Pablo Muñoz Payá Arquitectos

Pablo Muñoz Payá Arquitectos

Petrel, ES


Offices - Stefanie Gala Shoes

Stefanie – Gala Shoes is a company located in Elda (Alicante, Spain) with full dedication to the manufacture of high-quality women's footwear. This company have proposed us a refurbishment project of their offices, which consisted in design and built in a very short period of three weeks.

We were looking for a very neutral office as a whole in which the organization and the visual cleanliness will govern, and whose execution would be quick. A warm front at the back of the office counteracts general neutrality. The perimeter equipped with low furniture supports all the necessary storage, also housing all the computer equipment and its wiring, as well as various planters with plants of different sizes.

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Status: Built
Location: Elda, ES
Firm Role: Architect & Interior Designer
Additional Credits: Project team : Nuria Casas Gento, Alejandra Antohe & Sonia García Pérez