
are we also going to be successful like peter eisenmen and daniel labeskind?


are we also going to be successful like peter eisenmen and daniel labeskind?

how many of us were really wanted to be an architect since our childhood?
i have knew from their interviews that architcets like daniel labeskind and peter eisenmen always wanted to be anything but architect since their childhood.

i m also like that. like them i was not at all aware of anything like architecture when i was in school.

so how many of u are like me? or like tadao ando who always wanted to be an architcet.
lets share.

Jan 3, 05 8:40 am

nayan, you put them on too high of a pedestal.

Jan 3, 05 11:37 am  · 

yeah but then its realm fun to knock the pedestal over!

stand clear, here she goes


Jan 3, 05 11:56 am  · 

I would rather be successful like Robert a.m. Sterm, ply architecture or possibly just successful in a sense that I am comfortable in my life and I have a well designed body of work. It doesn't have to be famous on a world or national level, it doesn't have to be in all of the edgy and fly by night magazines that change content and styles more often then worth mentioning. I don't even need an entire wall of my office covered with little plaques that state s my name, all I need is enough room to dance the night away after a hard days work.
you can dance if you want to,
you can leave your friends behind,
if your friends don't dance,
they are no friends of mine.
I think some times we get caught up trying to become famous or known through one project or writing. I believe it is more important to effect the people that inhabit the spaces we create then to impress the architectural community. We are all a bunch of sardonic fools anyways. Better society and they will come.

Jan 3, 05 12:02 pm  · 

Good call post-neocrap (sorry, too lazy to write out the whole name). I agree with your definition of success. I'd rather be in the realm of Studio Gang, ply architecture, etc. and the like than the big names that are out there... I'd rather be content with my life as a whole rather than rich and famous.

And of course, The Safety Dance plays heavily into all of this.

Jan 3, 05 12:24 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I have never desired to be famous.

Jan 3, 05 12:58 pm  · 

When I file my income tax, under occupation I write "I work hard at becoming famous." A full time job. Nice work if you can get it.

Jan 3, 05 1:07 pm  · 
el jeffe

I figured you'd say "Writa Novel."

Jan 3, 05 2:13 pm  · 
The Thriller in Manila

Robert Sterm???, Studio Gang?? ! Are you kidding me? those guys are jokes and frauds

Shoot for the stars, go as far and do as much as you can in this little game of architecture.

Its not about being famous, just live up to your potential. Have goals and dream BIG!

Jan 3, 05 2:27 pm  · 

If you think they are successful, then you must desire to build a practice and be noteworthy in such a way that you only review the work of your firm and approve or change it--then go on making money on your lecture series.

Personally, I would rather make a modest living and enjoy time with my wife and little girl.

If you measure success by income, think again. You are going to live at or above your means no matter how much you make. Making more money only complicates your life.

Jan 3, 05 3:08 pm  · 

I second Litre1 in this regard. Real life and living cannot be discounted in this. Eisenman and Libeskind have no children (to my knowledge) and if they do they've been marginalized.
Do good work, spend time thinking about it, play with your kids. Nothing better.

Jan 3, 05 3:22 pm  · 

Libeskind may have an aversion to children, but Eisenman has a whole mess of kids. I believe these to be among them:
and don't forget Robin!

Jan 3, 05 3:59 pm  · 
design geek-girl

Libeskind has a daughter in her teens.

Jan 3, 05 4:10 pm  · 

although I have wanted to become an architect sense I was in the third grade my father still thinks I "make prints". I teach people everyday the benefits of creative spaces and uses of spaces, but for the love of me I cannot give my father the knowledge of what an architect does. I am forever damned to "make prints" in his eyes.
maybe that is success...teaching the world about the beauty of architecture

Jan 3, 05 4:26 pm  · 

If you have to "work" at becoming famous then you are already yesterdays news.

If your PR department works as hard as your render farm, then you are on the way to becoming "famous."

Jan 3, 05 5:11 pm  · 

I like your fathers notion of making prints. I mean in the end that is what all the knowledge, sensibility, and espousing comes down too: producing a representation of a thing to be made or in other words: "making prints".

Jan 3, 05 6:46 pm  · 

You are successful if you can work a Men without Hats song lyric into a serious post.

Jan 3, 05 9:50 pm  · 

hey guys i really agree to all of being just ourselves in whatever we do, i really think that way too. but guys i was talking about their success and not their popularity (famousness u call). i really think they are successful, ya but at the same time there are so many other peole who are equally successful, but are not being treated like these people.

Jan 7, 05 8:09 am  · 

Can I be not successful yet treated like the big boys? That would be great - just pump out mediocre work at a less than breakneck speed and get all the glory... SOM here I come!

Jan 7, 05 8:25 am  · 

Keep in mind that NO ONE is famous simply because they have talent. Most of the celebs either came frmo money or married into it, allow the luxury of time. This gave them the unique opportunity to do nothing but make pretty pictures, cool models, over analyzed diagrams and papers, and lecture. This all makes ZERO money.

But if you are to be famous, you have to have these things that others cannot afford to produce. Then you have to be lucky, kiss lotsa ass, and work those connections.

There really isn't much money in being famous, it all comes waaaay down the road after you have been famous for decades. But if you can make it this far without relying on making money from architecture, then you can make a great living by teaching and working.

It's unfortunate that you really need that luxury of time to really make it, otherwise you will always be forced to compromise to make rent.

Personally, I don't care to be a famous architect that constantly teaches. I would like respect, though, and to make a good living making things that I think are quality designs and contribute to the built environment.

I certainly would never want to be a Robert Stern, but he has made a successful business, and that I have much respect for.

Jan 7, 05 10:10 am  · 

I never want to be a Robert Stern . I don't realy care about being famous. For me, being sucessful is living. By that I mean that I would like to have a family, with a wife and kids.

I prefer to come home everyday an play with my kids than to stay in te office working late hours and getting devourced. So many so called architects are called famous, but if you realy look at theier personality, they are not very nice people.

How can a person called themselves a fomous architect that wants to make a difference in the world, if they cannot tryly connect to the public personally?

Success is i nthe eyes of the beholder. You are sucessfull if you are happy with your life, and what it means. After that, then you will be recognized as being a genuine person that tries to make a difference through your architecture.

Jan 7, 05 10:58 am  · 

well put trace and architkd. being successful is about so much more.

Jan 7, 05 12:12 pm  · 

yeah- i'm more in the lines of ARCHITKD

i'd like to be uber-famous man- superb, rich and succesful-

but not publicly- and not real-ly either. i mean with my fam and friends. with my co-workers and office people.

not famous and rich; ..<i>"holy crap! isnt that M____ K___, that great architect?!" famous and rich.

meaning my kid(s) and wife, brothers sisters etc. knowing that i'm successful (rich wont hurt either), respected, and a straight up kinda guy. the same applies in the office and industry.

doesnt involve bradd pitt type publicity, which would undeniably suck. or red carpet treatment which i'm sure gehry would receive here and there.

just means i'd be held high by the ones closer to me....

and loaded.

Jan 7, 05 1:46 pm  · 

oops- messed up that line

not famous and rich; .."holy crap! isnt that M____ K___, that great architect?!" famous and rich.

Jan 7, 05 1:47 pm  · 

Sorry to break it to you but dear old Bob was the first man in New York State to get awarded alimony. He married rich and took her for everything he could. The only kids homeboy is playing with are the cutie boys he hires to flit around his office.

Jan 7, 05 1:53 pm  · 

I think rhat one cannot ger rich through architecture. So, it is not the purpose to make money that I want to become an architect. It is important for me to learn to make good projects.
Good examples for such architects are Hans Sharoun and Enrick Miralles. I think that they tried to be good not famous architects. They worked hard.
It is hard to learn to work hard.

Jan 8, 05 6:03 am  · 

The most important thing is to work!!!
then if fame comes along ( which is related, to politic, religion and money unfortunately) u'll be happy.. if not u'll be happier to know that at least u have done it well.. u never know maybe in a century from now people will appreciate u!

Jan 8, 05 7:06 am  · 

The most important thing is to work!!!
then if fame comes along ( which is related, to politic, religion and money unfortunately) u'll be happy.. if not u'll be happier to know that at least u have done it well.. u never know maybe in a century from now people will appreciate u!

Jan 8, 05 7:06 am  · 

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

Jan 8, 05 7:58 am  · 
Dazed and Confused

Money can't buy you happiness but happiness can buy you money eh BOTS . . .

I wanted to be an architect as soon as I found out how boring the scientific method is, how limiting 2D is, and how much like juggling in the circus playing music is (alas, my brain lacks a metronome).

Creating a tree instead of a building would be much more fulfilling, but we all have our limitations.

Most fine artists don't own 50 person firms. They work the way they see fit - we are artists at heart, let's be inspired!

Jan 10, 05 12:55 am  · 

The best things in life are free
But you can keep them for the birds and bees
Now give me money
That's what I want

You're lovin' gives me a thrill
But you're lovin' don't pay my bills
Now give me money
That's what I want

Money don't get everything it's true
What it don't get, I can't use
Now give me money
That's what I want

Money don't get everything it's true
What it don't get, I can't use
Now give me money
That's what I want

Well now give me money
Wow, yeah, I wanna be free
I want money
That's what I want
That's what I want
Now give me money
you need money
give me money
That's what I want
that's what I want

Sorry, had to do it ;-)

Jan 10, 05 8:56 am  · 

Intern: It's a very personal, very important thing. Hell, it's a practice motto. Now are you ready? Just checking to make sure you're ready here it is -- show me the money. OHHH!!!! SHOW! ME! THE! MONEY! Doesn't it make you feel good just to say that, Boss? Say it with me one time brother!

Boss: Show you the money?

Intern: Oh, come on, you can do better than that! I want you to say it brother with meaning! Hey, I got Rem Koolhaas on the other line I better hear you say it!

Boss: Yeah, ye - no, show you the money!

Intern: AH! Not show YOU! Show ME the money!

Boss: show me the money!

Intern: Yeah, that's it brother but you got to yell that shit!

Boss: Show Me The Money!

Intern: LOUDER!


If only all salary discussions with the boss were as passionate I’d be happier.

Jan 10, 05 5:56 pm  · 

liebeskind and eisenmann design to be understood by an audience of about 9 people, all of whom are esoteric, scholar types. maybe that's cool for them, but in my mind something that is really beautiful is beautiful to everyone, not just Sanford Kwinter...

Jan 11, 05 9:37 pm  · 

well said, Stab...

Jan 12, 05 10:55 am  · 

trees grow themselves. does that make you feel pathetic? :-)

i'd like to be subfamoose, but wholy subfamoose, not just mid-subfamoose. i don't want to be as well-known famoose as charles manson, lorena bobbit (sp), mao, or g bush.

Feb 2, 05 5:23 am  · 
yeah but then its realm fun to knock the pedestal over!

stand clear, here she goes


You fool! That was Saddam you toppled! He will dip us in acid for this!

(some days you feel like a nut; some days you feel like a candle)

Feb 2, 05 7:03 am  · 

fame = commissions

Feb 2, 05 9:27 am  · 

fame = commisions

success ≠ fame

Feb 2, 05 1:07 pm  · 
vado retro

probably not. so don't lose any sleep over it.

Feb 2, 05 6:08 pm  · 
le bossman

if they fit within your own definition of success, than no

Feb 3, 05 8:00 pm  · 

Fame from the perspective of Archinect...looking through the glasses of Philip Johnson….a man so rich he built his grad thesis...screw that.

I was flipping through Detail the other day and other random euro journals looking at tons of projects throughout Europe (crazy Dutch guys) and Asia (crazy Tokyo guys) I've never seen before...and all the architects came from random universities from all over the place. The American tops can think whatever they want but the real design and building is going on elsewhere. Peter and Dan are dialogue makers...speakers and thinkers. They are way more intelligencia than myself and make up the top 1.2% of the profession. They are the modern day Ruskin...totally obscure and totally irrelevant in the eyes of MTV and the mad rap videos placed on decked out modern landscapes. I want to be Dutch…not Derrida.

Feb 3, 05 8:28 pm  · 

You want to be Dutch? Why not be yourself and make your own dialogue? Start it yourself instead of quickly brushing off all the construction occuring in the United States and blindly insisting that what is going on with (as you say) "crazy dutch guys" is superior to other buildings.

Feb 5, 05 12:30 am  · 

Not only do I love this country I'm from Chicago...and you can't get better than that...the Midwest cowboy where there are plenty of Architects doing their thang unnoticed and for the most part under the radar for now.

Alright, of course be an your own dialogue.

Back in the day when American classical musicians were struggling to develop their own "sound" apart from the Europeans they already had one but refused to accept it….Jazz music went unnoticed. What I’m trying to say with the "crazy Dutch guy" analogy is that there is an incredible amount of work from everywhere that’s going on all around us while we continue to dwell on a handful of elitists that none of can stand. It's like a bunch of teenage girls bickering about Britney's boobs....but I don't mind (britney's boobs and starchitecture that is)

Feb 5, 05 8:57 pm  · 

Threads, "we" dwell on what architects we choose. While pop culture and mainstream media may make certain architects "famous" that does not mean that that is who we look up to.

Feb 6, 05 1:25 am  · 

it may not be who "we" look up to, but it does give the general public someone to look up to >> for better or worse.

Feb 6, 05 11:47 am  · 

The general public, or informed architects who read books and magazines and can make decisions for themselves and don't need th pritzkers to tell them who is a worthy architect?

Feb 6, 05 11:57 am  · 

Americans are pathetic (full of pathos) fashionistas ready to swan dive like a lemming off the cliff that the media tells them.

Try to be your own self for once.

Feb 6, 05 2:30 pm  · 

why do you waste your time suture?

Feb 6, 05 2:40 pm  · 

"liebeskind and eisenmann design to be understood by an audience of about 9 people, all of whom are esoteric, scholar types. maybe that's cool for them, but in my mind something that is really beautiful is beautiful to everyone, not just Sanford Kwinter..."

They are famous because they tell me the limit of the architecture. Yes, they tell you sth you really can't think of yesterday.

I don't know if I want to be famous. But I agree with some others, to have a pride and good living is more realistic to achieve.

Feb 6, 05 3:14 pm  · 

why do you waste your time suture?

I dont waste my time because i will be happy if i save a soul or two.

sometimes people do want to open their eyes and see reality.

...and in about 2 hours MY reality will be a cold frosty 12 pack and peperoni pizza to go with the superbowl. Go Patriots!!!!!

Feb 6, 05 4:17 pm  · 
vado retro

i am only watching for the commercials. i wonder if any of them will feature actors in edgy glasses carrying blueprints? go bears!!!!

Feb 6, 05 5:29 pm  · 

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