
NewSchool, San Diego


Does anyone know anything about NewSchool in San Diego?

Dec 22, 04 12:48 am

On my tour, I thought the girls were better looking than the work on the walls.

Dec 22, 04 5:55 am  · 

Do they actually have FULL national accreditation yet? As in your credits will transfer to another "real" school of your choice? Triple check that. Granted it was a long time ago but I lost a court case with them in the mid 80's over that exact issue. They said they were accredited when I was researching the school as a sophmore. A year later when I transferred from NSA, their credits were not accepted at any school I tried and the NSA said being "accredited to issue a degree" was different from full national accreditation allowing other schools to accept transferred credits.

So unless you’re 100% sure of finishing all of your work there, do plenty of research and get it in writing. You may not like the dean/prof. who wore white dress shoes and a white belt with a white Trans Am with the “AIA” personalized plate. But I’m sure he’s long gone by now.

Dec 22, 04 9:33 am  · 

You posted this same question about 5 months ago. Maybe you can help Rae with a little more insight.

Rea, here is a response from someone asking the same question from an earlier post.

I checked them out when I was living in LA just last year. I went down to SD for a tour. But there are so many good schools like USC, UCLA Sci-Arc and Cal State Pomona all in Southern Cali. that unless you want to live specificly in SD there is no reason to go.

Now let me just say San Diego looks like a cool ass town! The climate is dam near perfect. The city is also alot cleaner then the Los Angeles. Its has a bunch of nice modern lofts/buildings and also just a much more relexed vibe then LA. It's also close to TJ for some shady activities.

If you plan on living in San Diego after graduation, I'm sure you'll make connects/contact's that will help you land a job much more easier that someone coming from out of state.

Over the past few years there has been post similar to yours and unfortunately no New School alumni or students have ever bother to set the record straight, that in it self tell alot about the school. The New School is the only game in town if want to earn a Masters degree in SD. Woodbury in San Diego only has a 4/5 year program in connection with San Diego City College. To bad San Diego State University doesn't have a architecture program.

Dec 22, 04 1:12 pm  · 

I went to visit and kind of got the feeling that it wasn't a "real" school...I'd be going for an M. Arch you think if I got a degree from there it would it be taken seriously when looking for a job? I am stuck in San Diego for the next few years (my husband has a job here) and really want to pursue a master's in architecture, but there aren;t options here in SD, and I don't think I'm up for a commute to LA. Any suggestions?

Dec 22, 04 10:48 pm  · 
Israel Kandarian

i went there in the mid 1990's for one year and transferred to sci-arc. there really is no reason to go to newschool given the close proximity to much better schools 2.5 hours away...

Dec 23, 04 12:32 am  · 


Did SCI-arc accept any credits from classes taken at newshcool?

Dec 23, 04 12:34 am  · 

universidad iberoamericana, tijuana campus

Dec 23, 04 12:40 am  · 

Cris, is there a link to the architecture program?

Dec 23, 04 3:19 am  · 

actually, yes. here
although, it's all in español

Dec 23, 04 1:53 pm  · 

actually, yes. here
although, it's all in español

Dec 23, 04 1:54 pm  · 

Yes, it is a REAL school...
Yes, it is an NAAB accredited school...
It has a handful of really good teachers, but they don't set the bar very high to get in, which makes me to think that they would take any of you...

Keep in mind, most people who go to NewSchool go there because they are self-motivating and don't need there hand held every step of the way...

And a lot of the architects working in San Diego teach part time there, so you have a better chance of getting a job, than someone coming in from out-of-state.

Here is your link:

And SCI-ARC isn't that much better...they only have access to better facilities...the work that comes out of there isn't architecture--it's trendy sh*t for people who are interested in pop culture, not architecture.

Oct 19, 05 7:43 pm  · 


Oct 19, 05 7:46 pm  · 


Oct 19, 05 7:48 pm  · 

woodbury not that bad...

Oct 19, 05 11:56 pm  · 

Hello, Byran... Teddy made Woodbury. You and Cameron help... However, undergraduate degrees in architecture from architecture specific schools are generally dog shit... Sorry...

Oct 20, 05 1:42 am  · 

no need for the apology- we all do what we can. I'm sure someone finds value in the education...

although it is nice to know one's craft assists in the formation of such species-specific organic matter... ;)

Oct 20, 05 10:27 am  · 

So true…

The aforementioned blanket statement need not apply in all cases. Obviously, perspective, value, and enlightenment are really easy to measure:)

In any case, there is danger when programs in general become trade specific no matter the content… One must consistently be able to focus and embrace opposing ideas within their own skull. It is an infuriating balancing act of objectivity that must be exploited.

SCI_ARC is a perfect example perhaps of this “flavor of the month” business that works to saturate specific group phenomenologies until they are tired and then move on. However, if the charter is painted on walls then does the self esteem of the students deprecate as movements expire (perhaps only if they define themselves within “school association” terms)? Or does the broader life skill set kick in?

For example, are the existing members from Wang Chung still representing the eighties, or at least awaiting its cyclically restructured acceptance at this point? Or have they moved on from the “limelight” (favorite drumming).

In either scenario there is a moment when the individual must become accountable for its self-declared purpose (or filtration). This is when the “Hero” surfaces or the awkward interpretation of self begins?

You can’t just conveniently purchase education; rather, can you grow the proper appendages tailored for seeking it? If you are one of the few who can? Then location will never overrun or pollute your interface.

There are some amazing people in San Diego… There is plenty to learn.

Los Angeles is an incredible “case study” city. It essentially embodies all that has failed within western civilization. Again, some incredible opportunities to learn so much...

Oct 20, 05 11:58 am  · 

Wow, the New School.... Fond memories. I did my undergraduate there and although I have to say I had a good faculty at the time, I really have tried to disassociate myself from this school. I have since pursued a Masters and say I have my architecture education from there.

After I left, it went so downhill, all the great teachers left. Because an educator bought the school and no architect was able to work with him as Dean. And I just checked out their website. Just by briefly going through their website shows what direction it's design philosophy yields- NONE.

Does Woodbury have a Masters Program?
Catherine Herbst is a good designer and I hear she's a good professor as well. She is the associate chair and maybe Woodbury offers graduate courses (I don't know). YOu should check it out.

You should also re-consider maybe doing some kind of long distance courses with Sci-ARC. I wished I had gone, even if it was not as computer advanced as it is today.

I have to run but will keep reading up on this discussion for other opinions.

Oct 20, 05 7:04 pm  · 

Actually, the NewSchool still has some great people on their faculty. Just because Teddy Cruz and Ted Smith have gone over to Woodbury, doensn't mean there isn't anyone else qualified in San Diego.

The only masters program Woodbury offers is a M.Arch in Real Estate Development, for all of the Jonathan Segal-wannabes.

I think people depend too much on the name of the school and less on the skills and relationships they develop. It has been my experience that the latter takes you farther.

In my class, there were some students who had gotten an undergrad degree from Berkeley and they, by no means, stood out at the top of the class. In fact, there wasn't much of a difference at all.

You learn the same fundamentals whereever you go; only the method of teaching and the theory behind it may be different.

Something to think about while you're staring at the AutoCAD channel...

Oct 20, 05 7:20 pm  · 

New School needs a new website!!! There is not one project from anything other than first year... That’s too bad I suppose.

Actually the dean is Gil Cooke. He was the dean @ Cal Poly San Luis Obispo for some 15 years or more! I am not sure when you graduated snoopdog88'?

There are some incredible faculty members that I feel foolish to try and justify… Yet, I feel the need for clarification in case someone is serious about coming to the school.

Cameron Crockett (SCI-(used to be good)-ARC, brought the 3-D process to Morphosis) teaches digital technology, and is pretty much one if not the most insane 3-D innovators in Southern California. You are lucky if you get the chance to work with him…

Charles Crawford (Harvard GSD) is an associate at Safdie Rabines here in San Diego, and further one of the most insightful critics on the planet.

Kurt Hunker (Harvard GSD graduated with Wes Jones) is an insane resource for everything, and even a more remarkable human being.

Alan Rosenblum (Peru/UCSD) was an incredibly huge part of Estudio Teddy Cruz, and is probably one of the most remarkable individuals I know.

Len Zegarski (Cincinnati, UT Austin) is in fact the most remarkable individual I know. This mans intellect will swallow you up and regurgitate you in continual paradigm shifts with every conversation. Incredible!!!

Petar Perisic (OSU, OSU) is an experimental local architect with a really sensitive practice. He is a really the rarity existing in a pure space so often lost by capitals contortion.

The amazing feature that these guys offer is a chance to help you explore yourself. I can not state this point enough. If you need someone to design for you, DO NOT come here!!! There is not one faculty member that will make you design like them. Rather, you will get a chance to find much more. Rare in Architectural education, where students are actually requisitioned as labor to execute “idolized” agendas…

Oct 20, 05 10:17 pm  · 

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