The planned water engineering laboratory is to be erected in Nussdorf / Brigittenauer Sporn 3 in Vienna on an island between the Danube and the Danube Canal. Since there is a water level difference of about 3 m between the Freudenau and the Danube canal, it is possible to achieve up to 10 m3 / s of coagulated flow in the laboratory (without pumps) in the mirror; Which means that water is extracted from the Danube and discharged into the Danube Canal. Such a high flow rate without pumps in a model gutter is unique in Europe, and therefore an unconstrained and innovative feature of this project. The flow rate can be adjusted and adjusted automatically by means of control units. The resulting hydraulic parameters, such as water depth and flow velocity, are determined by the dimensions of the tests carried out in the Main Channel and the Outdoor Stream Lab. The free‐flow seal flow also makes it possible to save energy and thus contribute to climate protection.
The aims of the waterworks' laboratory are to improve the understanding of processes in rivers, the development of mathematical models for the process description and the prediction of the effects of river engineering measures as well as the development of innovative water ‐ based methods and measures for the improvement of navigation, energy management, flood protection and the Ecology.
The project has the following objectives:
The construction of a modern aquaculture (waterworks) laboratory, o that has the largest laboratory flow rate in Europe in a unique way with up to 10 m3 / s
(unique amount of waterflow, since using the natural water pressure due to a 3m
height difference in between the Danube and the Danube canal) o corresponds to the requirements of the planned research subjects (size, laboratory
flow, equipment, workshops, etc.)
Linking of "indoor", "outdoor" and "virtual stream labs" (laboratories should be operated in
the building as well as outdoors and interact with computer models as hybrid models). This
makes it possible to implement a 1: 1 scale with natural inflow tests
Different focus areas can be formed on several spatial planes, which are also distinguishable
in the size and type of the channels and possible model tests (variable model flow, solids
transport, width, depth, inclination, etc.)
Durch die Verbesserung des Prozessverständnisses im Rahmen von physikalischen Modellversuchen ist die Entwicklung von numerischen Computermodellen möglich, die Teil des bestehenden Christian Doppler Labors sind – damit ergibt sich eine sinnvolle Erweiterung der Laboraktivitäten
By improving the understanding of the process in the context of physical model tests, the development of numerical computer models is possible, which are part of the existing Christian Doppler Laboratory, thus resulting in a meaningful extension of it.
Status: Under Construction
Location: Vienna Austria
Firm Role: Lead Design Architect