
International Competitions in the USA


"International" Competitions in the USA are vile farces to windowdress competions to be fair while propagating American hegemony. Just look at Buzzards Bay as an example: Harvard, UCLA jury panel awards "prizes" to network buddies. What is international about a competition if there is no international jury member and out of 155 entries there is not one winner outside of the USA? The whole thing is a disgusting joke! Another apalling manifestation of American imperialism.

May 5, 05 2:47 pm
plexus 1

wow........feeling better now?

May 5, 05 2:48 pm  · 

well, at least I have an audience. i learned venting in America anyhow. I just do not get how hypocritical this country has become ( or has always been?). just read the article on wal-mart in today's new york times. It f_cking pisses me off to see how people are duped into settling on being paid nothing and pretend to be happy at the same time.
If you want an all-american beauty contest than don't dupe the whole world into thinking that they have a chance at winning.

May 5, 05 3:03 pm  · 

oh my... so "asuehtkcuf".. how'd you do?

May 5, 05 3:03 pm  · 

perhaps we could see your entry, since you seem slighted that you didnt win or place.

May 5, 05 3:04 pm  · 

well, what is your opinion? don't worry about me... I am just having a stroke while contemplating the state of the Union...

May 5, 05 3:05 pm  · 

what are you talking about? i did not even enter. I have just come across far too many examples of pretending to be open to other cultures while in reality excluding them from our lives.
and give me a break. don't tell me that someone from the Netherlands would not kick ass in a landscape architecture competition.

May 5, 05 3:09 pm  · 

I'm not sure I would call the winners "network" buddies, I've never heard of them. Are the boards on the website, I didn't see them? You should probably hold off on venting until you have seen the entries. When they are available, vent all you want.

May 5, 05 3:10 pm  · 

ill tell you that someone from the netherlands would not kick ass in a landscape competition. in fact i gaurantee that there are lousy designers in the netherlands.

May 5, 05 3:44 pm  · 

hmmmmmm, have you heard of WEST8?

May 5, 05 3:58 pm  · 


But not everyone in the netherlands is west8.

May 5, 05 4:04 pm  · 

You're right, but do you honestly believe that an international competition is exclusively dominated by US designers? It's happened all too often to be plausible... Unless, of course, you attend(ed) to Harvard and the head of the jury happens to be the head of the architecture department...
I am not trying to castigate US designers, but it seems unbelievable that they win 100% of the prizes. This feels like Oscar's Night to me...

May 5, 05 4:12 pm  · 

It's funny, because there's people bragging for the same reason on the forum of domusweb about the domus illy competition. They find it strange that there are many italians on the selected project. Why? because it's an Italian competition and half of the entries where Italian's. It's probably the same for every competition everywhere. If a project is astoundishly good, it can bypass this habit, but in most 'open' competitions I've seen or entered, it's usually that way (not completely anonymous in the end). One of the reasons is that it's easier to deal with a local architect when the reality enters the scene.You should be aware of that on any competition you enter.

May 5, 05 4:13 pm  · 

point well taken, but in case of an ideas competition reality is irrelevant. riba in england does an astoundingly democratic competition evaluation. when you pick the judges you have already picked the winners, haven't you?

May 5, 05 4:20 pm  · 

100 % US is not democratic, it is totalitarian (on that topic consult Hannah Arendt).

May 5, 05 4:22 pm  · 

Check it out Ya'll!!

May 5, 05 4:30 pm  · 

"You should probably hold off on venting until you have seen the entries. When they are available, vent all you want."

I think Charbroil pretty much hit the nail on the head. Maybe the entries that won were absolutely amazing and blew the others out of the water. Maybe west8 didn't enter. Maybe the judges were biased. Wait until you see the results until you start the venting process. Venting is fine, but you don't really have the proof to justify it at this point.

May 5, 05 4:33 pm  · 

totally true!!! but who's venting? I did not even enter. I'm a local fisherman at Cape Cod with Portuguese ancestry and was a bit dismayed at the results after reading the local paper which talked so much about international entries from China to Bolivia. perhaps even Portugal could have entered. But, of course, Harvard is not at Lisbon...

May 5, 05 4:40 pm  · 

Americans are way way better designers than any foreigner. As a matter of fact, Americans are better people. So, there you have it.

May 5, 05 4:46 pm  · 

"well, at least I have an audience. i learned venting in America anyhow"

it was my understanding from your comment that you were venting...

side note: where abouts on the Cape? I've spent many a summer in Eastham/Orleans on the bay side.

May 5, 05 4:47 pm  · 

To Harold:
I am an American. i don't think I am better than others. I am a better speller than you are.
Are there better Americans than the Americans who are better?

And to Pixel: I'm from the Ape of the cAPE

May 5, 05 5:03 pm  · 

Harold: Smarter American than others who are not American.
Read my screen name backwards and apply it!

May 5, 05 5:04 pm  · 

Pixel: You are an astute hermeneute. But since I am an American I am full of contradictions
Respect life vs. Bring them On muttered under the same Bush

May 5, 05 5:07 pm  · 

asuehtkcuf = fucktheusa

you are cute. now shut the fuck up. thats my opinion.

May 5, 05 5:13 pm  · 

America your head's too big, Because America, Your belly's too big
And I love you, I just wish you'd stay where you is

In America, The land of the free, they said,
And of opportunity, In a just and a truthful way
But where the president, Is never black, female or gay, And until that day
You've got nothing to say to me, To help me believe

In America, It brought you the hamburger,
Well America you know where, You can shove your hamburger
And don't you wonder, Why in Estonia they say, Hey you, Big fat pig
You fat pig, You fat pig

Steely Blue eyes with no love in them, Scan The World,
And a humourless smile, With no warmth within, Greets the world
And I, I have got nothing, To offer you
Just this heart deep and true, Which you say you don't need

See with your eyes, Touch with your hands, please,
Hear through your ears, Know in your soul, please
For haven't you me with you now?
And I love you, I love you, I love you, And I love you, I love you, I love you

May 5, 05 5:17 pm  · 

that's not very nice to say. So bluntly. why don't you just join the army and learn some manners in the desert.

May 5, 05 5:17 pm  · 

If you walk away, I’ll walk away
First tell me which road you will take
I don’t want to risk our paths crossing some day
So you walk that way, I’ll walk this way

And the future hangs over our heads
And it moves with each current event
Until it falls all around like a cold steady rain
Just stay in when it’s looking this way

And the moon’s laying low in the sky
Forcing everything metal to shine
And the sidewalk holds diamonds like the jewelry store case
They argue walk this way, now walk this way

And Laura’s asleep in my bed
As I’m leaving she wakes up and says
“I dreamed you were carried away on the crest of a wave
Baby don’t go away, come here”

And there’s kids playing guns in the street
And ones pointing his tree branch at me
So I put my hands up I say “enough is enough,
If you walk away, I’ll walk away”
And he shot me dead

I found a liquid cure
From my landlocked blues
It’ll pass away like a slow parade
It’s leaving but I don’t know how soon

And the world’s got me dizzy again
You think after 22 years I’d be used to the spin
And it only feels worse when I stay in one place
So I’m always pacing around or walking away
I keep drinking the ink from my pen
And I’m balancing history books up on my head
But it all boils down to one quotable phrase
If you love something, give it away

A good woman will pick you apart
A box full of suggestions for your possible heart
But you may be offended and you may be afraid
But don’t walk away, don’t walk away

We made love on the living room floor
With the noise in background of a televised war
And in the deafening pleasure I thought I heard someone say
“If we walk away, they’ll walk away”

But greed is a bottomless pit
And our freedom’s a joke
We’re just taking a piss
And the whole world must watch the sad comic display
If you’re still free start running away
Cause we’re coming for you!

I’ve grown tired of holding this post
I feel more like a stranger each time I come home
So I’m making a deal with the devils of faith
Saying “let me walk away, please”
You’ll be free child once you have died
From the shackles of language and immeasurable time
And then we can trade places, play musical grace
Till then walk away, walk away

So I’m up at dawn
Putting on my shoes
I just want to make a clean escape
I’m leaving but I don’t know where to
I know I’m leaving but I don’t know where to

May 5, 05 5:18 pm  · 

huzzah for Morrisey!

May 5, 05 5:18 pm  · 

according to Plato, it is people with opinions (doxa) who destroy our world. ain't that true sweet Atlanta honey

May 5, 05 5:20 pm  · 

the bottom line is: we live in a pretty dark CAVE, especially in the Cape. I don't give a shit about Buzzards Bay anyhow. It was a fix like in the Bundesliga (German Football League for uninformed "better" Americans).

May 5, 05 5:24 pm  · 

and fat Germans with beer bellies and Gestapo grandfathers can design too!!! Where is Simon Wiesenthal???

May 5, 05 5:26 pm  · 
May 5, 05 5:45 pm  · 

stupid american i am... how do you post images...

and yes, i've read the required code to post an image...

May 5, 05 5:46 pm  · 

well, i would say you have a mighty strong opinion on the usa, so i wouldn't bring that particular plato reference into this one if i were you.

if its truly your opinion on the usa, why are you here?

May 5, 05 5:46 pm  · 

hey, fucktheusa.

its international. which means people from all over can enter.
that doesnt mean there will automatically be a perfect balance of entrants.

most international open ideas competitions are won by the local people, because they usually make up 90+% of the entries.

go ask why koreans usually win all the awards for korean international open competitions, or mexicans win the mexico ones, or japan the japanese ones, or italiens, the italy ones..

stop being such a prick.

May 5, 05 5:49 pm  · 

what is here, anyhow?
opinion, it is not. It is reality
try to elevate from your texas style thinking - if not you end up designing the Iraqi war memorial at the bequest of the "Big" GW - but I suppose you would take that to be the very cosummation of your miserable Cave career

May 5, 05 5:54 pm  · 

sounds like the propaganda machine is glistening with lubrication - i suppose you made yourself ready for the prick to enter

May 5, 05 5:57 pm  · 

god, love to stay away from the 'nect for a day, and see that still a good name calling thread can evolve without me pissing someone off to do it!!

May 5, 05 5:59 pm  · 

there are a lot of caring people here asshole.
and yes, it is an opinion.
you know nothing of my "texas style" thinking, because if you did, you wouldn't have said it. i also find it funny that you immediatley go to my profile and start to condemn anything that is on there? will you be taking pot shots at my school next? i can't remember what is on there. i'll be sure to update it to reflect my opinion of you if you would like, i'll even put my brother sister and mothers name on there if you would like to bash them next.

oh, and to repeat, why are you still here?

May 5, 05 6:07 pm  · 

TED, we missed you buddy, now take over, I'm going to bed. it's past midnight in my universe. "Veni, vidi, vici"

May 5, 05 6:07 pm  · 

losing your momentum...
you could be designing the next iraqi war cemetery. my suggestion: include yourself in the design. Six Feet Under.

May 5, 05 6:12 pm  · 

i repeat, why are you still here? aparently you can't answer a simple question.

May 5, 05 6:13 pm  · 

good night momentum

May 5, 05 6:21 pm  · 

howd you conquer? seems like you just vented a lot and then quit.

May 5, 05 6:23 pm  · 

momentum, aren't you supposed to be designing some bathroom stalls for some Texas cheerleading squad?

May 5, 05 6:24 pm  · 

i quit because I came - you know me the prick you called me

May 5, 05 6:26 pm  · 

we leave that for the GSD grads.

May 5, 05 6:27 pm  · 

well at least in some hollywood movies (can't remember the names) the presidents r black. but never seen female.

May 5, 05 6:30 pm  · 

why would i be designing bathrooms for a texas cheerleading squad? i am in atlanta? you read that already though, so i thought you would know that. obviously you relate all texans to george bush, or some other opinions of texas you have, or you wouldn't harp on it so much. you have no clue who i am or if i even like texas (which i do (more fuel for you by the way)). oh, and once again i may point out your reference to plato, which apparently doesn't apply to you.

and since you can't answer my question, please do go to sleep. thats obviously what you do after you come. satisfy yourself and roll over.

May 5, 05 6:36 pm  · 

its funny, momentum calls usa's hand, and usa explodes...

so in the end, fucktheusa is behaving in the exact way in which he despises. how cute.

May 5, 05 7:09 pm  · 

but really, why do people get into shabby competitions... or even, why we, as a profession, follow this model, then frustrate and complain... and than do it all over again...

May 6, 05 10:26 pm  · 

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