REFORM Architekt

REFORM Architekt

Lodz, PL



The identity of a place is a narrative embedded in its streets, buildings, and landscape. The walls of these structures are etched with the stories, emotions, and fates of the residents, which have evolved over the years. This is an undeniable phenomenon, and certain exceptional locations, such as the town of Puszczykowo near Poznan, stand out with their unique character. Thanks to the preserved pre-war villas in the style of Tuscan manors, this place can boldly be called the “old many soul”.  It is an area where tradition and architecture create a unique microcosm that defines local identity. However, the development of such districts brings certain challenges, as unreflective imitation of neighbouring buildings can lead to the creation of soulless structures that do not harmonize with their surroundings. Modern times also pose different demands, which is why the WILLA MASCHERE project by Marcin Tomaszewski aims to combine the majesty of the neighbourhood with a modern approach, creating an innovative architectural synthesis.

Reinterpretation in architecture is a process in which the architect uses an existing style, pattern, or architectural motif as inspiration but does not limit themselves to merely copying or repeating it. Instead, reinterpretation involves a deeper understanding of the essence of the style and its context, adapting it to contemporary needs, challenges, and possibilities. It is a dialogue between the past and the present, where traditional elements are processed and modified to create something new and unique. The new project by the REFORM studio is a free reinterpretation of the pre-war style dripping with the luxury of those times. WILLA MASCHERE was created on a classic, simple plan and shape, repeated in the neighbourhood, paying homage to the past and the attractiveness of the pattern. However, from a distance, we know it is a modern and unique project. The creator has virtually transferred the functions of a palace into modern times.

"Unlike a copy, which can be seen as a faithful replica, reinterpretation gives me—the architect—greater freedom and flexibility in experimenting with form, function, materials, and technology. It is a process that requires both a deep knowledge of architectural tradition and a creative approach to adapting these traditional patterns in a modern context," explains the project's creator.

In this case, the characteristic elements taken from the surroundings are already visible at the front of the building. They are distinguished by a shape typical of manor buildings and a multi-pitched roof with a slight bend, covered with traditional tiles in the shade of burnt brick. Despite using the commonly known material of tiles, we can observe an unusual application here. The tiles are also found on the facade, creating an effective covering for the external part of the above-ground floor. This composition gives the impression that a larger part of the building is the roof, which visually emphasizes unity. Furthermore, the ground floor of the building is also in a rusty colour, achieved by using Corten material.

The facades gain a unique character thanks to the presence of the titular masks, which are a modern accent in the designed building. These elements have taken the form of simple, rectangular components integrated into the architectural structure. Their significant role emphasizes the modern design and colour, standing out against the rest of the villa. They are made of beige composite aluminium (Alucobond), harmonizing with the overall colour scheme. In these subtle accents, windows and vents have been placed, supporting natural air circulation inside the building. Glass panels add a modern touch and open the rooms to the valuable natural garden. The masks are a symbolic reference to the Italian carnival culture, serving to hide the image. In this project, they are meant to symbolize the residents' hidden privacy.

At night, the building takes on the form of a contemporary art piece, resulting from carefully planned illumination. The architect decided that the night lighting would be emitted point-wise from the individual corners of the "masks," creating a smooth light effect and highlighting the building's innovative character. This solution not only gives the building a unique look at dusk but also accentuates its contemporary aesthetics. Night illumination creates a unique atmosphere, highlighting architectural details and providing an exceptional visual effect that attracts the attention of passers-by and gives the building a distinctive feature. Thus, night lighting is an integral part of the entire project concept, emphasizing the harmony between architecture and surroundings even after dusk.

An interesting solution is the use of existing fence posts, identical to those on neighbouring plots, but renewed and adapted by carving out a recess towards the property, increasing safety during entry. Additionally, subtle references to the building's architecture have been introduced through the use of Corten elements in the form of a row in the fence. The driveway is laid with clinker brick, carefully selected to match the roof's colour scheme, creating a cohesive aesthetic whole. Furthermore, the existing fence posts, being a contextual element, integrate with the surroundings, emphasizing urban cohesion. In this way, every detail of the project has been carefully considered to harmonize with the existing environment and provide users with comfort and aesthetic experiences.

The project embraces the district's identity, holistically adapting the most valuable elements of the style and atmosphere of neighbouring buildings. Respect and understanding of this identity are crucial to preserving the authenticity and unique character of each place. In this case, the architect skilfully navigates the boundaries between classical and modern architecture, creating a result with a completely new meaning. Thus, proving the possibility of developing districts that once shone in their golden age, creating a new, inspiring reality.

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Status: Built
Location: Pruszków, PL
Firm Role: Project, visualizations, construction project