ambientstudio architects and more

ambientstudio architects and more

Dubai, AE


Hotel La Ville Dubai

Welcome to our modern and sleek hotel landscape, where every element has been meticulously designed to create a captivating sensory journey. As the landscape designer behind this remarkable project, we are excited to share the unique features that make this space a true oasis.

Our vision for the hotel landscape was to craft a place that not only delights the eyes but also engages the senses. We carefully curated a scentscape, selecting fragrant flowers and plants that infuse the air with captivating aromas, creating a multisensory experience that envelops you as you explore the grounds.

Creating a comfortable microclimate was paramount in our design approach. We strategically incorporated cooling elements throughout the landscape to offer respite from the warm climate. From shaded seating areas and pergolas that provide relief from the sun to misting systems that gently cool the air, we aimed to ensure your comfort throughout your stay.

Green accents were thoughtfully placed throughout the landscape to evoke a sense of tranquility and connection with nature. Lush vegetation and carefully manicured lawns provide a soothing backdrop, creating an oasis of calm amidst the bustling energy of the hotel.

Zoning played a crucial role in our design process. We carefully divided the landscape into distinct areas, each with its own character and purpose. Whether you seek a secluded retreat, a social gathering spot, or a place to unwind by the water, our landscape offers a variety of zones to cater to your desires and needs.

As you explore the hotel landscape, you'll embark on a journey of discovery. The carefully curated pathways guide you through different vistas and hidden corners, unveiling surprises along the way. Every step reveals a new perspective, encouraging you to immerse yourself fully in the enchanting surroundings.

Our design for the hotel landscape embodies the essence of a true oasis, offering a sanctuary where you can escape, relax, and rejuvenate. Whether you're enjoying a peaceful moment in a secluded nook or gathering with friends in a vibrant social space, our landscape provides an unforgettable backdrop to your stay.

We invite you to embark on a sensory journey through our modern and sleek hotel landscape. Let the scents, the cooling elements, and the green accents transport you to a realm of serenity and beauty. Discover the magic of our carefully crafted oasis and experience a stay that engages all your senses.

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Status: Built
Location: Dubai, AE