
mad shit


what up with mad's opera interior wood shit?


what kind of wood that be and why it dont be more common?

Sep 25, 16 12:58 am
Shit son, you need to check Snøhetta's Wild Reindeer Pavilion. Mad ain't got nothin on Nordic design son.

(Although most likely a hardwood cnc'd to create the shape and attached to a substructure)
Sep 25, 16 1:04 pm  · 

^i love the scale of the wood in that building, so nice. 

Sep 25, 16 1:34 pm  · 

I dunno m8. the rain deer pavilion looks amateurish to me or at least more arts and craftsy. The MAD project looks super clean and precise

Sep 25, 16 11:45 pm  · 

we talking about this?



The resolution on MAD's certainly seems higher more detailed/fine...

Sep 27, 16 12:44 am  · 

I can paint a higher resolution picture than Van Gogh, doesn't make it better or worse.  

Sep 27, 16 1:02 am  · 

These are not representations in the medium of paint. Van Gogh has nothing to do with this. In terms of quality it's like comparing the pyramids of Dhoser and Khufu. Further, I find MAD's embrace of the purely synthetic resulting in something far more organic and harmonious with its context and time than Snohetta's pavilion simultaneously nostalgic and obscene intrusion into the landscape. (95% serious)

Sep 27, 16 8:51 pm  · 

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