Alireza Datoo

Alireza Datoo

London, GB


Project 2 - Rehab Centre for Hate Speakers

From my preliminary research that I have conducted into different opposites in relation to the police, one which I found most interesting was this idea of active/passive.

At this present moment in time the world is facing many problems. The most common of these problems revolve around the conflicts in the Middle East, terrorism and issues facing Muslims, amongst others.

However as common as these problems are and how they affect us, we don’t get the full picture from what we hear or read. Many of these news stories tend to be fabricated, or are more bias for one issue and less for the other. All this is done because the government are too scared to face the truth.

This is how we get sucked into believing what may not be true. But the majority of us wouldn’t do anything because we are too ignorant to go and learn the truth and therefore we just follow. This is how people base their opinions – on what they hear and not what they learn.

Those who are affected by these lies, will stand up, speak out and defend the truth, because they are not scared.

One of the most common forms of freedom of speech is in relation to hate speaking. There are four main types of hate in relation to hate speaking: Visual Hate as portrayed by Fred Phelps with his hate signs, Physical Hate – this is when two sides with different opinions clash with each other, Verbal hate – when people speak their mind about the issues and extreme hate – this is when people resort to terrorism to portray their message.

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Status: School Project