
ideal academic project?


if you were given no restrictions on site, program, anything.....what would be your ideal project (Academic of course)?

May 5, 05 3:45 am
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

design the best architecture ever.

May 5, 05 3:56 am  · 

anything with a mixed program, the more far apart the better:

church/massage parlour

cemetery/amusement park


May 5, 05 6:45 am  · 

mortuary/crematorium/funeral home and a fast food restaurant

May 5, 05 7:04 am  · 

residence for a taxidermist

and a residence for an orthopedic surgeon with aspirations to be neuro-psychologist, his passion for architecture being a primary motivation.

May 5, 05 7:08 am  · 
Per Corell

Beta I hope you understand why I ask what you mean with "academic", do this mean that the aproach for a home for the homeless project would be, to let them just get a home with waht is avaible in terms of materials and technikes , and there are no issue in bringing up the education and progress issues, -- just another lame slum temple and then that task is over , is it enough academic just to build the same old tumble under the exchouse that this is very visionary as dirt is clean and using scrap vaste make no further polution --- Well I could easy make this a glorious academic thing on paper, but shuldn't "academic" be used for something with progress, such as somthing that will make the new jobs ?
Now when that is said, I see no reson to make an architectural thing just to be able to write it down in papers and make arts into just words, doing a project such as develobing the simplest and to build anywhere project must involve both practic and theoretics, othervise as you see in many discussions, words will kill it all and academic will crawl into what is said before and will act as only a hinder for develobment and new visions , as without breaking the academic local fighting and social games, nothing but words will be the result.
You see what's wrong with the academic attitude is that there are no way new idears based on practic experience can occour ---- with academics who often have no real practic experience the attitude quite naturly are that an idea must then be tried in real, as academics don't even have the fantasy to emagine someone who allready have plenty practic experience know what will work allready , based on his or her build up skills and experience. Academics think there are only one way and that is the academic way and as you know , innovation are restricted there are not even the innovative flexibility that allow for any other way than the strict academic way of doing, --- you will see the greatest idear be fighted for just that reson, that it do not fit within the academic way, that it is develobed ontop experience and skills instead of being develobed as how these things must be develobed according to the powerfull elite.
Look at the issue about housing for the homeless, don't you think there would be another much more promising way that staying with the old bricks point no where further than what was before , that computers shuld be a part of it, rather than cromeplating the old bricks with an exchouse that Eco thinking is more important than thinking about the role digital and new compleatly new jobs and compleatly new "bricks" will be a greater part of the future for those communities involved.
Sorry ,but I can't react different when you ask this question. I know Academics is very important but fact is that most academics that deal with creative arts think, that art is something in the museum and Artists, well they are all dead.

May 5, 05 7:48 am  · 

I had a studio project once when I was akid where we had to pick an author in any field possible and a design his/a house according to his work. The projects where completely theoritical (mine was crap) but it was a very interesting experience. It was like designing a client.

May 5, 05 8:10 am  · 

a patron in US English I guess.

May 5, 05 8:10 am  · 

why can't i be bothered to read your post, per?
no disrespect, but synthesis is a virtue.

May 5, 05 8:18 am  · 

per corell, i feel you are overly generalizing about academia. at the undergraduate level it is not only the duty of the academics to teach the fundamentals of architecture but also inspire the students to be the best they can be. it is a time when young minds are meant to flex and stretch their designing capabilities in a non-consequential environment apart from the limitations of professional practice. if you start constraining the design potential of students what kinds of architects would we be contending with in 40 or 50 years?

i agree that there is sometimes a lack of dialogue between practice and academia and i also agree that many students are grossly under-prepared to work when they graduate but this dosn't mean that the solution is to replace the creative potential of academia with a more pragmatic and practical cirriculum. students have the option of interning and attending work-study programs to supplement what they have learned in the firms.

the best students will be able to translate that creative 'acamedic' potential into something functional and tactile. i just feel that to undermine the creative and theoretic potential of academia is to undermine the progress of architecture itself.

oh and about a ideal project... we had a competition to design a mediatheque a few years back. not only did we have to define the building typology (which even after sendai was a bit hazy) but also had to develop the program and select the site on which we wanted to design it. it was a very comprehensive assignment. i felt that forced us to think about context, phenomology, history, design, politics, scale, interface, economics and process.

May 5, 05 2:22 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?


No... Stop. Don't be that guy.

But to answer the question... Strip Club. 'scuse me. I meant a "Gentlemen's Club".

May 5, 05 3:01 pm  · 
Devil Dog

i like Richard Ceccanti comment. . . mixed use, farther apart the better. for me, possibly a porn store/ headquarters for the Christian Coalition/ abortion clinic. they might be closer than I realize. Hmmmmm.

May 5, 05 3:29 pm  · 

Looks like a lot of you like oxymoron architecture. Anyone into onomatopoeia architecture?

May 5, 05 7:40 pm  · 

haha Rita that would be a interesting challenge

May 5, 05 7:50 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)


May 5, 05 7:58 pm  · 

per...i guess there's been enough per bashing on this forum to warrant any more...although i can't help adding that deciphering your code is an academic project in itself....
also, your response has no connection to the initial post!!! ?????
you know my friend, every once in a while there comes along a person like you...old archinect users, remember philip kr nixon! yuck!

May 6, 05 3:03 am  · 
Dazed and Confused

A tomb. A monument to the greatest ruler and overlord the world could have ever imagined or foreseen. Like a tomb for Sauron Lord of Darkness if he had got back that little pain in the ass ring. A tomb to outlast all the ages of lesser beings.

May 8, 05 3:10 am  · 

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