
People who ask things 'for their own edification' in meetings, why?


why not just ask your question? i don't need to hear your purported motivation for asking.


Nov 8, 20 5:16 pm

... And I don't need to hear your questioning of others' questions. Cool story.

You're welcome

Nov 8, 20 5:31 pm  · 
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what if i'm asking for my own edification? 

Nov 8, 20 5:39 pm  · 

Bunch of snobs - using that word in the wrong context, tell them to fuck off.

Nov 8, 20 5:50 pm  · 

what if i'm asking my own oedipal sation?

Nov 8, 20 11:19 pm  · 
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I find that telling my superiors to fuck off during meetings doesn't get me very far.

Nov 14, 20 11:24 am  · 

I ask the "dumb" questions so that the juniors in the room who are afraid to lose face can hear the answer. I don't give a fuck if you think less of me. 

Nov 8, 20 8:36 pm  · 
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Exactly. Too many people presume to know.

Nov 8, 20 9:04 pm  · 
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I wish there were more people like that in meetings, asking the so-called dumb questions instead of assuming everybody is up to speed on everything all the time, even when it is not even your field of expertise.

Nov 9, 20 2:12 am  · 
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i ask dumb questions because i'm a dumb architect

Nov 10, 20 8:06 pm  · 
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Ironically, you're trying to learn the answer to this for your own edification.  Hey-oh!

Nov 9, 20 12:02 am  · 
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Nov 10, 20 5:50 pm  · 
Wood Guy

Knowing the reason someone is asking a question often affects what the answer is. By noting it's for personal edification they are saying that there is no applicable reason other than educating them. Also, it's a fancy word that most people can pronounce, so it makes them sound smart. 

Nov 10, 20 5:56 pm  · 
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Just don't use the word "impactful". Even if it's for your own edification.

Nov 16, 20 8:57 pm  · 

If you refer to the impactuarial table...

Nov 16, 20 10:32 pm  · 
so it goes

A lot of times people will mention it's for their "edification" because... it genuinely is. I see it a lot with younger female staff in particular. This is because (at my firm at least) they feel that they need to justify why they would speak up at all.

A better question to ponder is what is going on with the team dynamic that makes these people feel that way? It's often a sign of toxic culture. So ask yourself what you might be doing to contribute to that environment. Maybe you need some edifying too so you can be a better colleague and less of a prick.

Dec 8, 20 3:52 pm  · 
1  · 

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