'Often, people ask what I'm photographing.. it's a hard question to answer... and the best that I've come up with is "life today" ' ' I do have a personal discipline.. I've only taken one picture of one thing, not two.. ' View full entry
Dear Friends. We are so excited to tell you: The next "Love&Crime-Basta!" experience, part of the Architectural Association Visiting School programme, will be in form of a road trip. Check first details on: http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/VISITING/pacifichighwayone Don't miss out and... View full entry
Dear Friends. We are so excited to tell you: The next "Love&Crime-Basta!" experience, part of the Architectural Association Visiting School programme, will be in form of a road trip. Check first details on: http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/VISITING/pacifichighwayone Don't miss out and plan your next summer wisely. Best greetings from all at RTCO (Research Team for Cinematic Operations)