In 2019, the course ARC200: Design and Representation II, required students to create a case study of a given 2 x 2 km site in Toronto through direct site exploration, photography, mapping tools, infographics and two dimensional design software to learn of significant aspects of the site.
My site was in the Scarborough district and I decided to base my study on its public spaces and their various uses, eventually focusing on the public parks and recreational spaces within them and analysing the activities on site using photographs, infographics and statistical analyses. For the final three drawings of the course which represent my project thesis, I zoomed in on the materiality of the recreational spaces of each of the major parks on the site, assessing the sustainability of using such materials in the construction of public space. My final drawing depicts the unsustainable materials (such as tar and plastic) used in construction and my recommendations of more sustainable options (grass, sand and metal) for more environmentally friendly recreational spaces, all of which can only be found on the same site.
Status: School Project
Location: Scarborough, ON, CA