Constanza Chiozza

Constanza Chiozza

El Calafate, AR


Laboratorio Anfibio del Plata

Laboratorio Anfibio del Plata was an ephemeral installation that exposed the relationship of the City of Buenos Aires with its bodies of water: piped streams and a denied waterfront show the imposition of cement on the water.

Through the production of installations, images and encounters, the project built the record of an amphibious imaginary of a public nature, which activates thoughts about how to live and transform our territory.

The device consisted of a scaffolding structure that combined in the shape of an hexagonal forum, covered with hoses with water collected from bodies of water near its implementation. Initially, it was implemented in the Immigration Museum, where water from the Río de la Plata was collected and displayed; then it was moved to Tecnópolis and the water collected came from the relief basin of the Medrano stream.

Laboratorio Anfibio del Plata imagined in an abstract and theoretical way what the city would be like if the river floods the shallows and the ravine becomes the coast again. Will we live like amphibians?

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Status: Built
Location: Buenos Aires, AR
My Role: Designer Architect
Additional Credits: Work: Amphibious Laboratory of Plata

Authors: Constanza Chiozza, Gabriel Fortunato Chalabe, Martín Flugelman, Luisa Lerman, Pedro Magnasco, Mateo Olabarrieta, Sofía Vinson

MUNTREF (Immigration Museum, Immigrant Hotel Headquarters)

Date: 9-2021 to 12-2021

Framework in which it was executed:
BIENALSUR 2021 (International Biennial of Contemporary Art of South America)

Modality: the project was chosen by an open call for projects

Photography: Javier Agustín Rojas