Our urban design model is: shifting spaces, shifting attractors, shifting urbanity model
Overlapping, transient space, a dynamic urban system, that runs the extremes of collapsing onto itself, to completely exploded, growing out of our site, even over the highways and water front.
Collapsible, Adjustable Urban Fabric.
We want to Re-establish and Re-enforce connections, in order to promote shared ownership of spaces, encourage internal communications, and propose functions that can shift. Use the vagueness of spatial distinctions to our advantage and as our tool to address issues at hand, and even issues that may arise over time. Ultimately, our efforts were to make the whole of the Santurce community greater than the sum of its parts.
Local conditions of the south area of Santurce _ driven force that will regroup them
Bottom-up: Base elements of the system are first specified in great detail. These elements are linked together to form larger subsystems, then in turn are linked, sometimes in many levels, until a complete top level system is formed.
Bottom-up approach is defined by precise and simple local conditions, and relatively indifferent to overall form and extent.
Because the rules are defined locally, obstructions are not catastrophic to the whole.
Status: School Project
Location: Santurce, PR, US