Emily Jones

Emily Jones

Portland, OR, US


Morris Heights Educational Complex

This school composed of brick, terra-cotta and colorful glass was constructed to provide 670 new primary and intermediate school seats critical to this Bronx neighborhood. The building responds to its context by reflecting the curves of the surrounding streets and providing a bright focal point for this busy intersection.

The building strives to engage the neighborhood by providing several community spaces within as well as a digital canvas at the front entrance. The canvas provides an opportunity for the students of the school to interact and collaborate with a resident artist, through the SCA’s Public Art for Public Schools program, creating artwork for display on the building’s facade.

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Status: Built
Location: Bronx, NY, US
My Role: Project Designer and Manager from Pre-Design through the completion of Construction. Produced client presentations and project graphics, managed development of the construction document set, contributed to project detailing and resolved construction issue
Additional Credits: With Lee Harris Pomeroy Architects.
All photos © Paul Warchol.

Main Entrance
Main Entrance
Building Section
Building Section