
master's in sustainable architecture


this is my 5th and last year in architecture school, i'm so interested in everything related to the environment and ecology. 

Do you advise me to take that path, and take a master's degree in sustainable architecture; does it have a future or do you advise me to rethink my choice, and specialize in another thing. 

Also, do courses and certifications related to this field, make me able to work in the sustainable system without getting a master's degree ?

thank you in advance for your time 

Feb 13, 19 3:26 pm
Non Sequitur

define sustainable architecture.

Feb 13, 19 3:40 pm  · 

Architecture basically destroys the environment and ecology, great career choice ;-)

Feb 13, 19 4:28 pm  · 


Mar 26, 20 3:16 pm  · 
Wood Guy

It's a growth industry for sure: low carbon building, resilient design, net zero energy, mold-free design, locally adapted, regenerative, etc. Look into the Living Building Challenge, which is probably the most sustainable standard currently being used; it requires most resources to be net positive or regenerative.

As awareness of the climate change crisis grows, architects who understand how to minimize buildings' contribution to it, and how to design buildings that are resilient in the nearly inevitable case that global warming continues to advance at an increasing rate, should be in high demand.

The design and construction industries are full of cynics and libertarians, so don't be swayed by those who say it's not a problem. It's the biggest problem we face, and we need people who understand how to deal with it. 

Feb 13, 19 8:06 pm  · 

you are right on it!

Mar 26, 20 3:15 pm  · 

Sustainability has been a buzzword ever since I can remember. Hell, I even minored in "sustainable design" (whatever that means) and got my LEED credentials.

Since then, I've learned that in a huge metropolitan city that is saturated by a desire for profit, nobody cares about "sustainability" unless it is required by the local municipalities. 

For me, it wasn't worth it. Did it make me more marketable? Marginally. Have I used it in actual practice? Not one iota (although it does help when studying for the AREs).  

Feb 13, 19 11:53 pm  · 

I'm in this program now

Mar 26, 20 3:13 pm  · 

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