
Money Money Money


Come on it on all our minds. Why else would you look at the post.

I want to start a Topic to help all of us Make more money.
You will not get Rich at Architecture....Unless

1: You can become the Best Architect in the World.
2: Marry Money
3: Invent a Toy like Rubik's Cube......Rubik Was an Architect.
4: Save 10% of every check you get........Boring.
5: Buy and Sell Houses.
6: Sell your Soul and Work for a Big Corporation with Stock Options.
7: Make a Name thenput it on Crap then Sell Your Crap at TARGET.
8: Run Some Coke.... That was Really My Dream.
9: Make a Dating Site Called Lonely Architects.

Come on you Architects must have some great ideas

Jan 18, 05 10:07 pm

architect/ pimp

Jan 19, 05 12:12 am  · 

If we told you, you'd take the idea and it wouldn't work anymore!

Let's just say that it's one of the above ;-)

Jan 19, 05 9:54 am  · 

Architect / Ninja Dentist

Jan 19, 05 12:17 pm  · 

You should scratch 6. I work at 6 and the pay isn't better, but there are some benefits, less stress, and job security.

Jan 19, 05 12:54 pm  · 

Open up a store for architects, materials, printing, paper, pens, etc. Like Pearl or other arts/hobby shops but specifically geared to architects/architecture students. Oh yeah, and have a laser cutter there that people can run there projects on. One stop shopping worked for other markets why not architecture?

Jan 19, 05 12:59 pm  · 

I always had the idea to do that, but in the back of a van or small truck.

Jan 19, 05 1:43 pm  · 


just cuz i think it would be cool to be an assassin. a secret one of course.

Jan 19, 05 2:08 pm  · 

Win the lotto. Your chances are only like 1:120,000,000 but you don't have to do anything other than get your ass to the quickie mart and spend $1.

Then, when you win you can drive drunk, get in bar fights and carry $75k cash in your boot - just like that lotto winner in w. virgina. Yee-haw!

Jan 19, 05 3:34 pm  · 

I haven't found a job that earns less than architects. So how hard is it to make money. Do anything besides architecture and you'll make more money. You don't even have to give up architecture. Work in an arch. firm during the week and be a furniture salesman on weekends. Soon you'll trade in architecture for furniture and making 80,000 a year. You'll even have the option to design and build your own house. Now, isn't that a nice thought?

Jan 19, 05 5:19 pm  · 

Been Done Before

Jan 19, 05 5:30 pm  · 

Architect/ OCD Day Trader

I worked for him, we’d drive his Maserati to sight visits. Paid me in cash. Sucks getting laid off on the exact same day the market crashes though.

Jan 19, 05 8:49 pm  · 

putting together a website of pre-packaged garantied A architecture thesis projects (same concept as websites with pre-written papers), with various add-ons, like physical models with price increasing with quality of materials (model level 1 is cardboard, level 2 is wood, level three is metal or glass or molded plastic....)
of course this would be done by a team of 3-4 design architects, no more than a few days per project.
Great way to keep the office busy and have a good steady cashflow. and it could be fun too!

Also, architect/ shrink would be a good one, especially when dealing with private clients...

Jan 19, 05 9:10 pm  · 

After surveying 1,115 millionaires around the country, they came up with seven common denominators among those who successfully build wealth:

1. They live well below their means.

2. They allocate their time, energy and money efficiently, in ways conducive to building wealth.

3. They believe that financial independence is more important than displaying high social status.

4. Their parents did not provide economic outpatient care.

5. Their adult children are economically self-sufficient.

6. They are proficient in targeting market opportunities.

7. They chose the right occupations.

They chose the right occupations.

Yes, you guessed it Architecture is not one of those occupations to make money. Not even close. Thats why we need a Second and Third forms of income.

Also look at # 1 and #3 They live below their means.
This is a tough one for Architects. We have Great taste.., Great Taste costs money.

What Architect has not tried to protray that they have more money than really have. I used to do this when I was first out of School.
You end up with a lot of nice Suits and a Car you can't afford.

I hope this post helped or will help someone.

Jan 19, 05 9:35 pm  · 

two words: health care
sounds boring, I suppose it is a little...
In california there is major retrofitting work in existing hospitals, as well as new additions and renovations by which hospitals must structurally reinforce and separate parts of their existing buildings by 2008, otherwise they cannot provide services.
the clock is ticking, architects specializing in medical planning can really rack it in.
I worked for one for two year - lets just say that at 26 I was making as much as architects with 15 more years of experience.
my boss was shopping on rodeo drive, drove a mercedes, often took trips to Sonoma and Nappa and collected expensive wines...

Jan 19, 05 9:53 pm  · 

Health Care is Very Big
Easy money I agree.

Jan 19, 05 10:15 pm  · 

Excellent Post Stark3D.. Living below ones means is a tough one, but a good way to philosophically set yourself up for life, especially after getting out of school. I did the same spent way to much soon after graduating on dates, cars and bars. Good fun but after a year I made a pact to live with less and continue to try to question what things I need and what is unnecessary. I try and live with a small burn rate. Add a few kids and a wife who doesn't work into the mix and things can be tough. a noble goal though. The other items on the list seem more about having an entreprenurial spirit and seeing, recognizing and seizing opportunities when they present themselves.

Jan 20, 05 11:58 am  · 

Yes it is hard with kids.
My wife is off wok for the next 6 months.

Jan 20, 05 1:43 pm  · 

Become the developer. More control over the project with yourself as the client and you make more money, after all whos the one hiring you most of the time. You take bigger risk withh the financing, but more risk makes for bigger rewards.

Jan 20, 05 4:52 pm  · 

Not to be a Dream Killer
But All Architects That I know personally.
That tried to become a developer went bankrupt lost it all.
They all could have made it Big, but they ran out of money.
But Its a good Dream.

Being a Developer is almost as good as being a Pimp.

Jan 20, 05 5:15 pm  · 

Hmm, well 2 of the 4 firms i have worked for are architects turned developers. One was architect/contractor/developer, and the other went planner/developer. Both took completely different approaches and both have been successfull. I know several more that have made the shift that i didnt work for. It wont happen overnight but it is feasable. Sorry to hear your freinds lost thier ass. Guess I know a bunch of pimps.

Jan 20, 05 7:16 pm  · 

the designer-turned-developer typology is good...when you dont take out $$$$ from your own pocket

Jan 20, 05 7:23 pm  · 

That good that those guys made it Jroc.
The Architects I know got Crushed in the 80's.
John built six houses in 1980 In BelView Wa. Street of Dreams Homes
For 300,000 -360,000 each alot of money in the day.
But with interest rate going up to 18% not alot of buyers.
He was forced to sell all for 150,000 to 180,000. ouch

But had John had the money to hold on those houses till late 80's they were worth over 1 million easy if not 2 million. Because of MicroSoft Money.

Architects have to learn about money and how it works.

Jan 20, 05 9:27 pm  · 

Get a huge-ass billboard that says: 'IS YOUR HOUSE UGLY? CALL US AT 1-800 BUILD4U TODAY'. Put a picture of a typical *shudder* suburban landscape next to it, with somebody jumping off of their house because it's too ugly.
Then kick back and relax as the commissions roll in.

Jan 20, 05 10:18 pm  · 

How about architecture/artist/concept designer something that I'm thinking about in the future. Architecture teaches you a set of disciplines that can make you a better designer than alot of the conceptual designers out there for game/visual effects. (cityscapes, level design, etc) Or freelance work.

Althought architecture/pimp does sounds like it has it's advantages.....

Jan 21, 05 6:04 am  · 

"The number one determinant of success is delayed gratification"

I read that in a book once where they talked about how to become comfortably wealthy. Seems to make sense. Then again if you have kids you're screwed and will never be rich on an architects salary.

Jan 21, 05 10:11 am  · 

man, I was depending on my kids making me rich....oh well, so much for the Brady Bunch dream.

Jan 21, 05 12:39 pm  · 

The best job is Dental Tech.
You only work four days a week.
You only go to school 18 months.
You make double what an Architect Makes.
Ok thats not alot, but it is double what we make.
and You get to Play with Laughing Gas all day long.

Jan 21, 05 12:46 pm  · 

A your are right. If I got married out of school
and had kids it would have been a Disaster.

You have to stay single as long as possible
Then marry and have no kids.

We were DINKS for a long time.
Double Income No KidS.
We Were Loaded…,We couldn't Spend it all.

Now we have Two kids
We are not broke but I had to Dig into My Investments.
Pre paid college cost 15,000 a piece.
A New Van 30 grand.
Private School will cost us more than College.

I Would not give up the kids..., but my advice.

Please Do Not Have Kids If you’re an Architect.

It only makes Sense.

Jan 21, 05 12:59 pm  · 

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