Jun 15, 05 1:01 pm  · 

the "home" accessory.

Jun 15, 05 1:40 pm  · 

fergus, but the question is...are those boot adorned with 1776 silver studs?....magic numbers after all.

Jun 15, 05 1:52 pm  · 

I know two young architects that started a practice that carry rotring fountains - in black. I wanted to be an associate just for that. Damn came here instead

Jul 11, 05 9:56 pm  · 

how bout a driftboat, fish anyone?

Jul 11, 05 10:23 pm  · 

a nice crevat?

Jul 12, 05 5:26 am  · 

a nicely silenced AK47 for those clients meetings. you can also go postal with it when you don't get selected for the 157th competition you took part in.

frat dude with 2 pair of goggles not included

Jul 12, 05 5:38 am  · 

is that you, Richard?

Jul 12, 05 7:44 am  · 
David Cuthbert

I'm afraid - very afraid

Jul 12, 05 8:19 am  · 

nah, is not me. that's my buddy holding up my "missunderstanding-solving" machine

Jul 12, 05 8:29 am  · 

jokes aside, i just thought that anyone holding a gun and pulling that face should be wrapped in gaffer tape and thrown off a cliff. think about it...

Jul 12, 05 8:31 am  · 

My last design studio teacher caught on and got himself a pair of these!

Jul 12, 05 12:14 pm  · 

I can't believe this hasn't been mentioned.

Jul 12, 05 3:54 pm  · 


Jul 12, 05 4:03 pm  · 

1967 Porsche 911

Jul 12, 05 4:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

Our architecture school studio "four food groups" were coffee, beer, aspirin, and anything-that-comes-wrapped-in-plastic.

Of course now the government has the food pyramid, not the four food groups, so who knows.

Jul 12, 05 4:40 pm  · 

hmm no rum?

Jul 12, 05 7:19 pm  · 

A nice STAEDTLER® Mars® technico 780 C and a healthy dose of self-superiority.

Jul 12, 05 7:29 pm  · 

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