
Best and Worst of 2004 (2-3 each)


i know this is stupid, but can be therapeutic:

worst for me:
1. W being re elected (add to it so many americans and iraquis dying in iraq)
2. My dad falling sick

best for me:
1. Being able to take a month long vacation to go to my home country and hang out with friends and family
2. Getting a pretty good social life with many friends coming to live/visit LA
3. Doing a lot of work, some really good and satisfactory

Dec 20, 04 6:01 pm

1 dubya
2 dubya

1 expecting first baby
2 finishing masters
3 being on my own
4 teaching
5 local pub quiz where prize is bar tab and i win frequently (hic).

Dec 20, 04 6:08 pm  · 

best: graduated college
worst: graduated college

best: jobless but having the time to think/live in the moment... take time to analyze job situation
worst: jobless and almost broke

best: spending time with the family after 4 yrs of absense
worst: 4 more yrs of bush

Dec 20, 04 6:20 pm  · 

my pet canary has male-pattern baldness
my dog is taking antidepressants (seriously)

started a GREAT job right after graduation
family is healthy

Dec 20, 04 6:20 pm  · 

* health is ok
* our two puppies are ok (twin brother and sister boston terriers (daisy and rupert) w/ non up ears who sleep with us)
* evolving work

* lost a nice project to a tanned malibu architect because he was buddy buddy with city of malibu. (clients had ed rusche collection and actually liked me but that wasn't enough)
* i wasn't able to build new tops.(see my holiday greeting card)
* i've been loosing the blitzes (10 minute chess matches played with clock)

Dec 20, 04 6:33 pm  · 

Bush elected again
broke beyond belief
another potential relationship goes down the tubes

graduation is near
brother and sister are doing ok
Shit could be MUCH worse-so I should shut up and be grateful

Dec 20, 04 6:40 pm  · 


Death: Grandmother and cousin

W getting elected

Yet again I don't know where I want to live


Getting close to family again

Great year for business

Diverse business challenges and accomplishments

Being able to choose where I want to live

Dec 20, 04 7:02 pm  · 

multiple heartbreak with same boy.
good friends moving away

new job

that is all i can think of....

Dec 20, 04 7:14 pm  · 

1. reestablishing a relationship with my father
2. making new friends who enjoy life
3. my wife loving me

1. bush
2. war
3. my health

Dec 20, 04 7:41 pm  · 
Devil Dog

1. getting married and the subsequent honeymoon where we learned to sail.
2. our new black lab puppy, Boston, who is incredibly smart and a fast learner
3. new job in a great firm with good work, great potential and we get a bonus this year!

1. realizing that architecture is really about different levels of project management. the actual designs are done by 5% of the architects and only about 5% of any project has any actual design. the rest is "just getting it built". of course there are some juicy morses but the main over-riding concepts are developed only by the very senior principals. depressing.
2. not being able to fish, camp and hike as much as i want

all in all, not a bad life. it's rather quite good. i'm healthy and so is my wife. that's what counts really.

Dec 20, 04 8:52 pm  · 

just to get this thread a notch above

some more good things in 2004 for me(some small-ish things):
-the office getting me a dual opteron kick-ass pc
-my friends getting me an ipod as gift

bad things
-two of my best designer friends not being able to get jobs yet

Dec 21, 04 4:12 am  · 

best: finishing M ARch 1
getting accepted at industrial design milano

worst: not finding a job
not going to the industrial design
donno what to do


Dec 21, 04 5:12 am  · 

1. health (being able to strap on the skates after a year in rehab).
2. discovering the 'jude law' blazer look. man, i looked good in 2004!
3. reconnecting with the parents (thank dr. phill for this one...well, dr. p).

1. losing the love of my life...and knowing i'll never get her back. ouch...the daggers while typing this is killing me. :(
2. discovering that architecture is not for me...after dedicating a solid 10+ years. but for some reason i still come back to vent here...hmmmm
3. losing a whole season of NHL hockey.
4. passing the opportunity to buy an amazing house that i wanted. shit!

Dec 21, 04 8:35 am  · 

1. Spending a week forgetting myself in the FL keys and South Beach.
2. Meeting an amazing girl who makes me crazy but is much better than being lonely and angry.
3. The two months of arguing w/management which netted me an 8% raise.

1. Working all year on a project that first went to redesign and now is being stripped of every last shred of design.
2. The plummeting value of the dollar putting a trip to Germany on the skids and putting in doubt foreign travel in '05.
3. Still living paycheck to paycheck.

Dec 21, 04 8:49 am  · 

worst: grandpa + grandma die

worst: getting laid off just before Xmas 'cause of new politicians in town

best: winning graphic design/image competition for a cool cultural institution

best: my phisical GF is teaching me a lot about being a nice person

not a GREEEAT year overall + W re-elected just upsets everyone

Dec 21, 04 9:01 am  · 

best: married the woman I love.

worst: grandmother dying two months before wedding.
close friend dying a week after the wedding.

Dec 21, 04 9:39 am  · 

worst: friend committed suicide
w is my president again

best: i'm with a girl that i love
i don't hate my job

Dec 21, 04 1:29 pm  · 

mm i think the best and worst with you should be vice
just joking..
by the way we all are so selfish.. no one thinking of wars & peace & etc/.....

Dec 21, 04 2:55 pm  · 


is that good gringodms50? freakin' idiot...that goes without saying.

Dec 21, 04 3:23 pm  · 

setsquareboy.. that was an example to say let's be more general then talking about selfish stuff.. I DIDN'T KNOW U WERE SO FUCKIN IGNORANT TO TAKE IT WORD BY WORD... (ITS METAPHORIC U ASSHOLE)

Dec 21, 04 3:48 pm  · 

you are a smart and witty one, aren't you? you sure school me!

best part of 2004: learning my lesson from gringodms50

worste part of 2004: feeling the shame of his diss.

what a fuck-whore! hehehehe...

Dec 21, 04 3:53 pm  · 

namecalling is a great pasttime, hey, peaceniks?

Dec 21, 04 3:55 pm  · 

im happy, i was ur best lesson in 2004... in fact thx for spending so much time on reading my posts...
that contributes in ur best time 2...
learn people .. learn

Dec 21, 04 3:57 pm  · 

shit, nevermind...he's from beruit...i not sure i can learn anything from a third world inhabitant.
ouch! gotta sting!

Dec 21, 04 3:57 pm  · 

land of the alphabet u ignoranttttttttttttttt

Dec 21, 04 3:59 pm  · 

and pigs are proud to flop in slop...what's your point?

yeah, well in the 'real world' we talk in 1's and 0's...ask your computer.

let me guess, you're writing the alphabet in the sand right now?

snoogens, bitch!

Dec 21, 04 4:08 pm  · 

ok..u're getting ridiculous ...
please don't continue to embarrass urself..... plsssssssssss

Dec 21, 04 4:11 pm  · 

Best and worst of 2004
Best: gringodms50
worst: setsquareboy

Dec 21, 04 4:14 pm  · 

+ traversing the country (even though it's THIS country)
+ sucumed to the iPod craze (and loved it)
+ got out of mind-f*cking relationship

- Nov. 2 (and I voted in Ohio)
- Ashlee Simpson
- overused parentheses

Dec 21, 04 4:14 pm  · 

+ learned to spell "succumbed'

Dec 21, 04 4:26 pm  · 

some ups:
started the own firm, with some great first clients (and haven't gone into debt yet)
kept my kids alive for another year (hey, two boys. you do the math on those odds)
the boston red sox. the best 8 days of baseball in my life. (i laughed, i cried, i threw things at the tv...)

some downs:
realizing that the south is so red that even the dirt is republican.
vengeful old employers (wait, jealous, vengeful old employers)

Dec 21, 04 4:34 pm  · 

hey gringodms

when people here say 'W being re-elected' as the worst thing, do you think they mean he;s gonna come to their homes and be the grinch that stole chirstmas????

of course we mean his re-election being bad for the social, global and world order, man

Dec 21, 04 6:21 pm  · 

setsquareboy <<<<<<<<

what's with the 3rd world allusion ?

you kinda sound as wise as "W" on that comment

Dec 21, 04 6:23 pm  · 
graspin was a complete joke. but thanks cor the compliment!

Dec 21, 04 7:27 pm  · 

hey setsquareboy,

asshole - take it easy on the 3rd world comments

Dec 21, 04 10:03 pm  · 
Ms Beary

best - wedding and honeymoon
finally getting some respect at the office :)

worst - election results, of course
realizing the people I work with think W is just dandy and that they think Jewish kids should sing religious Christmas songs at public school. not kidding, a lunch hour debate instigated by yours truly one day i was feeling frisky. i was outnumbered 1 to 3. educated smeducated.
gained weight :(

Dec 21, 04 10:23 pm  · 

father's heart surgery and grandmother's death, in the same week
graduated college
moved to brooklyn
roommate's girl friend
another 4 years of bush

graduated college
being single
realizing that bad things are just going to pass

Dec 22, 04 12:55 am  · 

had centerfield bleachers @ game 5. now that was a let down. why couldn't the cards show up for one game?

plane ticket to barcelona: 60Euros
hostel with 20 beds: 15Euro/night
sex in parc guell overlooking city: priceless


grandfather's death
aunt's death
being asked to wash my boss's car (it was a vw polo)

Dec 22, 04 1:49 am  · 

best: announcing The Ottofest in Budapest on 9 August 2004.
worst: Julia Child dies 13 August 2004

worst: On 14 August 2004 it was suggested at archinect that Julia Child was hence going to the Ottofest in Budapest on 15 August 2004.
best: Like Honorius and Napoleon, Julia Child too was born on the 15th of August.

best: writing "Oh, I don't know. I heard she [St. Helena] is fuming over some of Antonina Harbus' published lack of historical insight." on 22 September 2004
worst: Mount St. Helens begins fuming on 1 October 2004, the first time in 18 years.

best: On 17 July 2004, Rita Novel reported: Marie Antoinette is getting a real kick out of how Martha Stewart is reenacting her these days--so Hameau Tableau. She's also wondering if 6 October [when Marie Antoinette and the French Royal family were arrested at Versailles] will again have some significance.
worst: Martha Stewart began her jail sentence 8 October 2004.

Dec 25, 04 5:11 pm  · 

1. Seeing my academic report turn 100% blue (requirements left to complete turn up red)
2. Getting my first solo moonlighting project

1. Bush getting re-elected (how does the majority of the country want him, yet I only know ONE person who voted for him!?)
2. My last review... someone got up on the wrong side of the bed that day
3. There's just always too much to do

Dec 27, 04 1:39 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

best: having someone who loves me
worst: having this same person wanting me to give up everything and move to China

worst: asshole boss who was a racist and a two face
best: having him leave and me taking over the office

best: birth of my nephew Matthew
worst: having his sister act out because of shift of attention

best: realising that in 2005 i will quit smoking
worst: quitting smoking

best: realising how me are interested in me - sexually and otherwise
worst: not wanting to be with any of them, prefering to return home and admire ex-girlfriend <- how sad

worst: archinect being changed
best: the new look archinect - go paul

Dec 27, 04 5:08 pm  · 

worst: me!

best: me!

Dec 27, 04 5:37 pm  · 


George Bush and evangelical christians.

getting laid off... and then taking another job 2 days later at a firm I didn't like.

my boyfriend for 4 years moved out.


getting another job that pays much more

my boyfriend and I are spending much more time together...and much less arguing over money.

Dec 27, 04 5:43 pm  · 

BEST: MY TRIP TO NYC ! I loved the hudson hotel and soho most!

I'm sure I'm moving there soon!!

Dec 27, 04 5:45 pm  · 
design geek-girl

- The powerless feeling that washed over me on Nov. 3rd me when Kerry conceded.
- Realizing that for all of my anti-dating tirades, I'm hurtling uncontrollably, towards a relationship with the very guy I was ready to kick to the curb a week ago based on nothing more than my own neuroses shouting in my ear.

- Having a rendering of one of my residential designs included in a soon to be published text book written by my professor.
- Birth of my nephew: Mr. Schmooples.
- Surviving this semester without developing a crystal meth or coke habit.
- Finally understanding that it might not be such a bad thing that I'm hurtling towards a relationship with someone who can be heard over my screaming neuroses.

All in all, a good year, I've got nothing to complain about.

Dec 27, 04 6:09 pm  · 


-my 3rd child was born in June
-moved to back home to start new job with good pay & position
-finally living in a house and not a ghetto student apt.


-the stress & pressure of being a parent (3 & 2 year old toddlers as well)
-delaying grad school one more year due to my son being born (makes going back less appealing)

Dec 28, 04 1:00 am  · 

best: realising that nothing can be worst than all that has past
worst: nothing at all

Dec 28, 04 1:47 am  · 
David Cuthbert

best: getting one of my photographs published
worst: going in 2005 just after i finally got used to 2004

Jan 10, 05 2:58 pm  · 

best: 1. Graduating
2. Getting back long lost love after three years apart
3. Great job
4. Moving into a sweet apartment and being able to buy "grown
up" furniture, so long IKEA!

worst: Both W's, Bush and War. Not being able to convince my cousin
to go back to Mexico instead of getting sent to Iraq to die for

Jan 10, 05 4:03 pm  · 
design geek-girl

BEST - caved in to a relationship (I'm going to say someone on this board jinxed me. After declaring that I was never dating again, the jinxer told me his wife said that just before they met and now, well duh, she's his wife.)

WORST - he just got a kick ass job offer... in CONNECTICUT.

BEST - he's thought it all out and wants to try the long distance thing.

WORST - I don't know if I do.

Jan 10, 05 4:13 pm  · 

Worst: The Tsunami

Worster: The American reaction (or lack thereof) to it.

Jan 10, 05 8:56 pm  · 

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