Muhammad Waliullah

Muhammad Waliullah

Tabuk, SA

mixed used development for high rise neighbour hood living
mixed used development for high rise neighbour hood living

Mixed used development for high rise neighbour hood living

Shelter is meant for comfort a human being move over that provides security, privacy and relaxation. The need of shelter within a metropolitan city is usually problematic as for comfort is concerned. Due to continue growth in population and need of residences along with the required facilities within is one of the major issues to be focused to attain a comfortable environment acceptable by its users.

The Karachi, a metropolitan city having population of more than 14 million, having higher density areas where the congestion, over crowding between the residential areas are over burdened. The use of a minimal space with more than one uses has been observed in the hence lacking the living standards. The long distances between the residences and required facilities should cape with implication of technology to provide a better living environment.

As for social environment is concerned shelter plays a vital role. The shelter is the source point of an individual and also the terminating point within the broader context of living. The factors responsible for achieving mental and physical comfort can produce a healthy environment, which further becomes helpfully in the activities to gain economic stability of a country. Free from pollution. The purpose and aim of research is to carry out issues needed to an environment with pollution free zones and to gain convenient and safe possible measures for living in an urban area.

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Status: School Project
Location: Karachi ,pakistan