Rui Lopes

Rui Lopes

Union, NJ, US

Exterior Render
Exterior Render
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Our project seeks to revolutionize the school experience, making it a place of joy for both students and teachers. Departing from rigid elements, we envision a fluid learning environment, inspired by the dynamic nature of water. By blending freedom with a grid-like foundation, it allows for a flow-like circulation with a grid-like rigidity, blending the two into one.
To some, school feels like a prison and can be accurately compared to one by some measures. This project seeks to change this idea with multiple different types of circulation, some extending vertically and some to the exterior. This circulation is what connects the multiple classrooms creating a feeling of flow throughout the building. 

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Status: School Project
Location: Tuckerton, NJ, US
My Role: Lead Architect
Additional Credits: Matt Dimaggio

Interior Render
Interior Render
Plan 01
Plan 01
Plan 02
Plan 02
Plan 03
Plan 03
Section AA
Section AA
Section BB
Section BB
Section CC
Section CC
Section DD
Section DD