
Architects for TRUMP


hilarious thread......i give Trump one thing and if any politician had common sense or balls they would say same thing - policies, no we develop policies in a negotiation, if you stick to item 2 but item 8 changes what do you do, you rework short, there is nothing more assinine than going into a situation with a whole slew of policies. every situation is different. i get it for voting you need to know what they are about, but come on man - not everything should be solved before even having the power to address the issue.......its like all the debates on this forum, every one is an arm chair quarterback because they are not actually engaged............and then people get distracted by "moral" issues and vote for a guy who is pro this or that tegardless of how bad they suck at everything else...........

Aug 26, 15 6:47 pm  · 

Trump is as self-absorbed and self-interested as any politician ever, maybe even more than most. What's refreshing about him - and it is the only thing about him that is - is that's he's not pretending to be anything else. This comes off as honest in a system where every candidate is a lying sack of shit (exceptions only exist as outliers like Stein and Sanders). Which of course doesn't mean that he's being honest, just that he appears to be in contrast to a field full of snakes.

Out of all the GOP candidates he's the only one who can afford to speak as if there is no filter between his brain and his mouth. He doesn't have an existing seat to lose or constituent base to alienate, he's getting great free PR for whatever his next venture is and in reality he probably doesn't care about the outcome one way or the other because he's playing all the angles with one thing and only one thing in mind: Trump.

Just imagine what he'd do to the White House.

Aug 26, 15 7:51 pm  · 
So-the question still stands. Who here has worked on a trump project?
Aug 26, 15 7:52 pm  · 

Saints Row V comes to mind...

Aug 26, 15 8:04 pm  · 

If you are a Presidential candidate, you are a self-promoter. It goes with the definition of "running for office" and "presidential campaign.

Aug 26, 15 8:47 pm  · 
knock knock


Aug 26, 15 9:12 pm  · 

All my staunchly conservative friends were all for trump two months ago. I told them he is not as conservative as they think he is--lo and behold, here we are. I agree completely with Miles. He's refreshing for all the wrong reasons.

Aug 26, 15 9:48 pm  · 

Hes the town idiot that shows up a boring party and runs around drunk and belligerent...livens things up but still an idiot...

Aug 26, 15 9:52 pm  · 

And Biden is OUT:


Aug 27, 15 12:43 am  · 


Don't rule out Joe yet. It is hard to say. It can go either way. I just wouldn't say one way or the other. As time moves on, who knows. I just wouldn't rule him out completely.

Aug 27, 15 12:51 am  · 
boy in a well

trump is a shit stain on the ass-side of america's tired and torn tighty-whities.

Aug 27, 15 1:12 am  · 

Ah yes, community college Balkins "could conceivably support Trump."

Imagine my fucking surprise.

Aug 27, 15 3:49 am  · 


Don't assume that means I am voting for him. I haven't decided and I will end up having to look at what my options are on the ballots. Aside from Mr. Trump's gaffes and concerning issues that I have in approach, he does have the hard edge negotiation skills necessary to not be pushed around easily. That is a positive for Trump. 

When it gets down to business sense, when functioning a country kind of like a business, certain things or actions is bad for business. What is bad for the people and the national economy and strength, job growth and national vitality, is bad for business. 

He does have some know how that can be good for leadership needed to grow and build the country and the business market needed to build job growth. Doing this does take having strong hard edge negotiation because the pansy approach that has been the standard approach only keeps putting us further and further behind countries like China where the culture is very and I mean VERY business culture. It is almost required education in China.  You just don't negotiate by being the compromiser. That only feeds to grow the recipient and weakens the position of the one compromising. 

If Bill Gates ran or some of the others, I probably would vote for that person but I don't see that as an option. 

He maybe using his eccentric words to get and pull attention but that doesn't mean when he makes decisions that he is as reckless and his business record doesn't show he is reckless. He takes risks... Yes. It is the nature of business but he has been successful in doing so and built his wealth. However, in the high competitive business environment, it is highly competitive. Nations are no different. It is competition. What built us was an ARMS RACE. We became the greatest country when we had a clear narrative. We had a nation of strength because it was clear who the 'good guy' is and who the 'enemy' is. Well sort of. We know in reality, things are more complicated. It is like a corporation. Patriotism and loyalty to the nation and national pride isn't all that different than corporate patriotism, loyalty and pride. You convey and bring together a country to a common goal. Be it the space race to the moon. Having the bigger stick (ie. having more nuclear weapon and larger military force than any other country for national defense and pride).

There are jobs but a lot of people just don't want them and are satisfied with living off the government than to get the jobs they need.

Donald Trump has the potential to provide some of that. However, he is not without faults that he would have to demonstrate. Some of his arguments he presents are problematic because he isn't backing them with all that much.

Compared to our candidate options, there just isn't a whole lot of compelling candidates. Many are politicians who are pros at telling people what the people like to hear for there vote but they don't follow through because they don't make decisions for themselves. They vote what their campaign support group core. Operating public office for partisan/political support. So you simply buy them.

Donald Trump just isn't that kind of guy. You can't simply buy his vote. That is good and we want a leader in the President and in Congress that thinks and decides without some hidden puppetmaster controlling their mouth and hands and brain function. This is what we got for a President for a very long time. That is what we been getting as politicians by and large.

So yes, Trump does have some attraction to his campaign. 

However, he has not yet won my vote. I am not sold on him. At least not yet.

The Democratic candidates as of yet, hasn't compelled me, either.

So, then WHO ?

Aug 27, 15 4:50 am  · 

boy, shit stains are good for entertainment

Aug 27, 15 6:02 am  · 


I agree with you. It seems to be quite popular. Not that I encourage myself or others but definitely makes a degree of sense given our nation citizenship base.

Aug 27, 15 6:27 am  · 

I believe that our system of government is deeply flawed, if not completely broken. Yet we still keep voting for the same type of people. If trump wins, there's a good chance the whole thing will collapse from his absurdity. Then maybe we could start over and build something better that works. A vote for trump is a vote for full system breakdown, which I believe is exactly what we need!

Aug 27, 15 9:17 am  · 

How can I get my picture to show?

Aug 27, 15 9:27 am  · 

you're on a mac?

for starters, your image has to be hosted on an internets server somewhere.  i'm not sure where the image you're trying to post is linked from.

Aug 27, 15 9:40 am  · 
Balkins if you have to ponder trump as anything more than a clown spectacle you're lost. He's an idiot and an entertainer. There's nothing more to him and he will never be president.
Aug 27, 15 10:21 am  · 
Balkins if you have to ponder trump as anything more than a clown spectacle you're lost. He's an idiot and an entertainer. There's nothing more to him and he will never be president.
Aug 27, 15 10:21 am  · 

Thanks Curt

Aug 27, 15 10:39 am  · 

Really, splines? 

"Community College Balkins"? You sound like the type of elitist prick providing fodder to the trump campaign.

Aug 27, 15 11:09 am  · 

Yes, really.

Balkins has shown himself to be an absolute moron time and time again, so the fact that he considers Trump (a racist, misogynist, xenophobic idiot) in any way qualified to be president is wholly unsurprising. 

Aug 27, 15 11:30 am  · 

LOL @ that pic Brud-G   

Aug 27, 15 11:35 am  · 

I'm talking about you insulting him for going to community college, you tone deaf half-wit 

Aug 27, 15 11:45 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Following this insane discussion has made my last few days coordinating M&E a delight!

Aug 27, 15 11:59 am  · 

Maybe if you knew his long history of giving completely asinine academic advice, you'd understand why I give him shit about his own education. There's nothing wrong with community college, but he's woefully unqualified to counsel anyone on their educational choices. 

And apparently equally unqualified to discuss presidential candidates. 

Aug 27, 15 12:14 pm  · 

Then attack him - don't use educational attainment as a pejorative, you sneering tool.

Aug 27, 15 12:54 pm  · 

I thought this thread was about which architects Trump hired to design is god awful buildings.

Aug 27, 15 2:33 pm  · 

I'm enjoying this particular brand of hypocrisy quite a bit. Please keep it up.

Aug 27, 15 2:33 pm  · 

Please expound on my hypocrisy

Aug 27, 15 2:38 pm  · 


The President is a public elected office. There is no defined qualification. You are elected by vote of the people and the electoral college process.

By the way, I have more than community college education. I simply was up to a limit on financial aid grant money for undergraduate. I wasn't just getting a bachelor degree major but I was also getting a 'minor'.  It takes more credits to do both. 

Your argument of Donald Trump as being 'racist','xenophobic', and 'misogynist' is suppose to be a disqualifier?

How many Presidents of the United States do you think we had that were racist, or xenophobic or misogynist?


I don't know about Donald Trump being xenophobic but maybe he is tired of seeing you hiring illegal immigrants? Is he xenophobic for wanting a stronger border to literally keep out people from other countries coming in to the U.S. without following legal procedures?

His wall idea maybe eccentric but if a wall was built deep enough and high enough, it would be a fairly substantive deterrent. Canadians don't come to the U.S. to work without going through legal processes. They don't see the need to come over here and swaths. It is Mexicans (as in citizens of Mexico)? Reality is they are usually the outcasted. Why are they outcasted? They usually the ones committing crimes or otherwise their hands are not clean. They have dirt secrets. They are usually loser, criminals and homeless driven out. Not all that different than the homeless in the U.S., homeless of Mexico often have a checkered legal history if you knew. This is why they aren't employed or doing so well. The ones who do well with have jobs or run businesses (ie. good citizens) don't have the drive to leave Mexico. Especially in the last 30 years. Mexico isn't that bad of a country. Mexico isn't the backward country it was like in the 1950s and 1960s. 

So ask yourself, what is the driving incentive for mexicans to leave Mexico in 2015 not 1955?

Think about it.

It might have that vibe when presented by the sensationalized media but come on. Seriously. Perhaps he was eccentric but I wouldn't necessarily say he is xenophobic.

As far as racists remarks, he made remarks that can be interpreted as such but people often make off color remarks but does that mean he is racist. A real racist would not hire people of races that they don't like. They don't associate in any way or form with people of other races. Yet, there actually has to be races. Lets ask ourselves, what races? We are one human race. 

Reality is we are talking about ethnicity and ethnic hatred. Ethnicity is the biological aspect. Then there is culture. When we talk about "Ethnic Culture", we are talking about cultures associated with an ethnicity. 

I don't particularly see that exactly with Donald Trump so much. His issue is about the political issues and how Mexico and a lot of the central American countries tend to drive shed its problem people by exiling them out of their country and point them to U.S. Shoving their problem people to U.S. and making causing us the burden of these people. 

There is inherently some innocent intermixed in this but still. This isn't a hatred of hispanics. I don't hate hispanics even though this is a topic that some don't want to think or talk about because they don't want to believe that it is possible. It is a dirty secret that is real and is happening. I can't say that all people immigrating or coming across the border are illegal. 

As for misogynist claims, okay. So what? He doesn't hate women and there are women who are manhaters. 

I don't think Donald Trump is a woman hater. He has a wife. He maybe chauvinistic on gender matters and such. He isn't a woman hater. He might not like certain individuals which be it male or female. 

So damn what. He is kind of a throw back in some of his social ways to the days before the 1960s. He grew up in a very patriarch family structure where men were the 'bread maker" (money maker) and women were to be at home tending to the care of the children. 

Yet, Donald Trump employs women. Do a little bit more facts aside from the bombastic show that is probably intentional to bring and center attention on him. Don't assume for a minute that he will literally be doing all the things he said in a bombastic way quite like that. Once you are President, you have a lot on the agenda and things you can't do because as President of the U.S. there is a 'check and balance' system where in a corporation, it is autocratic like a dictatorship. Don't think for a second that Donald Trump doesn't know that. All of this eccentric stuff is mostly show business. In reality, he isn't quite like that. I'm not saying he doesn't have the hard edge which is part of what he does as a business man because business is war. It is how business works. Competition is a war. Competition is out to take you out so they can have more market share because the game rules of running business is generating and building wealth. You don't do that by being a gentle kind of guy. 




Aug 27, 15 4:06 pm  · 

Thank you for proving my point, Balkins. You continue to amaze me.

Aug 27, 15 4:16 pm  · 

balkins, that means you're not exempt from becoming president.  assuming you can show your birth certificate.  you weren't born in africa were you?  how can we really trust you?????  just applying some trump logic here...

Aug 27, 15 4:19 pm  · 


I never said, I am voting for him. I don't have to 'ponder' about Donald Trump. We know about Trump Organization and his businesses. He didn't get all his wealth for being an idiot and entertainer. If he was merely an idiot, he wouldn't be in business. I am not saying he is the smartest guy in the world.

Aug 27, 15 4:27 pm  · 

I have my birth certificate. Santa Monica, California.

I never been outside the U.S. so I would qualify. Barack Obama situation was questionable and there was question about his place of birth and because who his parents were at the time of birth raised questions. 

Aug 27, 15 4:33 pm  · 

Balkins said 

"Your argument of Donald Trump as being 'racist','xenophobic', and 'misogynist' is suppose to be a disqualifier?

How many Presidents of the United States do you think we had that were racist, or xenophobic or misogynist?


I'm sorry- I've got to pipe up here. YES that should disqualify him. There are far too many issue with respect to gender, nationality and race to just shrug one's shoulder's and say 'it was done before, so why is it a big deal now....' 

I would suggest that you think before making casual statements based on unrecognized privilege suggesting that bias and hate are acceptable because it happened in the past. 

Aug 27, 15 4:36 pm  · 

Due to what people can do with a person's social security number and birth records for identity theft, I would not place it on the internet on this forum. 

If you want to meet me in person, I can show you. However, this is protected, sensitive, personal information that is not appropriate or even safe to go showing to everyone on the public. 

Aug 27, 15 4:37 pm  · 


There is no legal mandated qualification factor. You have the right to vote how you see fit. If you don't agree with Donald Trump and don't want him as President then you don't vote for him. YOUR choice. Presidential election encompasses a lot from the voting of the citizens.

There is the electoral college. Anyone who meets the Constitutional requirements of a person to be President of the United States meets the legal qualifications. After that, to be president of the U.S. is getting elected. This means, you, me and every qualified voting citizen in the U.S. has the right to vote. 

You have a choice. I have a choice. Every Presidential candidate has to compel voters to vote for them. 

At that point, each voter has his or her standards. This means, all things like qualifying or disqualifying is an individual discernment matter. This is where I personally do not feel on this forum we should be diving into because then we are debating each others political views. 

I will respect your view point and leave it at that. The only thing is there is no legal disqualifying just because of political views. It is kind of forbidden Constitutionally. If we did then we get into a problem where we lose our fundamental rights. A path, that I would not want to get into. 

I leave that qualifying/disqualifying to be something each of us decides for ourselves. That is a voter rights thing.

Aug 27, 15 5:09 pm  · 

^ do you still think presidents are elected by voters? I've been here for 13 years and learned the opposite in just 2. That's why Trump is a dangerous proposition, no matter how many people despise his ways, he can still be appointed president by the financiers.

Aug 27, 15 5:21 pm  · 


Actually we do have some influence in our voting on the electoral college which is EXACTLY what I said earlier. Conveniently you forget that I said that. 

Electoral College doesn't just vote whatever. Read how the electoral college works. I have other things to do at the moment so I can't elaborate until later.

Aug 27, 15 5:27 pm  · 

Financiers do not elect the President. It is the two parts of the general election votes and the electoral college.

Aug 27, 15 5:28 pm  · 

Do some fucking research into just how much CASH it requires to campaign for President before you start spouting bullshit about the Electoral College.

Aug 27, 15 5:32 pm  · 

Richard, no need to elaborate, thanks.

Aug 27, 15 5:34 pm  · 

Financiers do not elect the President.

You are correct. Financiers do not "elect" presidents, they install them.

Aug 27, 15 6:08 pm  · 


Point 1-

"This is where I personally do not feel on this forum we should be diving into because then we are debating each others political views. " You made the personal choice to provide comment in this thread.

Point 2-

Agreed, there are no mandate, but there is a social contract (not a political point of view) that is extended to all people. Not 1/2, not 3/5's, all.

So if you think it's ok-

-for persons to have criminal acts perpetrated against their body and against their will, or

-for persons to be persecuted only when their Kangol looks like a Kufi, or

-for persons can be legally kept from living in a state, simply because of their color

And you think it's just a political opinion, I worry. 

Aug 27, 15 6:08 pm  · 

Maybe we should start a new Tread...."Stump the Trump"

Aug 27, 15 7:46 pm  · 

If Balkins had an actual liberal arts education and not just a few drafting classes at the local community college, he might realize just how little daylight there is between Trump and any number of megalomaniacal tin pot dictators throughout history. The only thing Trump is missing is a funny military-style uniform.

Aug 27, 15 8:27 pm  · 

Trump owns. Best thing to happen to American politics since TR.

Aug 27, 15 8:32 pm  · 

Point 1: Yes I did. You did, too! Lets remember to respect each others beliefs.


Reply to Point 2: I can care less with the head of the KKK or the Black Panthers were spouting their views of hatred. They already do. I do care if they carry out and murdering people as that would be a crime. I believe in swift and properly carried out justice for all people. If any of them wishes to be President of the United States, they have the same legal right to run an election campaign. Will they succeed? I doubt it but that is my personal opinion. They have the same equal protection of laws as each of us has. 

I don't hate people of other ethnicity. I do have friends of multiple ethnicity. Just so you know. This country is a republic with democracy components and democracy core virtues. Any loyal American will never do anything to undermine the fundamental rights of EVERY American as set forth in the United States Constitution.

As for social contract, it is a philosophical theory. There is to certain points where a social contract may exist provided the fundamental (inalienable) rights of each American is protected above all. These were instituted for a reason so those privileged in public office can't legally adopt or enforce laws that undermines our fundamental rights.

You are asking a few questions that I don't believe is in context but take your arguments:


So if you think it's ok-

-for persons to have criminal acts perpetrated against their body and against their will, or

-for persons to be persecuted only when their Kangol looks like a Kufi, or

-for persons can be legally kept from living in a state, simply because of their color



Let me make it clear, it is not okay for persons to have criminal acts perpetrated against their body or against their will. We already have laws in regards to that. The constitutional rights are not justification for perpetrating harm to another person's life or limb or any part of the body. 

As for the persons to be persecuted only when their Kangol looks like a Kufi. I am not sure where that has occured. I think we have these rights in place.

What state prohibits a person from living in a state because of their color?

I don't think there is a state that can. Section 1 of the 14th Amendment is quite applicable to this case example. I think that answers that enough. 

If a state is doing that then we do have a serious issue. 

HOWEVER, the rights of the United States Constitution is not afforded to non-citizens. They only have general privileges not "rights". Their rights ends at the border of the country they are a citizen of. When they come here, they do not have the legal rights of Americans. Their privleges can come and go at the whim of the United States government which includes the citizens. WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT. WE ARE THE UNITED STATES.


However, where does this pertain to Donald Trump and what he actually has said.

Aug 27, 15 8:53 pm  · 

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