Pragmatic solutions learning by doing is an iterative process to make changes in a critical and realistic perspective. This is the opposite of rationality that is more based on methods to the absolute true in an objective perspective. The communicative planning of pragmatic solutions is much more... View full entry
Urbanization had become a significant phenomenon world-wide rapidly escalating. As a consequence, people are moving from the peripheral areas into the cities leaving the areas into unsettle dust areas. The undertaking phenomenon of urbanization has a drastic impact on the development of the... View full entry
The world is constantly changing through different cultural factors such as religion, ideology, values, and preferences. In the planning field the cultural changes has a big influence on how the urban, regional and national planning practice is implemented and funeralized into the system. It is... View full entry
360 ° Livable Urbanism is featuring articles with subjective approaches and theories on how to actively contribute as urban planners in today’s modern society with different thematic inputs to sustain and innovate the way we as highly diverse planners facilitate the process of planning towards sustainable cities in balance with the current policy framework, sectors, interest and other relevant aspects.