
Why are you 'excited' by boredom?


Off topic question, but here goes:

Why does the average American flock to boring sports like football (yawn!) and baseball (double yawn!!), when exciting sports such as hockey and basketball are declining in numbers? Not to mention, that you totally turn a cold shoulder to soccer!

Hockey should be primo in the States, as it embodies everything you believe in: violence, intimidation and a general worldly speed. Even basketball, with its flamboyant, cocky and selfish attitude, seems more in tune with the American couch potato. Yet you watch a sport where the average competitor barely breaks a sweat, and another that is so slow that John Madden can follow.

Dec 22, 04 10:54 am

yawn...i'm guessing you've never lived in the states...
and didn't grow up with either football or baseball...but
instead grew up with hockey?...

btw the nba is an almost unwatchable is
college basketball. shooting has become a semi-lost
art in the states..which is why european and south american
players have started to take over. i'm not going to make an
argument against streetball or the like, but i think the youth
in the nba has hurt the game. and as for hockey..great game
to watch...but this lockout will kill the league...i play soccer
three times a week and love watching any soccer...ok european
and mls actually.

but your opinions on football and baseball are worthless as are
your stereotypes of americans..

Dec 22, 04 11:02 am  · 

I watched a basketball game this weekend. First one in about five years. But only because it was the reason for the party I attended.

I don't think I've ever seen a football game all the way through.

I've watched our local team play baseball because we did the stadium at my old firm and the office has a box. And there's a microbrew pub.

I know I've never seen a hockey game all the way through.

Used to play soccer, but now I don't. Never really paid attention to professional soccer.

Ultimate Frisbee is my game.

Dec 22, 04 11:05 am  · 

hockey ???? triple yawn

Dec 22, 04 11:12 am  · 

i rarely watch sports. how does that fit your stereotypes squareboy?

Dec 22, 04 11:19 am  · 
Devil Dog

setsquareboy, your description of hockey is the same for american football; violence, intimidation and speed. and if you think football players don't break a sweat, then you're in unobserving ignoramus! i challenge you to put on some pads and hit with a practice squad for an afternoon!

baseball maybe slow, i'll admit that AND i'm a HUGE fan. it's a thinking game of strategy. of course there is some physical talent necessary. the eye tracking ability of baseball players is off the charts. they have to be able to recognize the motion of a ball thrown directly at them (interpretation: bad perspective for judegement) at 90 mph + in slivers of seconds AND react.

i think one reason why basketball in the States is falling off is it's players reputations and being stereotyped (some with just cause) as thugs. there's a disenfranchising between the audience and the players where neither can relate to the other.

soccer is a great sport, one in which my wife plays and i enjoy watching.

i admire all sports and the atheticism necessary to play the game. all of the sports mentioned here (football, baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer, ultimate frisbee) require different skill sets and athletic ability. each have their own merits.

Dec 22, 04 11:20 am  · 

American football is for wimps. Rugby is for men.

Just look at the padding involved, you'd be laughed off the rugby pitch.

Dec 22, 04 11:33 am  · 

guys, i've played 3 of the 4 major north american sports quite extensively...and could probably show up a professional on the odd play. however, soccer was my sport (played in highschool and university). i've been to many nba games, hundreds of mlb games, and a handfull of nfl games...all have their moments.

that said, my question was this: why, as a country, do you prefer the more boring of the sports? football can be exciting...but you also have long stretches of nothing. (like the last minute of most games...what a shame, as that should be excitment time!) plus half the players are marginal athletes (linemen, uhhh, hello!?!?!?) i won't even comment on baseball (although the sox run was exciting, for other reasons than 'the game').

but at least their is constant motion in hockey. at least the players are all in shape in basletball/soccer. i think americans don't give them a chance because they are not 'your own'...just a thought you can mull over while eating your apple pie.

Dec 22, 04 11:37 am  · 

devil dog:

you hit the nail on the head! the average american can't relate to an in-shape athlete, which is why football and baseball rein supreme!

Dec 22, 04 11:45 am  · 

can you say ADD squareboy?

Dec 22, 04 11:49 am  · 

I know for myself the reason I watch these sports comes from playing them myself as I grew up. Granted all the hype and showboating after every play in football gets tiresome, but I still enjoy seeing the games live. The smells, the sounds, the energy in the crowd and on the field are exhilarating.
Hockey is by far the greatest underrated sport in America. The action on the ice is unparalleled. It would be nice if I could watch a game or two this season, if there is one
I never really got into soccer.
There is nothing like a group of friends playing football on a brisk Saturday morning with a head full of cheap beer covered in mud and sod.

Dec 22, 04 11:55 am  · 

granted, football is one of my favorite 'pick-up' games to play with friends, but hockey and soccer are an amazing organized experience that is severly underrated by my american amigo's. watch/play once, and i can't see how you wouldn't be hooked. they have beer at those games too...and it's canadian! double yum!

baseball has turned into the 'roids show, without anyone batting an eyelash. shit, i remember when NHL'ers were popping sudifed a few years back, and they had a whole inquiry. lol.

Dec 22, 04 12:00 pm  · 

canadian beer squareboy? you are too funny. i'll give you your sports, but the beer?

Dec 22, 04 12:07 pm  · 

chess, i mean boxing

Dec 22, 04 1:16 pm  · 

you can possibly think that american beer is better than canadian beer?

you might as well be drinking wattered down piss!!

hey, are!

Dec 22, 04 2:30 pm  · 

the only thing I like about Canadian beer is that it (if I remember correctly) contains more alcohol than American beer. otherwise, no-go. I have a grand old time laughing at frat idiots here who drink LaBatt because it's an 'import'. gross. be a real man and order Lonestar in the bottle, two at a time.

all poetics aside, baseball is one of the most boring sports on the face of the planet to watch on television. I can stand about 7 innings in person (beer and hotdogs, man) but on television it kills me. almost as bad as soccer, except that at least soccer *seems* exciting when I'm drunk. basketball is rapidly becoming the XFL of the sports world: a shameless and pandering imitation of the real thing.

me, I miss hockey in a bad way. it's like football, except that almost every position is potentially a skill position, instead of just one or two. I'm going crazy with not having a hockey game to which to come home every night. Stanley Cup = best sports trophy period. Hoist it, baby.

Dec 22, 04 2:46 pm  · 

i don't drink that crap you are speaking of squareboy. you're right. it is watered down piss. here in the northwest part of the u.s., we have many great microbrews. come visit. you'll never leave. fizzy yellow beer is for wussies.

Dec 22, 04 8:35 pm  · 
Ms Beary

my 2 cents: sports are only interesting if i am playing them. i can't watch any of them on TV. especially football and baseball. especially pros! I'd rather watch high school or college if i went to a game.
i have tried to watch football on tv but nothing ever happens so i look away and then something happens for like a second and i miss it. so then i watch and watch and nothing happens, someone picks his shorts out of his ass or they show the coach yelling and waving the clip board and so i look away again, sip the beer or something...
the labatt beer is good. so is the molson. and i enjoyed the XXX or whatever they called it you can get in the canadian conveience stores, 8% or so? whoa, you canadians are hard core.

i prefer wine and chess. in fact, that is what i am going to go do right about now...

Dec 22, 04 8:43 pm  · 
Ms Beary

... and while labatt and molson are a step up from bud or coors, microbrew takes the pint anyday.

Dec 22, 04 8:44 pm  · 
Ms Beary


Dec 22, 04 8:45 pm  · 

what about the wine drinking?

Dec 22, 04 8:53 pm  · 
Ms Beary


Dec 22, 04 8:57 pm  · 

there is a store in seattle, actually they are good friends of mine, and they sell over 850 beers without the usual suspects. they range from 4.5-20% in alcohol content. their site needs help >> bottleworks

Dec 22, 04 9:01 pm  · 

i dont really get the point of the post. people will watch what they're interested in.

i find interests in football, basketball, soccer. the end.

further news, since we're bragging about things: i can take longer bong rips than anyone here.. hehe

Dec 22, 04 9:05 pm  · 
Ms Beary

ieugenei - ha ha. love it. i might beat ya tho!

Dec 22, 04 9:32 pm  · 

in high school they called me 'ol iron lungs'

Dec 22, 04 10:03 pm  · 
Ms Beary


Dec 22, 04 10:15 pm  · 


Dec 22, 04 11:01 pm  · 

whos turning a cold shoulder to soccer, you need to get out more!

there's a grass roots soccer movement in the states, you see anyone from little girl and boy club leagues anywhere, most notoriously the good ol south. its a sport for the initiated to enjoy, as far as it being a macho sport it takes aerobic endurance de la puta, and skillwise you gotta have it baby, you cant just pick a ball and throw it or kick it.

I much rather play soccer, football, basketball and baseball. I can watch soccer, football and basketball but not baseball. Too slow to watch its my opinion.


Dec 22, 04 11:49 pm  · 

beary i'll take you on in chess...

Dec 23, 04 12:23 am  · 

the fact that an american uses the term "grass roots" means the thing is already dead!

Dec 23, 04 8:31 am  · 

you Americans. Any sport that scores into double figures keeps your concentration. No wonder soccer is dead; you haven't got the patience for a 90 minute 0-0 thriller.

Dec 23, 04 9:08 am  · 
Ms Beary

beta - except i never adapted to internet chess. i am not interested in chess on computers.

Dec 23, 04 9:51 am  · 

ouch! blownnn.. hahaha

BOTS is right. We should make soccer increase by 5's.

Dec 23, 04 9:21 pm  · 

beary we could always play postal....haha

Dec 23, 04 9:50 pm  · 

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