MUT architecture

MUT architecture

Paris, FR


cinemathèque française restaurant

Restaurant  de la cinémathèque française.
Arriving at the Cinematheque Francaise we enter Parc de Bercy.  When walking into the park the first thing you now see is a picnic table. 
The table serves Restaurant 51 - the restaurant of the Cinematheque - a restaurant designed by MUT in collaboration with le potager design.
We follow the lines of the table, a wooden structure bent and shaped to seat the greatest number of restaurant goers in the most convivial setting.  With half the table outdoors, facing Parc de Bercy and the other half twisting its path through the interior of the restaurant, people can now sit comfortably close to one another and enjoy a meal or a glass of wine before visiting the Museum, or after leaving it. 
Like a Lionel toy race car set, the table can be taken apart, fashioned into a number of different variations depending on the needs of the restaurant or changes in the weather.
Extra oddities are noticed within the space, while standing to order, or flipping through a book - which can be picked up from a book rack fitted into a detail of the table

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Status: Built
Location: Paris, FR