ambientstudio architects and more

ambientstudio architects and more

Dubai, AE


Purity Showroom, Jumeirah, Dubai

The Purity showroom exhibits the timelessness of European design in a Middle Eastern context by reinventing an old and anonymous villa and transforming its volumes and spaces into a series of distinct scenes.

More than retail, the showroom is an open, organized show case with hidden corners, shaded walkways, rejuvenating oases and a dynamic, multi sensory experience using the design principles of simplicity, transparency, clean lines, sequences and ordered geometries to create beauty. A transparent glass boundary separates the showroom from the toad, creating a fluid, light boundary. Four large steps sitting within a re-composite sustainable wood decking lead into the interior. Vertical and horizontal greenery, precise forms using a linear water feature, is the welcoming element that introduces the visitors to all the spaces and
levels. Public and secluded, shaded and open spaces are then organized in a succession of “rooms” visible from the interior with display areas of easily movable furniture elements. The back of the Villa has a living wall and dry garden - a moment of calm - which is also a stunning and relaxing view from the workstations inside. The softscape is a regional one - where local and adapted species are immersed into the site and are sustained by a smart computerized irrigation system. The elements are selected - their physical attributes, colors, textures - with a simple color scheme with white being the dominant color, paired
with beige which can connect the building, the entrance and all elements in pure harmony. The front garden palms are Washingtonia robusta in reduced frontal tree pits, selected in different sizes, to make the space cozier. The fragrance is ensured to create a multi-sensory experience for guests and employees by selecting planting species flowering during the winter season in Dubai. The team selected a
Millingtonia hortensis (Jasmine Tree) in the front, and on the side a very large Plumeria obtusa alba, and by using - as under canopy, a perfumed Murraya paniculata in a bed of fluffy irregular Zoysia japonica. The large frontal green pit is “invaded” - on purpose - by a ground cover naturally growing and found also on the beaches of Dubai - the Ipomea pes-caprae. The “wild” look near the frontal glass fence is also obtained with a series of a large Pennisetum alba, to be kept tall and moving with the breeze coming from the nearby beach. A tropical - more luscious - garden is in the back, protected from the heat, where Caryota mitis (fish tail palms) are together with some Ravenala madagascariensis (traveller’s palms) and small Papyrus. A very unique xeri (dry) garden is located at the back of the showroom, with a meticulous selection of heat and drought tolerant plants: Agave
Victoriae-reginae, the best ones for Dubai climate, plus many other specimens. Those are embedded within white gravel, punctuated by ornamental local boulder rocks and strategically placed copper pipes - for creating a play of shade and shadow during the day and night time. Small and medium specimen of Opuntia ficus-indica (Prickly pear) from Italy, large Zamia furfuracea (Card boards palm) surrounded with Adenium obesum, (Rose of the desert) and taller cacti, such as Euphorbia trigona (African milk tree cacti), Pilosocereus pachycladus (blue columnar cactus) were also selected to occupy the larger lawn in the back of the
Villa, with a fragrant climbing Jasminus officinalis (Jasmine planted and “educated” on cables) to create a different and fast growing vertical garden.

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Status: Built
Location: Dubai, AE
Firm Role: Landscape Architect
Additional Credits: Lightscape Design