
Archinect Work Out


So do architects work out? I started working out at a gym few months ago and it really relieved my back pain as well as stress. I noticed most of my co-workers don't work out... come to think of it, none of my studiomates back in college worked out.

If you go to the gym on a regular basis, please share an architect's work out routine

Apr 7, 05 12:24 am
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

run 5-6 days a week
sleep plenty

Apr 7, 05 12:40 am  · 

well i was doing pretty good until I hurt my foot.....

but i still do weights, elliptical machine, and walk as much as possible when it doesn't hurt.

i pay for the gym! so i use it.....

Apr 7, 05 12:42 am  · 

it's sad when anybody neglects their body for the purpose of 'sharpening their mind'. the mind and body are codependent. if you're out of shape you're out of balance, and that makes you sick, by my standards.

i've worked out regularly (aerobic & anaerobic) since middle school except for a 4 month period right after a move for a new job. during that period, although only a couple pounds overweight, i literally felt i was going to die from just plain sloth - a blasé and disgusting feeling of sloth. i still shudder just thinking about those dark days.

i'll only live in a city with a good-sized university. if you can get a membership you get access to all the weight training facilities, pickup basketball, raquetball, and sometimes pools.

remember, sloth=slow death

Apr 7, 05 1:28 am  · 

i'm pretty sure Corb used to start every day with 'calesthetics' then he painted then he considered hiself ready to practice architcture. I wish I had that kinda spare time.

Apr 7, 05 8:06 am  · 
David Cuthbert

antipod - No corb actually swam...when it was too cold to swim he travelled.

I don't seem to exercise much lately - not many things keep my attention. The things i like walking, hiking, brisk run have all been recently limited since I shot out my ankle watching along the beach drunk as a blow-ass-fly on news years day.

But in Uni I was I played inter league basketball, and well as free weights/machine. But Tae Bo was what keep me sane. Go billy (sport billy?)

Apr 7, 05 8:26 am  · 

I do it on my bicycle...

My hometown Delft is squeezed in between the Hague (5km) and Rotterdam (10km). The infrastructure for bikes is great here, so I combine working out with visiting architecture, nature or the beach. What's nice about this combination is that you get an excelent insight in the context of buildings and donot have to worry about parking =)

In the summer I often make big bike-trips with a friend. Bike+tent+freedom...great to clear your mind, discover some of europes many hidden treasures and absorb the incredible beauty of the landscape.

The world looks so much nicer from a bike...

Apr 7, 05 10:43 am  · 

on breaks, I work out 6 days a week, one hour on the elliptical trainer, plus free weights. during school, it's a whole other story... more like one or two days a week if I'm lucky.

Apr 7, 05 10:45 am  · 
le bossman

i work out when i can...i ran two marathons in grad school

Apr 7, 05 11:40 am  · 

Usually run about 5 miles day x 5 days week.

It's the only way to keep my sanity sometimes.

Apr 7, 05 11:46 am  · 

the only way to make me run is to throw a soccer ball infront of me........gets me everytime!

used to play 3 times a week in undergrad. Now never with work......wonder if that will change with grad school (doubt it!)

Apr 7, 05 11:51 am  · 

i was a jock in high school. and then i didn't work out in college at all besides the occasional yoga.

now i used to run during my lunch break, but i found it wasn't giving me enough time to really unwind.
now i generally run for an hour and a half after work, 5 times a week.
and do 2 hours of yoga on the weekends.
i sleep better now.

Apr 7, 05 12:15 pm  · 

I have a precor elliptical machine -- I work out at all odd hours. it really helps to play high paced music ...loud.
I ran the 10 k crescent city classic in new orleans two weeks ago.

Apr 7, 05 12:20 pm  · 

X-C ski, downhill ski, run, Mt. bike, used to run everyday after studio when at school good way to think things through. Wish I could work out more often but still enjoy it and need the mental break.

Apr 7, 05 12:23 pm  · 

lexi- how much does one of those set you back? I've been thinking that the only way for me to work out regularly is to get my own... it's obviously not an option at the moment, but in a few months, once I've graduated and am making real money, it may happen.

Apr 7, 05 12:26 pm  · 

i am a type I diabetic so exercise has been engrained in me since i was a child. i run outside 4 times a week. for those who don't exercise, beware. type II diabetes may be in your future.

Apr 7, 05 12:50 pm  · 

from middle school to part way through college i swam an average of 8-15 miles a day 6 days a week depending on the season.

since architecture school i am slowly turning into flam.

Apr 7, 05 1:00 pm  · 

since finishing my undergrad things have gotten much more active- hockey two to three times a week or basketball in place of hockey once a week. i've tried jogging and walking but it is just so damn boring if i don't have a destination like the library, record store or blockbuster.

Apr 7, 05 1:54 pm  · 

Yeah, I usually work out five times a week - mostly during the week, after work. I'm telling you, it's impossible not to do anything active if you sit in a chair all day in front of the computer. My body almost seems to beg me to use it. Luckily, I live in a city where I can walk instead of jump into a car, but still, I definitely need to get in at least 35 minutes of aerobic (running or elliptical. I like to switch b/c of the impact). Lately I've been trying to incorporate a solid weight training regimen in, but we'll see how that goes.

Apr 7, 05 2:14 pm  · 

this will get me into trouble no doubt, but I'll admit it: I pay for private personal training.

Apr 7, 05 2:21 pm  · 

yoga 90 min per day / every day. + running + spin

Apr 7, 05 2:35 pm  · 

I try to go running at the gym for an hour every evening - it hasn't happened in the last couple weeks (ugh). But when I do go regularly, I feel less stressed and I notice a definitive boost in my creativity.

Apr 7, 05 2:42 pm  · 

i have been rock climbing indoors and outdoors. for three years . great excercise . i acctually climb at my gym with a past professor of mine. anyone else climb? let me know .

peace k

Apr 7, 05 2:45 pm  · 

isnt architecture based on selling a package to the client? (or something in that line)
i always found it funny that so many architects / students didnt take care of themselves. it seems hypocritical to me that you treat your body like shit but take the greatest care to provide a clean and efficient product to someone. whatever happened to first impressions? nobody wants a product from a fat-ass slob.

whoever said that the mind and body are codependant is absolutely right.

64 oz of water a day, at least 5 servings fruit and veggies per day,
free weights and 45 minutes cardio per day (6 days a week)

take care of yourself for christ's sake.

Apr 7, 05 3:47 pm  · 

i workout nearly everyday. helps reduce stress, among other things.

Apr 7, 05 7:01 pm  · 

i am a lazy ass in the winter. every once in a while i will pick up my 25lb barbells and pump some iron or do push ups and sit ups.

during spring/summer/fall, i ride my mountain bike about 3 times a week, which makes me feel a lot better.

Apr 7, 05 9:14 pm  · 

i love and live the sporting life. I am on a quest to carry on the mantle of Jack Johnson, Wilt Chamberlain and Shaq. After all, it wards off dimentia and burns the calories. Disclaimer: i dont do cw puzzles and i dont run.

Fend Off Dementia with Sex, Crosswords and a Run

Thu Apr 7, 9:15 AM ET

CANBERRA (Reuters) - Sex, cryptic crosswords and a good run could help ward off dementia and other degenerative conditions by stimulating new brain cells, an Australian researcher said Thursday.

Perry Bartlett, a professor at the University of Queensland's Brain Institute, said mental and physical exercise helped create and nurture new nerve cells in the brain, keeping it functional and warding off diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

"Perhaps one should run a long distance and do the cryptic crossword, " Bartlett told Australian radio.

He said a chemical called prolactin appeared to promote new cells in the brain and could be found in high levels in pregnant women.

"Prolactin levels also go up during sex as well. So one could think of a number of more entertaining activities than running in order to regulate the production of nerve cells," Bartlett said.

Apr 8, 05 1:17 am  · 
Ms Beary

i try to walk to work or the grocery store or wherever even though I don't live in a pedestrian friendly town and I have to walk through a bad neighborhood to get to work.
i hate going to the gym, i did it for a year and half and decided I was paying too much for excercise when exercise could be free.
housekeeping is good excercise - you can find ways to do the everyday things with a little more gusto to get the heartrate up.

Apr 8, 05 9:05 am  · 

The gym can be rewarding but playing rugby has many advantages, some more appealing than others:

Good stamina and strength training.
Contact sport good for agression release.
Good social events (post match drinking etc).
Tactical team sport.
A sport played by all sizes of people

FYI - I play number 13.

Apr 8, 05 9:33 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

surf 2-3 times a week before work. quite a few other architects surf as well as i keep meeting them in the lineup. great way to start the morning and wakes you up.

downside. if it's really cold and/or if i was going really hard that day i shiver/tremble for the first hour or so of work. not good for doing any sketches or drawings by hand...

Apr 8, 05 6:22 pm  · 

I just keep hydrated and do the nasty. Helps me unwind and sleep better at night.

Apr 10, 05 1:44 pm  · 

I woke up at 4:56am today and went for an 8 mile run with all the marathon freaks... 1:08:40ish! slept like a baby afterwards. Broke in a really nice pair of Brooks. For any runners out there these Brooks "Burn" shoes are light, cool and super comfortable.

Apr 10, 05 1:57 pm  · 

i've always said that there are two types of people in this world: those that workout indoors and those that workout outdoors.

Apr 11, 05 2:26 pm  · 
Josh Emig

Word on the climbing. I just started climbing indoors last fall, and have yet to actually get on rock, but I agree that it might be the best workout ever for strength. I've lifted a lot of weights in my life, and I'm probable stronger now (upper body) from climbing only than I ever was from lifting weights. Mix regular climbing with regular cardio of your choice and you're set.

Apr 11, 05 3:09 pm  · 

I play rugby and workout to supplement the sport. Rugby is a wonderful match for architecture. there's nothing better than envisioning a contractor/boss/critic in place of your opponent and feeling the satisfying crunch and deflation of your adversary as you tackle them!

Abs work outs will really help lower back pain. look for "core strength" work outs. this will make you much happier, bent over your drawing/key boards.

Apr 11, 05 4:17 pm  · 

I started to do TAe Kwon Do at about the same time I started my architectural career, and I am a !st Dan now. But eventualy, I broke away from that. The school got to comirtial, and when I was doing my thesis, I got distracted from it all. It was a great stess releiver though! I even use to compete in tournaments on the weekends and I use to come to school walking like a cripple after a match. HaHa!

Now I jump ropes in the mornings three times a week. I get to go to the gym at my friends place on the weekends or sometimes week nights. When I do, I usually start out woth the tredmill for about 5-10 mins. and finish woith a weight work out, or Vise Versa.

Also, I am planing to go and play some soccer in the park on weekends soon.

Apr 11, 05 5:41 pm  · 

The people in my studio were insanely athletic for the most part. At my office people run, bike, and go to the gym during lunch hour. I office even bought 2 bikes that employees can check out throughout the day.

Apr 11, 05 5:44 pm  · 


Apr 11, 05 5:49 pm  · 

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