Architecture Project Valletta

Architecture Project Valletta

Valletta, MT


Valletta Waterfront

The insertion of a new Cruise Passenger at the foot of the baroque Pinto Stores, develops on the genus loci of Valletta adding yet another layer to the rich historic stratification of the Grand Harbour. It will, in its own turn, have implications on the organization of commercial activities in the town, and contribute to the creation of a new image of the entrance to the harbour. The project for the construction of a sea passenger terminal aims at reviving the traditional activity of the area which is that of an entrance gate to the islands and area of exchange of materials and ideas.

Pinto Stores was selected as an ideal location for the terminal since it constitutes an important part of the historic waterfront, providing an exceptionally beautiful setting. The strength of this waterfront lies in the unique views it offers on entering Grand Harbour. As opposed to arrival by plane, the traditional approach by sea involves closer contact with the urban environment, the importance of Pinto Stores as a final destination encouraging the pedestrianisation of the entire waterfront.

The lines of the various flows of people in transit provided the core dimensions of the project. This network of connections was then translated into areas, and subsequently into volumes required by the program. We perceive the site as a “buildscape”, which comes into contact with the water at various stages, depending on the type of flow that is cutting through it. The bridges are conceived as a continuation of the landscape, and not as an article itself. In fact all buildings, pedestrian walkways, bridges and quays follow this continuity concept.

A “stone carpet” is laid over the landscaping, buildings and the bridges, and is cut at various points depending on level differences: ramping above the water and alongside the water. The stone surface covering the steel structure allows its structural counterpart to be exposed at various points not as a separate element, but rather as one whose accent highlights the extensive urban surface.

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Status: Built
Location: Valletta MT