Christian Rovers

Christian Rovers

Amsterdam, NL


Huazhong University of Science & Technology Exposition Pavilion

The Huazhong University of Science & Technology is extended with a new Science Park, also designed by Grontmij Hubei. Two small pavilions are projected to adorn its main entrance: a presentation center and a security building.

In Chinese building tradition a big rock - carved and painted with Chinese characters - often adorns the main entrance of a large building site. The rock is an important symbolic feature in Chinese building tradition similar to what sculptures mean to Western architecture. The rock stands at the heart of the design of these two constructions. Angled walls, cast in concrete, with windows instead of characters carved out of the rock. A rough exterior, a smoother interior, both earthly-toned.

The presentation center accommodates a small auditorium, exposition and meeting spaces. Initially the design of the Science Park will be presented here. After its construction is completed, the center will be used to showcase the university’s research and development.

Year: 2014
Client: Wuhan University Science & Technology Park Development Co. Ltd.
Size: 400 m2

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Wuhan, CN
My Role: Project Architect
Additional Credits: Grontmij Hubei