Emily Jones

Emily Jones

Portland, OR, US

View from entry.
View from entry.
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Interchange: Nassau

The Parsons’ Design Workshop reconfigured and revitalized an unused commercial space in the Equitable Building for the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. Through collaboration with their corporate partners, the LMCC provides arts venues in donated spaces to facilitate cultural events, artist studio space and display galleries.

The Interchange: 15 Nassau project provided a versatile space for client use by constructing a power and lighting system to support mobile program units. The dock wall anchors the intervention along one side of the space allowing the program units for reception (marketing material display and greeting center),  media (projection, LCD screen, DJ), conference (chair storage and fold out tables) and bar to break free and occupy the space as needed for various uses and events.

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Status: Built
Location: New York, NY, US
My Role: Collaborated with 13 students in a studio environment to develop design concepts, constructed full scale mock-ups to develop project detailing, managed fabrication of the dock wall component, and handled material orders and finish work.
Additional Credits: With Parsons' Design Workshop.

Dock wall and conduit.
Dock wall and conduit.
Model of system overview.
Model of system overview.
Dock wal and program unit.
Dock wal and program unit.