Bastiaan Buurman

Bastiaan Buurman

Arnhem, NL


UMCG outpatient clinic

As a result of the massive increase in the number of outpatient treatments and the transition from clinical to outpatient treatment, the UMCG’s Oncology/Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic had reached its capacity limits. The outpatient clinic needed to be extended to be able to accommodate the growth in the number of day treatments.

Wiegerinck came up with a design organised around the patient. Hiding staff logistics in the background has helped to create a peaceful and clearly organised environment that exudes a sense of hospitality.

The introduction of two diagonals over the former nursing department clearly demarcates the lounge from the three treatment clusters. The open structure of the diagonals creates transparency and safeguards the interchangeability of the treatment clusters, which have been split into units.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Groningen, NL
My Role: Architect