
2012 M.Arch Applicants, Commiserate Here!


@ml3745: Get in touch with current students and recent graduates.  Ask them frankly: has the program improved your employment prospects?

Mar 15, 12 12:39 pm  · 

rejected at MIT Media Lab, no surprize there. Rejections are via website, addmisions via email. Good luck @abcd

Mar 15, 12 12:52 pm  · 

@ jason_sf: congrats on the acceptance! I still need to complete most of the prereqs as well--I'm currently doing an online calc course through Berkeley Extension. I'm fairly certain that Penn offers all of the prereqs through the summer prep program, with the exception of Calculus. Let me know if you plan on attending the Open House.

Anyone else heading to the Penn Open House on April 2?

Good luck everyone! 

Mar 15, 12 12:54 pm  · 

Thanks anyway, jpugarte1, but I just got rejected as well.  I toured the open house and met with Larson... I figured I had a decent (albeit small) shot.

Anyway... it looks like I'll be going to Carnegie Mellon.  I applied to SMArchS, GSD, CMU, Media Lab, and two others (Washington and Columbia) who haven't replied.

Mar 15, 12 12:57 pm  · 

So, 28 / M / Mexican / GRE 155V 154Q 1.5A / TOEFL iBT 101


In at: USC  M.Arch Post Prof. (1.5years) +26K (60% off tuition)

         Parsons MA Theories of Urban Practice (2years) +10K (40% off)

         McGill M.Arch Post Prof. in History and Theory (1year), no K's

Waiting for results from non-angloamerican universities.


Really interested in USC's faculty; Neil Leach, Manuel de Landa, Francois Roche, Stefano de Martino, the Gehry... Parsons' new program pros would be its possible malleability to one's own interests due to its novelty and low academic load, and yes, NYC. It's also interesting cause the program is so ethcally focused in a school mainly known for fashion design. I like the contrast. And McGill: I like books.

So far then, the thing is like: sunny parametricism vs. urban oasis in burning contradiction vs. cold-as-hell ivory tower. Still can't make my mind. It might come down to $

Mar 15, 12 1:24 pm  · 

Just got word from the M.Urban Planning at GSAPP , accepted, but waiting on the M.Arch decision. Also waitin on SCI-ARC. Think I'll just go ahead and accept the GSD admission though.It's no dual degree,it's 3 years and I'll have to scrounge up some cash but it was my first choice. Do we have a Facebook group for the GSD kids yet?

Mar 15, 12 1:33 pm  · 

how good is hyperbody at tu delft? can anyone tell me?

Mar 15, 12 1:49 pm  · 


Haha, Parsons isn't that much of a contradiction these days - Parsons' SCE has been producing some wonderfully detailed and thoughtful work for quite a few years now.

Mar 15, 12 1:57 pm  · 


do it. start that Facebook group

Mar 15, 12 2:03 pm  · 


Yeah, sure. I received a catalogue with work from all their departments and saw some really committed work in architecture. I just like the span of their approach: from full-throttle ethics to she-dandy aesthetics. Fashionista chicks hanging out at their solar decathlon house.

Mar 15, 12 2:47 pm  · 

@Karimi: I'm down with that!

Mar 15, 12 2:55 pm  · 


I'm sorry to hear that. I'll try again with Media Lab to get a phd, hopefully in a not.-that-far future. Good luck in CM, or whatever program you finally choose.



Mar 15, 12 3:33 pm  · 

@Eric - I am currently an undergrad student in Parsons , and I got accepted to Syracuse and Parsons for Masters. Trust me Parsons has a good variety of practicing teachers in the Architecture program along with the location of the school . It is the perfect balance between experimentation and practicing technical architecture. Yes the fashionista chicks do give a different image to the school but the architecture building itself houses really good work.

Mar 15, 12 3:36 pm  · 

23/m/ UG- Texas Tech CoA- El Paso TX.  GPA: 3.96, GRE: 160v 161q aw5.0
This is not a final of my portfolio just a sample, my final had a huge collaborative project and is on my external back home. I’d appreciate any feedback.

In: GSD(20k), MIT(20k), Rice(full + 8k), UT (n/a), UC Berkeley (n/a). Attending both GSD and Rice open houses.


Pending: GSAPP, SCI-arc

Really hard decision for me b/c Rice has offered a full ride and has always been my no.1 (never thought I would get in to GSD, although I think I can try and float remaining tuition through loans). Any advice?!


@Karimi, have you happened to set up a fb group yet?

Mar 15, 12 6:31 pm  · 

I just got an acceptance e-mail from Pratt.  I just don't see any information about scholarships (maybe that just means they aren't offering me anything).  I can't afford the full tuition rate there so I am really hoping to hear if anyone has heard from them about scholarships.

Mar 15, 12 6:50 pm  · 
Seth Embry

I also just received my acceptance email for Pratt. I've already paid a deposit at SAC (Städelschule) and am still intending to attend, unless Pratt or Columbia respond with something super-stellar in terms of scholarships. Still prefer the idea of Europe, though.

Still no word from GSAPP, either.

Mar 15, 12 6:57 pm  · 


Man, to be honest, I'd go where I could get a full ride.  If you can graduate debt free, that is a huge deal and pretty rare these days.  It gives you the freedom to do whatever you want after graduation without having loan payments hanging over your head.  If you are the entrepreneurial type, being debt free really helps.  If you plan on entering academia later though, GSD would probably better prepare you for that.  Congrats on all the good news!

Mar 15, 12 6:58 pm  · 
faintest ink

did anyone who got in MIT MArch receive a student projects book in the mail?

Mar 15, 12 8:07 pm  · 

letter from Pratt!

@building ... they listed the scholarship i received in the letter.  i would call their main office tomorrow morning to see what the deal is


anxiously waiting for GSAPP still...

Mar 15, 12 8:32 pm  · 



Pratt is April 5th at noon (thursday)

GSAPP is april 4th at 9am


i'm in the same boat where i'm hoping from penn to gsapp to pratt during that week

Mar 15, 12 8:33 pm  · 

Accepted to Pratt also. No word on funding.  Since some got funding so far through email I doubt I did, but I will call there office after I get the package.

From Pratt's website: "New students who submitted their FAFSA by February 1 will receive their award package by mail in March as soon as they are accepted to Pratt. This should provide enough time to make a fully informed decision".

Mar 15, 12 8:42 pm  · 
Christian Lam

Accepted to Pratt! w scholarship of $21k!

I was also offered UW but with no $.

Besides the schools themselves, location was a key consideration in my application, thus reflecting in the contrast in choices.

Being an international student, any views comparing Pratt vs UW would be much appreciated, thank you.


Mar 15, 12 8:48 pm  · 

@Christian Lam


was that sent via email or postal service? M arch 1 or 2? Im still patiently waiting on all my apps,

Parsons, Pratt and CCNY,  m arch 1

Mar 15, 12 8:57 pm  · 
Christian Lam


It was sent via email. But I suspect it might have more details given I am an international applicant (m arch, 3yr) since snail mail would probably take weeks to reach me.


Mar 15, 12 9:02 pm  · 

Has anybody gotten more official correspondence from Berkeley or any kind of decisions from SCI-Arc yet? I called SCI-Arc and was told vaguely that decisions were "rolling out" this month, not very helpful. Also, after the unofficial acceptance from Berkeley last week, have yet to hear anything else, official letter of admission, financial aid, etc. 

Mar 15, 12 9:06 pm  · 

Hmmm...  I submitted my FAFSA on February 1st exactly.  I hope that didn't end up causing me any problems.  Thanks for the info though, I'll contact them soon.

Mar 15, 12 9:29 pm  · 

@RandomWorks & ml3745

Thanks for the info on the open house dates. ml3745, I too am going through the dilemma of UPenn (debt for life) or UC Berkeley. Everything rational in me is telling me UCB, but I definitely think Penn's program is more aligned with my interests. In 10 years will it really matter where I had gone? I doubt it...but the "following your heart" part of me is having a difficult time ruling Penn out. Partly hoping that I go to the open house and get a terrible vibe from the place--it'd make the decision easier. Still waiting on the NYC schools (maybe I didn't get into Pratt since I haven't heard anything?)

Thanks for the info on the Summer Prep Program. I realized after my comment that a major component of the prep program was fulfilling those missing classes--stupid me. You mentioned Berkeley extension. Are you in the Bay Area then? Not sure if you applied to Cal, but I am thinking about trying to attend the reception at 5pm Sunday and then red-eyeing it to Philly to make it for the Penn open house on Monday (might be pushing it a bit, especially since I can visit Cal whenever). It'd be one hell of a coincidence if you are in the same boat as me.

Mar 15, 12 9:59 pm  · 



awesome portfolio. Hope to see you at the GSD, though a full ride at rice doesn't sound bad at all.

Mar 15, 12 10:17 pm  · 

@jason_sf, are you from the Bay Area? I went to Berkeley for undergrad and did 3 years in the architecture program before switching to anthropology, so I'm pretty familiar with the ins and outs of Wurster Hall.

I'm planning on going to the open house on the 1st and 2nd and wouldn't mind chatting about the school before the reception, or maybe even show a few places around campus if anyone is interested.

I think it's going to be a tough choice between GSD and Berkeley (and possibly SCI-Arc if I get in) for me. Obviously GSD is my dream school, but Berkeley seems more affordable, and since it's my alma mater the transition to the m.arch program would be the easiest.

Mar 15, 12 10:31 pm  · 

@ chresper

Full ride is tempting...but since ur work seems awesome, I hope to see you around the GSD... :))

Mar 15, 12 10:57 pm  · 

@faintest ink

I got the "plan80" thingie, but nothing specific to architecture. did you?

Mar 15, 12 11:08 pm  · 
faintest ink

@Lance Smith

Yeah same, kind of a letdown. I was expecting something more like a project reviews book like all other schools have been providing. 


Mar 16, 12 1:06 am  · 

In at Cornall M.Arch II ($10000) and GSAPP MSAAD

Cooper Union sent me an e-mail last week to ask for an interview. They informed me I would get a call yesterday morning but I didn't get any call.

The waiting is gonna drive me mad  : (

Mar 16, 12 2:21 am  · 


I am from the Bay Area. My background is in Landscape Arch, but I know several people who came up through the Arch undergrad program at Berkeley, as well as the M.Arch program. Also pretty familiar with campus, and try to frequent Wurster Hall whenever there is an interesting lecture going on or to take advantage of the design library.

I know how you feel (congrats on GSD, btw). For me, Berkeley is a safe choice because I already know I like the campus and program, all my friends and family are in the area, and most importantly it's a lot cheaper than going the ivy/private school route. Still, I am a little torn between UPenn and potentially Pratt and GSAPP which I haven't heard from yet. Unfortunately, I don't think I can make it to the orientation on 4/2, as Penn is having theirs on the same day and I think it makes more sense for me to check out that school since I already have a decent feel about Cal (still waiting on the official offer--it'd be nice to know if I am getting some funding or not). Hopefully, I can try to make it to the open house event on 4/1 before jetting off to the east coast that night. Perhaps I will see you there if I can swing it. Maybe you could fill me in on what I miss on 4/2? I would be extremely grateful if so!

Mar 16, 12 3:40 am  · 

@jason_sf, thanks. I grew up in SF, so I have the same sentiments about friends, family,etc. Also, 20k less than gsd and other privates is a big deal. I'll be sure to fill you in on 4/2.

If anyone else is going to the Berkeley open house on the 1st and/or 2nd and wants to hang out , have a beer or two and some great pizza at Jupiter's bar, please let me know. It would be nice to make some new friends and help take away some of the awkwardness of the event.


Mar 16, 12 4:07 am  · 

Anyone here still waiting to hear from Pratt and/or Syracuse ..?!

Mar 16, 12 8:11 am  · 

@GSD-ers : 

Aight , made the group, sorry it took so long.  Lemme know if its not working or if you can´t join. Its currently open, all are welcome.

Mar 16, 12 8:49 am  · 


It's working fine, thanks! 

Mar 16, 12 9:36 am  · 

@faintest ink 

yeah I received a package from MIT that had a catalog..

Mar 16, 12 10:15 am  · 


Not sure if I can be of any help with your decision making, but I went to Berkeley for architecture undergrad and am now at Penn for my MArch. Let me know if I can answer any of your questions.

Mar 16, 12 10:37 am  · 
Dugan Nash

@ aman


Heard from 'Cuse on admission....waiting on the ($)CREAM($) packet.

I think Melo is hand delivering them...thats why he's not in the tourney. 

Mar 16, 12 10:38 am  · 

In at Columbia! Just got the email 5 min ago.

Mar 16, 12 11:02 am  · 

GSAPP M.Arch 1 admissions were just released for everyone that was waiting.

I was accepted with a scholarship, this is the good news I've been waiting for.  Hopefully I'll see some of you all at the open house next month.

Mar 16, 12 11:04 am  · 

Good news from GSAPP!

Mar 16, 12 11:12 am  · 


So I realized that I probably cannot make it to the UC Berkeley event on the evening of 4/1 either, and even if so could, I'd only stay a couple hours since the Penn open house begins early the next morning. I'd be down to commiserate over a pizza and beer anytime though. My personal email is [email protected]. Let me know if you'd like to meet up some time.


Thank you so much for offering some advice. My impression is that UPenn is very technology/digital modeling driven, which is one of my main interests. How much has this been a factor in your studies thus far, and what is your overall view of the program in terms of the curriculum and faculty? The cost is a major factor in my consideration. Is it difficult to become a TA or RA to help mitigate costs, and if so, how much does that typically pay? Any other suggestions for cutting cost other than trying to find as much outside scholarship money as I can? For you, has it been worth the investment over a program like Berkeley? Also, how do you like living in Philadelphia vs. the Bay Area? I'd be very appreciative of any feedback you have to offer. I've done some of the homework on the school before I applied, but it's always great to get some firsthand feedback.

Mar 16, 12 11:13 am  · 


I'm currently planning on being in SF for the open house. Currently waitlisted at Penn and still waiting for  at Cal. I'm leaning towards moving out west because i'm in need for a change and as you all are mentioning, it will eventually be cheaper. 

It seems that you enjoyed your experience at UC Berkeley enough to apply there for a master's. Would you care to share about your overall experiences living in the area? I've always been a big fan of the bay area but have never had a chance to live there. 

Mar 16, 12 11:14 am  · 

In at GSAPP with scholarship!

Mar 16, 12 11:15 am  · 

In at GSAPP with no scholarship/

probably not go if they dont give me money. you guys know who i can talk to or even possible to ask for scholarship/fellowship money?



Mar 16, 12 11:19 am  · 

I'm in at MArch 1 (3yr) program at the following schools:

Yale, Cornell, Columbia, UPenn

Where should I choose? Please give me some feedback.

Mar 16, 12 11:30 am  · 

GSAPP + 13k UPENN + 5k Pratt + 21k Univ of Maryland + full ride Which would you choose?

Mar 16, 12 11:37 am  · 

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