
Crying game

sweet em

Yah - I cried today at work. (Go ahead - laugh, make faces). I made a mistake on a contract I negotiated with a subcontractor, costing the company a small amount of money and injured my pride my having to admit it. I was upset to find out I wasn't perfect but I was alright until the secretary came to comfort me. Luckily I pulled myself together before my boss came to check on me (probably because the secretary told him to) and tell me it was alright. So - pride injured twice, because of mistake and because I cried.

Please let me know that I am not the only one (or tell me I'm a moron).

Mar 17, 05 4:22 pm

Well, I can't decipher if you are male or female (either sex could be a sweet em!) so all I can really say is if you're a woman and you cried, that's pathetic, but if you're a man and cried, well, that kind of honesty is very much respected.

Mar 17, 05 4:29 pm  · 

this post is ridiculous.

Mar 17, 05 4:44 pm  · 

i have made such mistakes in the past, but have not cried ever - i try to drown my humilation by spending $$$ at the starbucks in caffeine, or sit on archinect and read about other things.
The starbucks thing helps more because that way i get out of the office.

Mar 17, 05 4:48 pm  · 
Ms Beary

awwww, it's OK. just don't do it again.

Mar 17, 05 5:06 pm  · 

i don't know how it is in other schools, but for every project there are a few girls that have cried during their critics..... theres something about not sleeping for a week and being told that their project is crap that makes people cry.... odd eh?

Mar 17, 05 9:37 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

crying is nothing to be ashamed of. why, i'm crying now.

Mar 17, 05 9:48 pm  · 

The only time I ever saw someone cry during a crit it was a guy. I've seen women cry about crits - but usually afterward, away from the critics.

Mar 17, 05 9:59 pm  · 

i've only seen women cry at the office....if us men get upset we start throwing things, bashing the computer and using profanity....

Mar 17, 05 10:17 pm  · 
vado retro

i know all there is to know about the crying game.

Mar 17, 05 10:42 pm  · 

we had one girl at school who would cry in almost every crit. It got pretty tired after a while. I don't think she ever realised that as long as you are passing and you learnt somehting valuable on that project it really doesn't matter all that much whether they like all your drawings or how shiney your blob-building is....

Mar 18, 05 8:29 am  · 

it hurts the pride though!

and some critics can be really harsh!

but its true antipod, it doesn't actually matter.

Mar 18, 05 6:26 pm  · 

some people are just emo.

even dudes.

Mar 18, 05 6:31 pm  · 

I very nearly cried, cos I failed, but I deserved it, and I learnt a lot from it.

no worries! :)

stephanie - eh?

Mar 18, 05 7:54 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I cried BEFORE a review once. I was really tired and strung out. I didn't have to present they felt so bad for me!

I cried at work when a contractor called me conference call with the owner and proceeded to tell me how utterly stupid architects were and how they didn't know crap about construction costs and they didn't understand real projects. He basically slandered all architects for me in front of my client. I just said stuff like "oh... uh-huh. interesting..." Then he said something like "but it's not your fault for being so ignorant." I didn't cry while I was talking to him thank god, just for a good hour in the bathroom afterwards.

Mar 18, 05 8:25 pm  · 

i only once cried. cried really hard. but i leanred to never again use sliced onions to create arc-form models.

some people are just emo.

even dudes.

true, but we don't throw computers out the window, kick defenseless vacuum cleaners, drive sharp pencils through the heads of troll dolls, or cry at work.

Hey stephanie, would you go out with me if i invited you to see this KISS tribute band?

Mar 20, 05 6:34 am  · 

this post, is anythign, makes me wanna cry.
get it over your precious little ego. there is so much wrong with all this. geezzeeee!

Mar 20, 05 1:54 pm  · 
Pimp Minister Pete Nice
Mar 21, 05 8:23 pm  · 


Mar 21, 05 8:27 pm  · 

thats child abuse!

Mar 21, 05 8:30 pm  · 

a friend of mine does work on houses that need renovating, and his last project was for a home that was getting a new kitchen. my friend and another guy were assigned to tile the backsplash in the kitchen with tiles that require 1 coat of sealer before the layer of grout, and one more coat after that, otherwise the porous tiles would have to be replaced because they're no longer any good. well, the other guy (who specializes in cabinetry) that was working with my friend insisted on doing the job the "old fashioned" way (ok for some other tiles), where the first coat isn't applied, to save time and money on an second bottle of sealer. my friend became very frustrated and argued with the guy telling him everything mentioned before, but for some reason the guy just ignored my friend and continued slapping on grout. so my friend left the site and drove off for a couple hours to let off some steam, and sought for some professional advice. when he returned to the home, the cabinet guy had already finished grouting all the tiles and wiped the surface dry.

my friend, who knew better and saw the job as a disaster, insisted the cabinet man make the reimbursement for tiles damaged by the grout. The guy refused, and the beautiful (and expensive because of that) tiles now lay ruined, covered by a thin and even coat of grout masking the beauty, waiting to be sealed. The homeowner is pleased (ignorant of the crooked work), however, with the outcome of the tiles.

my friend wishes he could take a hammer to the wall and break every single tile off and fix the problem correctly, but instead he sits at home crying over it for the past few days because his hard work at laying the tiles has been ruined by some idiot.

Mar 21, 05 11:35 pm  · 
sweet em

PMPN - I see now that I had no reason to become emotional with inhumanities like that taking place.

Mar 22, 05 9:05 am  · 

i've been looking for a date to the red, white and crue tour...

and for the record, i don't think there is anything wrong with crying, but i do think it is ridiculous to belittle and pass sexist judgement on those who do.

Mar 22, 05 10:19 am  · 

shit or get off the pot....

hmmm, i dont see any mention of crying...

Mar 22, 05 12:33 pm  · 

this thread is awesome. not because MM decided to make sexist remarks, and not because we now know that stephanie is a mullet toting metal head.

i find it awesome because most posters either tried to commiserate with poor ole sweet em or tried to make sweet em feel better with funny pictures or anecdotes.

i cry everytime i have to detail eifs...

Mar 22, 05 12:41 pm  · 

Crying in public is at very least awkward. People don't know how to respond to this very direct expression of emotion - should they try to comfort you? Or is it more respectful to leave you alone? It seems that someone crying makes a few people annoyed or angry because of their discomfort. Plus if you're female, you're always suspected of trying to take the easy way out by crying, as if it were a strategy. But sometimes, I need to cry just to let the frustration and helplessness out, so I've been able to hold back the pour, but let the reins loosen just a little and let a tear or two drop at a time. Usually it's completely unnoticeable, and I feel better after about 10 or 15 minutes of crying like this.

Mar 22, 05 1:09 pm  · 

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