
from our Savior...with love!


Dear Friends,

I have started this thread to bring Christ to Archinect. i have been doing some reading here and i am more than a little bit appalled by the level of hedonism taking place and i am concerned for both you and our profession. Threads with vulgar titles like "Bitchin' headphones" or "Mies on sex" are not really necessary and i am offended and disappointed by them. And the following sample from the "Hi all you fancy graphics lovers" thread is but a small indication of the weakness of the human soul:

"What a sad site this is, the only fun is fagot dirt , architecture made into the art of shit ,the tread showed what filth you replaced for beauty , the heaven for the class bully , fagot fagot fagot useles sadass who only find joy in doing the only skill you master, fake names criminal minds , you realy got architecture rocking fagot ..."

I am not mad at any of you...just diappointed. But I think that if we open the discussion up to more enlightening topics, then Jesus will forgive you to! So let's hear it, has anybody done anything positive or uplifting today? Anybody go to church? Better yet, is anybody builiding a church? That might a good start for architects to demonstrate their service to Jesus.

With Love!


May 24, 05 9:35 pm


May 24, 05 9:45 pm  · 
for rent


May 24, 05 9:58 pm  · 

at least this will supersede the lexicon of archi-speak with the lexicon of religiosity. discussing enlightened topics brings salvation eh ? cleanse thineself by cutting blue foam archi-heathens. (!)


May 24, 05 9:58 pm  · 

fancy graphic lovers, repent! You have a rival. . .

May 24, 05 10:00 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

fancy graphic lovers will take refuge in their diagonal gridded 3d honeycombed spider holes and launch insurgent attacks!

May 24, 05 10:03 pm  · 

Can I lead my own cell? I want to have my own cell! I've got GREAT access to super tankers!

I'm less worried about Jesus forgiving me for my sins than I am Satan...

I hear that dude can be a real bitch.

May 24, 05 10:09 pm  · 

when the church starts treating women and homosexuals as equals and stops protecting priests who rape little boys and those who have protected those who have raped little boys, maybe then i will consider going to church.

May 24, 05 10:15 pm  · 

WWJD? he'd ban your freakin' ass, you self-righteous troll for being a stupid prick in the guise of goodness.

go play religion, the real Higher Power prefers spirituality.

and i liked the title "bitchin' headphones".

May 24, 05 10:16 pm  · 

sir, i like Jesus, i know Jesus, Jesus is a friend of mine and sir, you are no Jesus...

May 24, 05 10:22 pm  · 


"Nobody fucks wit da Jesus!"

May 24, 05 10:22 pm  · 

he told me to take any rug in the place. . .

May 24, 05 10:28 pm  · 


I like hedonism. It is inductive to creativity...

and in any case, and TRUE GRATIFICATION in life is INSTANT, otherwise it's a compromise!

down with sanctimonious pedants! i pity anyone who is too involved in an essentially RANDOM system of beliefs to actually enjoy his/her life. BE GRATEFUL for your life, you idiot! Show your gratitude for your existence by SAVOURING EVERY BLISSFUL SECOND, not bitching about others loving their life!!!

May 24, 05 10:31 pm  · 

But really, I'll contribute something uplifting:
brick testament

May 24, 05 10:35 pm  · 

betadinesutures. . .amen

evangelical bunny, i respect what you say and what your intentions are.

jesus does forgive us no matter what we do. . he doesn't decide whether to forgive us or not. . he already has.

e, the problem with those who don't have a lot of familiarity with the bible is the fact that the bible has been misinterpreted and thought to attack against homosexuals and women.

the bible does condemn the sin of homosexuality but it does not condemn the person. in fact, the bible talks of loving homosexuals as much as anyone else because God loves them as much as heterosexuals. Thus, the bible does not discriminate against homosexuals. We are taught not to condemn them, criticize them, or ignore them. We are to invite them as brothers of Christ. So i don't know how you view the Bible condescending to homosexuals. No doubt there are "christian" institutions that might view them as inequals but this is due to human sin and not of Christian doctrine .. . and this is rare. just wanted to clear that up.

as for alleged notions of discrimination against women, you must look into the context of the Bible in which the book was written in. The bible talks of traditions reflected at the age it was written in, where women were not as privileged. (even an article on slavery was written up because slavery at that time was common, although the bible never endorses slavery but accepts the tradition at the time it was written) However, the bible strongly leans towards the equality of women. In fact at that time, the Bible held an extremely liberal viewpoint of protecting women in the ages in which sexism was dominant.

Keep in mind, the bible is written so that not only does it fit into the context of our age, but to all people who read it in different times.

The importance behind the man/woman role in the Bible does not simply lie in this context. You also have to look at a greater aspect of what the Bible says. In the Bible, it says that men have no right to silence women. In addition, the Bible orders men to love their wives with all their hearts, so much as to sacrifice themselves and to let them do what they want to do. It is beautiful in this way because sacrifice is what brings couples together. . .it is of this compassion being demonstrated by both sides of sexes that unifies the human race together in peace.

i think you might be relating to the Catholic faith. . as of the Christian faith, i do not see churches being discriminating to women.

May 24, 05 10:45 pm  · 


can we just stop this thread? it's really an unhealthy debate for both sides of this!

May 24, 05 10:59 pm  · 

Dear Friends,

Although no one has admitted going to church today or designing a church today, I am very pleased with the popularity this thread given its many responses so far...and in just a couple of hours!

I can sense that some of you are already beginning to have second thougthts about your own actions and that is wonderful. I suppose that it was a bit too ambitious for me to hope that any of you had been at church today given that it is a tuesday and all. But for me, it feels like everyday is Sunday! Thankfully so much of the most beautiful architecture has been built for us to spend time in with the Lord and share His love.

Admittedly, I do not have time myself to respond to all of your arguments. Frankly, I have dedicated myself to bringing Christ to the many discussions on the internet and their are many of them! Some of which are much worse than this one (but don't let that go to your head.) Even so, I wiil be checking up on you every now and then...and remember Christ is always watching. You can deal with him in your own time and on you own terms or he will deal with you on his time and in his is your soul that will be at stake on judgement day.

As I said, this is just a start. I'm going to bed now so I can get up early and continue another long day of spreading encouragement...I reckon that you should do the same.

With Love!


May 24, 05 11:31 pm  · 
vado retro

and sure as shit don't roll on shomershabbas!!!

May 24, 05 11:44 pm  · 
vado retro

i've worked on several churches and i am a devout athiest go figure

May 24, 05 11:48 pm  · 

And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.

And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.

And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

Genesis 11:1-9

May 24, 05 11:54 pm  · 

evangelicalbunny - just like to point out that if "christ" is always waiting, then he'll be there when I'm dead and it's time for me to deal with that stuff. Until then, I'd really appreciate it if you'd fuck off.

Here's hoping you see Him before I do!

May 24, 05 11:59 pm  · 

bunny, you paint such a bad and false picture of christians.

May 25, 05 12:03 am  · 

and yeah i agree with lizok. .

as what the chinese say. . .

sacrifice for the sake of peace

May 25, 05 12:03 am  · 

Mmmm... Sake....

May 25, 05 12:27 am  · 

justin, what the f)(*)(* was that all about?

May 25, 05 12:38 am  · 

Am I the only one not taking this seriously?

May 25, 05 12:57 am  · 

architects are a naturally serious breed !!!

May 25, 05 1:02 am  · 


you must be kidding. say what you will about what the bible says. i never brought up the bible. i only speak of the church and those that run it and call the shots.

the majority of priests of the day and their flock discriminate against women and homosexuals.

the papalcy condons homosexuallity while protecting their own who have raped young boys. that is a religion i wish not to practice.

May 25, 05 1:07 am  · 


just say no to Jesus

May 25, 05 1:09 am  · 

Seriously, Fuck Jesus !

May 25, 05 1:12 am  · 
architects are a naturally serious breed !!!

But this is the inter-web!

May 25, 05 1:26 am  · 
May 25, 05 1:38 am  · 

hey evangelical why don't you go suck a dick with your jesus nonsense. oh and have a nice day.

May 25, 05 1:56 am  · 

this is the funniest thread i've read in a very long time. i'm with driftwood on this one - e.bunny is just yanking the chain. i hope no one is taking any of this too seriously...

May 25, 05 8:10 am  · 

too much religion leads to mental disintegration. Perhaps if you went to Cambridge Univ. and studied Hume & Kant & G.E. Moore you would be cured of your sentimental Jesus-love. That having been said, I must confess that I do go to church every Sunday, just in case the philosophers have got it all wrong... It is very mischievous if e.bunny is just yanking the chain.

May 25, 05 9:48 am  · 
Luis Fraguada

trigirl, thanks for posting that story of the tower of Babel from Genesis. Have you read City of Glass by Paul Austere?

Personally, I have always thought the story of the Tower of Babel was one reason to NOT be a Christian. I mean here are people, united, strong. They might be united for different reasons, but united nonetheless. Then these people get the idea to get closer to god. Is this too close? God got pissed off! Why would god want division? Why would god divide? Why does religion divide us so?

I was raised Catholic in Puerto Rico. But they did not teach about indulgances and how corrupt the church was during the dark ages. How many churches were paid for by dirty money?

And on another note: Benny Hinn

If anyone has a chance, please watch his online videos of his "crusades." He "annoints" people. I thought Jesus was the only "annointed" one. This guy is insane and should be stopped!

Why is it that TBN, the Trinity Briadcasting Network comes in PERFECTLY CLEAR even when my TV is not hooked up to any antennas or cable? Seriously, this channel comes in crystal clear, but PBS, and other channels are just fuzz. Anyhow, it is one of my biggest sources for entertainment. Between Benny Hinn's fake ass healings, and the rest of the women on that channel with 3 ft hairdoos and 20lbs of makeup, what else do you need?

sorry, I am done now.

May 25, 05 10:47 am  · 
Ms Beary
May 25, 05 10:50 am  · 

why all the fuss over a dead carpenter?
(and no - i'm not talking about karen.)

May 25, 05 10:52 am  · 

ok, ok. who started the new screen name?

May 25, 05 10:59 am  · 
Luis Fraguada

some stats from the AA site:

AA Chair Result

The Search Committee is pleased to announce the results of the Election for AA Chair. For the first time in its history, 84.5% of the electorate have participated.

Brett Steele has been elected as the new Chair, having achieved 57.4% of the votes.
Number of voting papers distributed: 654
Number of votes cast in total: 553 (84.56%)
Number of votes found to be invalid (blank/spoilt): 4 (0.73%)
Thus, total number of valid votes to be counted: 549 (83.94%)
Number of votes cast at the polling station: 394 (71.77%)
Number of votes cast over the telephone: 159

The Search Committee would like to thank the entire Community for its active participation.
AA Search Committee

May 25, 05 11:33 am  · 
Luis Fraguada

oh crap so sorry, how did I . . . what! . . .huh!?!? sorry . . .

uhm, Michaelangelo used his relatives as inspiration for the Sistine Chapel . . .??

why can't we delete posts . . . WHYYY!!!

May 25, 05 11:34 am  · 


May 25, 05 11:45 am  · 

eb: really cute.. most people think you are mad, but being freed from opinions of others is pretty nice..

johndevlin: i pity the "intelligent" people who spend their time sharpening their wits and their brains just to do damage to others. its no different then a brute who hones his blade to destroy others to be an alpha-male.

wisof: is pride in self a good thing?

lizok: you mean to say: "lets eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!"

please don't judge Christ based on headlines and stereotypes, and definitely not TBN.
we believe what we want to, so there is no excuse.

May 25, 05 11:57 am  · 

pasha always likes to say that there is 'no excuse' for not believing what he/she believes.

pasha, whether its religion or traditional architecture, no excuse needed - some of us will disagree simply because we disagree. my mythology is as good as yours.

May 25, 05 12:28 pm  · 

1. evangelicalbunny is my favorite fakeusername.
2. let's avoid stereotypes.
3. i went to school with lots of mormons.
4. very few people in my office regularly attend services.
5. i'm agnostic, but go to services at the episcopalian joint sometimes.

May 25, 05 12:42 pm  · 

I had no idea this was going on. Very amusing in what has so far been a very unfortunate day for me.

Listen, all jokes aside, I'm really aggravate when people stand in judgement of other people. If "eb" is in any way serious.....and I know people who would do this and they freak me out just as much as eb does making a stupid thread name like "bitchin headphones" make us bad people? Or saying stupid stuff on a basically anonymous web site?

Ironically the only "person" that can really judge us, is God, if God exists.

May 25, 05 1:33 pm  · 

this thread is a nuisance. Religion, like alcohol, turns wise men into fools...
Pasha: it was done to me 25 years ago, and I am a stronger person for it. Nothing like a good old-fashioned nervous breakdown to clear the mind of such a lot of nonsense- including religion. (as long as you don't commit suicide!) The truth (if there is such a thing) must be SIMPLER than Christianity: maybe some basic, ancient architectural classical formula is the truth... Who knows? So much Christianity so bizarre: even though I go to church. I wish I cd. be free of it all: it is an opiate, and I am addicted.

May 25, 05 1:38 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

I've got my spider hole outfitted with a nice eames lounge chair and groovy flat panel LCD screens. also my nice sub-zero and my copy of Vitriuvius. He will protect me and I will banish the infidels from my holy land of Archinect. The arrogance of their leader, evangelicalbunny, is an insult to all the believers of the world. Lines have been drawn in the sand. The cells are being activated.

Previously on Archinect....

*beeping noises*

Emotionally Fragile Tech: We think the man responsible for tonight's attacks is none other than Per Correll, leader of the Fancy Graphic Lover's Army.

Washington-type J. Edgar: What's our best assessment of the situation?

Emotionally Fragile Tech: I'm trying to get the GIS-satellite uplink rendered but it'll take some time.

Washington-type J. Edgar: Dammit! We don't have that kind of time!

*more beeping noises*

The following takes place between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM.

May 25, 05 1:46 pm  · 


most entertaining thread ive seen in a while.
religious zealots never fail to amuse me. anyone that claims to know the truth is clearly crazy.

May 25, 05 3:29 pm  · 

The truth is.....

I'm Per Correll.

May 25, 05 3:45 pm  · 

there's a little bit of Per in all of us.

May 25, 05 3:55 pm  · 

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