
Recommend Architecture-related documentaries


Any documentaries that you enjoyed watched, or think are a must-watch.

Feb 1, 15 5:24 pm
go do it

Regular or Super - about Mies

Feb 2, 15 8:59 am  · 

An oldie but goodie: "The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces"  Regarding the effect of public spaces in the urban context.  Mostly focuses on the Seagram Building plaza, but looks at a few other places in mid-century NYC.  It's a fun watch if you're into planning at all.

Feb 2, 15 10:12 am  · 

Thanks, all.


@ go do it : woah that is amazing!

Feb 2, 15 10:56 am  · 

A Kind of Architect- about Rem Koolhaas

Helvetica- I love this one. It's about graphic design but still very applicable

Feb 2, 15 11:12 am  · 

I second Helvetica. Also check out Objectified

Feb 2, 15 1:25 pm  · 

I haven't watched them all ... do so at your own risk.

Feb 2, 15 5:07 pm  · 

"How much does your building weigh, Mr. Foster?" was incredible and beautifully shot. Netflix.

Feb 2, 15 6:11 pm  · 

"Old Man and the Sea"

Feb 3, 15 3:23 am  · 

Can't believe 'objectified' and 'helvetica' was mentioned without 'urbanized'. 

I enjoyed 'my architect' about Louis Kahn. I will catch flack for this but also liked 'sketches of frank ghery' 

Now, if anyone can name some good landscape architecture docs that would be impressive.

Feb 4, 15 3:17 am  · 

This was posted on Architizer last year, top architecture related movies on Netflix.  Some mentioned here.

Feb 4, 15 9:58 am  · 

That "Pruitt-Igoe Myth" doc on the Architizer list was pretty good.  All you ever hear (or I ever heard) about Pruitt-Igoe  was how it was the poster child for the failure of Modernism.  Then in the doc, you hear from the people who lived there saying that when it opened it was a wonderful place to have a home.  That (along with the kids I encountered playing on the roof of the Unite in Marseilles about ten years ago) tells me someone is lying to me when they keep saying Modernism is a failure.

Sorry, mild rant.  Isn't there a doc on the Eamses, and on Massimo Vignelli on Netflix too?  Also the doc "GERHARD RICHTER PAINTING" is pretty good, I thought (On Netflix).  Not really architecture, but his studio looks to be detailed quite nicely.   

Feb 4, 15 10:58 am  · 

Now, if anyone can name some good landscape architecture docs that would be impressive.

Well...."Manufactured Landscapes" is a good one.  not really about intentional landscape architecture but still...

"Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision"

One about "Roberto Burle Marx"  is good too but cant remember the exact title...

Feb 4, 15 1:36 pm  · 
t a z

I saw "Archiculture" at a film festival but I think you can stream it for free now? Purdy good.

Has anyone see "The Competition"? For sheer entertainment value it look like solid gold...

Feb 4, 15 4:03 pm  · 
t a z

ooh, and I think I remember this being good, but saw it a loooong time ago. I had to google to find out what it was called, but it's Meier - "Concert of Wills: Making the Getty Center."

Feb 4, 15 4:17 pm  · 

Ah, good call jlax...I' own the maya Lin doc, good one. I'll have to look up manufactured landscapes. I have an old VHS of the eames powers of ten film.

Feb 4, 15 8:07 pm  · 

I remember seeing parts of a Cooper Union documentary, I just don't know what ever happened to it. 

Fountainhead was a great documentary, it was about when America was free...

Feb 5, 15 12:26 am  · 

This was released in 2002, but tracks the progress of the Lewis house (one that never got built); which gave Gehry the freedom & opportunity to manifest many of his famous buildings like Bilbao and the Barcelona Fish.

A Constructive Madness wherein Frank Gehry and Peter Lewis spend a fortune and a decade, end up with nothing and change the world

by Jeff Kipnis

Feb 5, 15 8:03 am  · 

"My Architect" was such an enjoyable watch. Even though it focuses more on Kahn as a person. Amazing journey.


"How much does your building weigh Mr. Foster ?"  was stunning as well.


& I came across a documentary about Oscar Niemeyer : , I found it enjoyable and fascinating.

Feb 5, 15 5:13 pm  · 

"Citizen Architect"

Feb 5, 15 5:58 pm  · 

I watched a promo screening of Coast modern a couple years ago. Done by two videographers who travel from Vancouver to San Diego and visit a lot of modernist houses along the way. Lots of slow pans, and home owner commentary.

Feb 9, 15 4:10 pm  · 

If you build it, by Patrick Creadon

Feb 9, 15 6:13 pm  · 

Just remembered another one (or two) - there is one called "The Warehouse" (I think) about Michael Graves's house.  It was made by New Jersey Public Television (NJTV) and was pretty good.  I think NJTV did another one on Graves that was pretty good too. 

Feb 14, 15 10:03 am  · 

"A Grand Tour" that was the other  NJTV Michael Graves doc.

Feb 14, 15 10:24 am  · 

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