
Filing Question - Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR)


Question to anyone who may know, I received DOB Examiner’s comment:

"Revise PW-1 section 26 and check yes for:
Owner DHCR Notification and provide date NYSHCR notified"

I understand from the Expeditor, that there is a relatively new policy that anyone altering an apartment in a building that has one or more rent controlled apartment must send notification to the Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR), even if the rent controlled apartment(s) are unaffected.

Is anyone familiar with this process? Is there a form or sample letter for reference?

Thank you,


Jul 25, 18 12:38 pm

Yes I'm familiar with that process, and yes of course there's a form, and it's really easy to find and you really shouldn't be Job Captaining if you can't find it, so I'm not doing it for you and I hope nobody else does either.

Jul 25, 18 12:58 pm  · 

Dang, who didn't love you? 

**Edit** Dang, who didn't love you? **Edit** 

Jul 25, 18 1:00 pm  · 

ALSO, maybe acting like a troll on the Archinect forums isn't the most valuable use of your precious time (since you are such a genius) ?

Jul 25, 18 1:10 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^must be your first day on the interwebs. 5839 has a point.

Jul 25, 18 1:21 pm  · 

Do you guys work?

Jul 25, 18 1:22 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Actually yes... and most of us are swamped with work. Thanks for asking.

Jul 25, 18 1:25 pm  · 

So get back to it! I am sure your Clients appreciate you taking the time to reply to me :D

Jul 25, 18 1:27 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I plan to... but my vacation starts in less than 3hrs.

Jul 25, 18 1:29 pm  · 

You like to talk a lot.

Jul 25, 18 1:32 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

depends on the day.... some days more so than others specially when first time posters confuse this site for google. 8-)

Jul 25, 18 1:35 pm  · 

So whatcha do for fun? I don't want to hear forums....(p leasssse).

Jul 25, 18 1:37 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

drink beer, rock climb, paint, family stuff, drink beer.

Jul 25, 18 1:41 pm  · 

You sound like a lot of fun. Hopefully not too much beer while rock climbing? Family stuff ehhh.

Jul 25, 18 1:42 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

no, that's a terrible idea and also family stuff = chasing my 2y old around the house. You?

Jul 25, 18 1:43 pm  · 

I enjoy rock climbing after too much coffee. I do have to be going, but his chit chat has been delightful.

Jul 25, 18 1:49 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

indeed it is. Stick around.

Jul 25, 18 2:31 pm  · 

I might have to quite my day job to start talking to people like you! :D

Jul 25, 18 1:23 pm  · 

don't, just pick up the phone and ask the DOB Examiner where to find that form.

Jul 25, 18 1:30 pm  · 

Far too many students come on here looking for help, when they haven't done even the slightest bit of thought or legwork on finding the answer themselves.  They graduate without knowing how to find answers - other than by sub-contracting to suckers who work for free on forums like these, many of whom are completely unqualified to be advising and give terrible answers, which the students do not vet - and then they graduate and turn out like you.  In the future you might want to be more careful about putting your name on this type of request, as you're putting it out there that your firm is staffing projects with under-qualified people with no problem-solving skills other than looking for free help on the internet.

Jul 25, 18 2:17 pm  · 

I like to look at it as: the lazy get what they deserve. Somebody will probably give her an answer - and if that happens to be someone who doesn't even understand the question and gives her a form from another state or country, along with a history lesson from Wikipedia, then the project and/or its schedule will suffer, and her employer will suffer for being too lazy to train her, and the client will suffer for being too lazy to pick a better firm. Let them suffer.

Jul 25, 18 2:35 pm  · 

The answer was found hours ago boys!

And my dear, you are truly exhausting. Please stop talking to anybody 5839 (love the name).

Jul 25, 18 3:09 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Jacqueline, just so you know... imitating other long-term members of the forum is frowned upon.

Jul 25, 18 3:57 pm  · 

live long and prosper

Jul 25, 18 3:59 pm  · 

Note taken and, Love love Nimoy.

Jul 25, 18 4:04 pm  · 

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