REFORM Architekt

REFORM Architekt

Lodz, PL



Dunes change their shape with the wind, but the desert always remains the same.

 The world is constantly changing, and we have an impact on it. Everything adapts to our needs and desires, and architecture evolves along with them. New trends shape the landscape of the country, but some places remain untouched, preserving their unique atmosphere. The rural scenery is enveloped in exceptional beauty and tranquillity, yet over the years it has also adapted, adjusting to the advancing urbanization. Despite this, the values of the authentic rural atmosphere should be respected and protected.

The contrast between the idyllic countryside and the bustling city is becoming increasingly significant, attracting more and more young residents. However, a problem arises with the repetition of outdated building schemes in these areas. Homes built a dozen years ago might have been suitable for their time, but in the face of changing needs, habits, and living standards, architecture must adapt to contemporary requirements.

In response to this demand, a new project by Marcin Tomaszewski was created, subtly harmonizing with the character of the location, serving as a stunning homage to the sand dunes. This project, "DUNE HOUSE," is a tribute to the power of nature, addressing the new challenges of the development of the Polish countryside with an innovative approach to design.

"Often, it is the location that serves as the main source of inspiration for the architect, compelling decisions that have a crucial impact on the final appearance of the building. In this specific case, the tranquillity of the province spoke to me the most. The play of classicism and purity of character, characteristic of rural areas, absolutely enchanted me," explains the architect.

The architect aimed for the building to draw from its surroundings without repeating outdated schemes.

 "Nowadays, people misunderstand the word reference. It is not about copying dimensions or shapes but reinterpreting them, creating something new while adding only a hint of the past, its flavour," Tomaszewski added.

The shape of this building bends reality; although its form takes on minimalist features, it is based on a play of ambiguity. From every perspective, it looks different, surprising observers eager to see more than just the front facade. From the entrance side, it appears as a single-story building with a single-pitched roof, harmoniously fitting into the classic patterns of local farm architecture. The use of local materials, such as PETERSON brand bricks laid vertically on the facades, optically elongates the structure, directing attention to the densely arranged seams on the roof. Thanks to the applied color matching, based on shades of desert beige, these elements blend into a harmonious whole. An important structural element here is the roof itself, which forms a plane shaped like desert dunes—the inspiration for the title of the project. The building takes the form of one of them; a flowing curved line, being the line of the garden facade, gives the illusion of movement, emphasized by the dynamic extension of the roof towards one side. This solution reflects the characteristic structure of dunes while masking a small floor that is not visible from the front. This additional space the clients wanted to dedicate to a home relaxation centre, completing the house with a sauna and home theatre.

 "Desert dunes are an extraordinary manifestation of movement and change that accompanies nature. Such changes are needed in the Polish countryside. Buildings should follow the dynamics of change and modernity but adapt to the tranquillity characteristic of less urbanized areas, which are a kind of desert of peace in the current world," Tomaszewski added.

 Contrasting with the sandy colour scheme are black steel columns, strategically placed on every wall of the building. These distinct elements emphasize the significant vertical lines, giving the structure not only a sophisticated character, but also breaking the monotony and adding dynamism. Thanks to them, the building gains complexity and depth. The black columns also subtly reference the industrial architectural style, introducing a touch of modernity and rawness to the composition. Their contrast with the sandy facade of the building also adds drama and expression, attracting the eye and encouraging a closer look at the structural details.

 In this project, the location plays a key role, serving not only as a source of inspiration for the architect but also exerting a physical influence on the entire work. The designer shared with me a fascinating story about his first visit to the site. At that time, the area was mainly covered with sand, which became the basis for the previously mentioned inspiration. All this prompted the architect to highlight the hidden natural qualities. Only from a bird's-eye view does it become apparent that the house was designed with the intention of placing an impressive, mature tree in the heart of a private "roundabout" in the centre of the driveway, which influenced the final shape of the building.

In this context, the building becomes a harmonious blend of architecture and nature, where every element has its significance and influences the final effect. The semicircular interior not only perfectly harmonizes with the surroundings but also creates an atmosphere of tranquillity and unity with nature.

The development that occurs over the years is immense and affects every area of our lives. In this continuous race of technology, people wanting to slow down settle in less urbanized areas, often giving up some of their own needs. Therefore, buildings like DUNE HOUSE represent a significant step towards the harmonious coexistence of these two worlds, not requiring the loss of life comfort for the sake of a remote location. This example shows that it is possible to create modern, functional buildings that simultaneously respect local heritage and culture, integrating into the fabric of the rural community.


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Status: Built
Location: Opole, Poland
Firm Role: Project, visualizations, construction project