Daniel Solomon Design Partners

Daniel Solomon Design Partners

San Francisco, CA


Hunters Point Shipyard

Lennar Urban, the developers of San Francisco's Candlestick Point and the Hunters Point Shipyard retained Daniel Solomon Design Partners to lead a two-part design charrette to test and refine their urban design and design guidelines. We hired five other distinguished architectural firms to join us in designing six large, contiguous city blocks within the Shipyard Plan. The blocks represent the full range of building types, density and street conditions.

The six firms did the exercise twice over a period of five weeks, with the initial sketch designs forming the subject of a day-long seminar with the developers, critics and the design teams. This conversation spurred a major recasting of the designs and design guidelines prior preparing materials for a second day-long presentation and discussion. This exercise illustrated the challenges and the potential for different building programs, market profiles, and a variety of stylistic inclinations to come together in a new neighborhood that captures the distinctive urbanism of San Francisco

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: San Francisco, CA, US