
What are you?


I want to take the design temperature of archinect users. Please vote according to the following, and I apologize in advance if my generalizations are disagreeable.

A) I am a hardcore modernist. Nothing but straight lines, steel, concrete, and glass. My buildings are generally white, grey, black and blue.

B) I am a contemporary modernist. I appreciate the work of Corb and Mies, but I find them somewhat boring as well. I prefer the work of koolhaas and nouvel over that of siza.

C) I am a new urbanist. I like pitched roofs and communal yards. I hate cars.

D) I am a blob-o-phile. I worship gehry and greg lynn. I am more intrigued with digital forms and graphics and actually building. I use Deleuze to rationalize blobs and architecture.

E) I am not concerned with architecture styles. I do whatever my client wants.

Nov 24, 04 1:17 pm


Nov 24, 04 1:20 pm  · 

alpha - 98.7?

I forgot to ask that you mention your age and years of experience too. Thanks.

Nov 24, 04 1:22 pm  · 

f) I am not concerned with styles whatsoever, I do what I want, but I admire the work of Hejduk, Corb and Mies.

Nov 24, 04 1:22 pm  · 

Little bit of "B"
Throw in som "C"

then present it to client and get beaten down to "E"

Nov 24, 04 1:23 pm  · 

i like pretty things.

Nov 24, 04 1:41 pm  · 

sorry,,, 39-19-98.6(currently)

Nov 24, 04 1:47 pm  · 

B) I am a contemporary modernist. I appreciate the work of Corb and Mies, but I find them somewhat boring as well. I enjoy the work of koolhaas and nouvel.
C) I hate cars.
F) I like all kinds of materials.
G) I think building things sustainable/regenerative materials is cool/important.

Nov 24, 04 1:58 pm  · 

partially E..

F) I like all kinds of materials.
G) I think building things sustainable/regenerative materials is cool/important.

H) I like residential structures

I'm 16, part time painter, draftsman & model builder

Nov 24, 04 2:06 pm  · 

I guess I'm B)/D) although I don't really like Koolhaus's built work, I'm more a fan of Coop Himmelblau, Zaha Hadid, Eisenman, and a long list of others. I'm not really crazy about "blobs" per se. I do think the possibilities of paper architecture interest me because it doesn't get bogged down in all that reality stuff. I think your categories are pretty limiting and lame. sorry.

Nov 24, 04 2:11 pm  · 
j lotus

I would say A-B. I love the box, I would move to Switzerland in a second, and I prefer Siza over Koolhaas and Nouvel. I am not dedicated to flat roofs and straight lines, but to materiality and light exploration and am mostly a fan of Ando, Holl, Zumthor and Herzog & de Meuron. To properly critic design, no design should ever be grouped and labelled stylistically.

Nov 24, 04 2:41 pm  · 

All of the above/none of the above - in varied degree.

I'm old enough to be a dad but not old enough to have a midlife crisis.

I have +8 years experience in architecture and +3 years multimedia before that.

Nov 24, 04 3:38 pm  · 
Ms Beary

AGE 27

Nov 24, 04 4:56 pm  · 

"I guess I'm B)/D) although I don't really like Koolhaus's built work, I'm more a fan of Coop Himmelblau, Zaha Hadid, Eisenman, and a long list of others. I'm not really crazy about "blobs" per se. I do think the possibilities of paper architecture interest me because it doesn't get bogged down in all that reality stuff. I think your categories are pretty limiting and lame. sorry."

I am with pencrush. But I really don't like blobs - any of them, but I don't consider Gehry to be lumped in that group.
I also like modernism and clean lines, so maybe a little of A.

Nov 24, 04 5:28 pm  · 

p.s. i am 24. 1 + yrs experience

Nov 24, 04 5:29 pm  · 

A/B and F) an "other" modernist who looks not only to the rationalist tradition of Central European architecture, but also that of Aalto and the Nordic tradition.

Nov 24, 04 5:34 pm  · 


Nov 24, 04 6:02 pm  · 

I go to a school where they force feed us pure modernism.......but, as i have grown as a designer i have been working hard at becoming more of a (D) designer.......always love corb, Terragni and Ando---but the work of greg lynn, asymptote, Eisenman and mvrdv ect. are very intriguing.

Nov 24, 04 6:05 pm  · 

there are two parts to e people.

Nov 24, 04 6:10 pm  · 

I don't see much of a point in subscribing to any list, much less the one above. I mean really, can't one just be inspired by everything? For instance, I can look at a Robert Stern house, which is awful by the way, but realize I think it is awful because I don't like the way it "looks". But, upon some analysis I can step back and ask, did he do a good job doing that "ugly" house? yea, he did. As a matter of fact, it might be the best piece of architecture done in this manner in the whole area. Would i want to do it? no. But you never know if you'll have to one day. I'm just saying, appreciate the architecture that is done well because it is done well, even if you find it unattractive. With that said, I'm totally a B, hahahaha

Nov 24, 04 6:23 pm  · 

aeaa - you had me at e

Nov 24, 04 7:03 pm  · 

22 boston: 0 yrs experience// just graduated// studied environmental/interior design

B) I am a contemporary modernist. I appreciate the work of Corb and Mies, but I find them somewhat boring as well. I prefer the work of koolhaas and nouvel over that of siza.
F) I like all kinds of materials.
G) I think building things sustainable/regenerative materials is cool/important.

I like clean lines of modernism, but if i were to live somewhere, I would prefer old europe--
Imagine living in a gaudi...sweeeet

Drawn to european architecture, especially the Dutch schools

I admire Koolhaas , but am more interested in his theoretical writings/thinkings moreso than his actual physical designs... although a strong connection between them exists, ...something still bothers me slightly (but is the case with almost anybody)

Also enjoy the plays/ploys of LTL :: i like anyone who can analyze and interpret and create architecture in a coherent, smart, and interesting manner.... or even humorous and delightful manner

Nov 24, 04 7:12 pm  · 

I don't agree with any of these.... arrgh.

31/7 years exp.

Nov 24, 04 7:32 pm  · 

u can tell us anyway if u want

Nov 24, 04 7:58 pm  · 

A) I am a hardcore modernist. Nothing but straight lines, steel, concrete, and glass. My buildings are generally white, grey, black and blue.

B) I am a contemporary modernist. I appreciate the work of Corb and Mies, but I find them somewhat boring as well. I prefer the work of koolhaas and nouvel over that of siza.

C) I am a new urbanist. I like pitched roofs and communal yards. I hate cars.

F) I like all kinds of materials.

G) I think building things sustainable/regenerative materials is cool/important.

Nov 24, 04 9:23 pm  · 

I believe in expressing innovation in different forms, although architecture is a difficult medium of expressing it.

Nov 24, 04 9:43 pm  · 

i like architeture that makes you feel warm , that is more human, a cool shape is interesting but sometimes it can be empty,

i like curves and playful architecture, but the most important for me : archietctura that consider their surroundigs a human experience and not something for cars or for a magazine

( i love planning and multifamily residences)archietcture that is not only for the rich

i like to see whatever is interesting, i dont have a special taste, but i like some of alvar aalto, some of mvrdv,morphosis, barragan, niemeyer, kappe, mockbee and a colombian architect no one of you guys know, ( fernando martinez sanabria)

Nov 25, 04 2:29 am  · 

It's strange that the only non stylistic option you gave is "I do whatever my client wants". It's interesting to know the stylistic tendencies of the users of the forum, but it's kind of sad to reduce the possibilities to only stylistic values. It seems to me that the future will have us to face more ethical questions, from the organization of a practice that try to see its success in something different than becoming a starchitecture firm or a corporate, to environemental and economical questions and so on.
One thing is true, it seems that the preocupations of the clients (exept for monumental projects) are less and less stylistic and more and more ethical or economical, or actually both.

Nov 25, 04 5:42 am  · 

Well said French. You got it right in my opinion. E for me - ideally the first part. The reality when you run a small business with a million dollar plus payroll is you must do what the client wants. We do spend time educating our new clients the best we can but there is always the possibility of hearing "Why don't you just put a hat up on that stair tower. That would look nice." Our repeat clients are usually pretty easy to work with towards a common goal which is good design that fits that place and purpose and just as importantly one that works financially.

Nov 25, 04 10:08 am  · 

It's hard to get good clients like that.

Nov 25, 04 11:01 am  · 
David Cuthbert

I must say that my work falls in between A & B with a splash of sustainability we will call that E.2 (post new urbanista?) My work is Tropical Moderne, shades of white or mud as a coworker used to say (he's now fired) Siza is a genius, and seems like the cool architect from yester year - also seems like he would have great stories about him and neimeyer whilst rolling a fat stoggy between his fingers. My sensibility however runs to the writings of Koolhaas (brad'scoolass?), the drawings of hadid, and blobs as golf balls.

27(feel like 40 today), work in arch since i was 14 (no kidding), M.Arch etc etc, no kids, no wife, a pack of fags in my pocket, et al

Nov 25, 04 11:08 am  · 

we have three regulars like that of the hundreds that the firm has worked for gustav. you're right!

Nov 25, 04 12:55 pm  · 

i am a revised B.

i am a modernist. space, air, light and lines, steel, concrete, wood, glass, aluminum, plastics, stucco, drywall, siding, brick, conc.block, simpson hardware, solar energy, insulation, dimmer switches, you name it, i use. my buildings are generally white, and everything else, as needed or necessary. i am not offended by colors.
i appreciate and learn from my pedigree and contemporaries, i am open to new work from younger generation and learn from them as well. i have a healthy dose of angst and cynisism.
i am a modernist because, i believe we live in modern times and engel's historical materialism describes time pretty well for me.
i think modernism is definetly not a style but a way of life and most pruduction is about this modern times.
there is a fear and aliniation towards modernism in the form of denial.
huge chunk of real estate business, supports a traditional kitch and 'educates' people about the profit/ease of exchange in conservative and excessive norms ( buy/built 4 bedroom house even if you are 2, add an entertainment , play, media room even if you only listen radio).
modern designs usually takes good advantage of outdoors which is important where i practice. excessive and materialistic details really bore me (most hi end constipated and misunderstood minimalist details or ginger breading).
all the architects' names mentioned in other posts are alright with me, they all have done a lots of work, important projects and, great for them for reaching to highest level of the practice of architecture.
i stopped judging of the buildings and projects in terms of their formal beauties but for appropriate use of architectural notation and organization as well as overall resolve and seamless interaction with the end users.
clients can be educated about modernism. i start discussing the values first. if that doesn't pan out, i try models and sketches. and if that doesn't work out i farm the project, get it done and out, pay rent.
not every project is in my portfolio.
and, lately i started to get referrals based on some work i feel good about and begin to attract certain type of clients who has been in one of the projects i completed. and that helps a lot.
i am a one man practitioner in los angeles mainly doing residential work for tight budgets.
aren't all of us educated under modernist curriculum?
i don't think modernism adopted to larger scale of works well, as in new cities and mass housing. this is due to lack of political and economic resolve and consistancy. i think the examples of these large scale works should not be build without the civil resolve and readiness. it is really comical to see some architects coming up with a birds eye view of a large town, conveniently placing the little people and their pets in drawings as if single handedly orginizing drawers.

Nov 25, 04 4:06 pm  · 
le bossman

yeah, i am one of those, which are the only possiblities. sheesh

Nov 28, 04 5:05 pm  · 
Dazed and Confused

Life would be so much easier if I knew which of these simple answers I was . . .

Nov 28, 04 5:51 pm  · 

....and so much less interesting

Nov 28, 04 7:39 pm  · 

a. I'm hardcore.

Nov 28, 04 7:43 pm  · 

I have no experience but read plenty of architecture record to get the real scoop on the "now".

Nov 28, 04 7:47 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

record for the real scoops "now" hah hah haha lol threads that's a good one, arch record he says!

Nov 29, 04 12:41 pm  · 
brian buchalski

pizza, pizza

May 23, 07 6:44 pm  · 

hmmm, to update this, we should add the following answer choices:

e) I am an environmentalist. I hate cars AND pitched roofs, but love communal yards, plants, photovoltaics, and bike racks!


May 23, 07 7:07 pm  · 

Shouldn't e and f be combined into one, r?

May 23, 07 7:34 pm  · 

I am a warm modernist

May 23, 07 8:26 pm  · 

hardcore....i like that work because it reminds me of my parents porn collection

May 23, 07 8:26 pm  · 
won and done williams


(but color is merely decoration.)

May 23, 07 8:35 pm  · 


you have been sitting next to me too long...

May 23, 07 9:02 pm  · 

im a fuzzy cool post modernist with a hint of lime and salt :P

May 24, 07 4:49 pm  · 


I think you would pass the interview ;)

May 24, 07 4:53 pm  · 

65% C) tempered with 35% A)

I don't HATE cars per se, they should be provided for but govern the design.

I also am apparently Japanese deep down inside.

My personal style would be a mix of

Fernau and Hartman

May 24, 07 5:20 pm  · 

g) gothic ?

May 24, 07 6:01 pm  · 

g) gothic!!!

May 24, 07 6:01 pm  · 

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