CP Kukreja Architects

CP Kukreja Architects

New Delhi, IN

Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University
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Gautam Buddha University

Today, it is vital that we create institutions that will help develop a society characterized by the wise and learned endowed with a larger purpose beyond themselves. With such a vision in mind, the design for Gautam Buddha University was conceived to create a globally-acclaimed academic and research institution that can generate a vibrant community of intellectuals imbued with character, creativity, competence, and commitment. 

With a goal to inspire a meaningful transformation that ensures holistic growth and social development, and to craft an environment of learning, wisdom and creativity, it was necessary to base the design of the campus on philosophies stemming from cultures that teach humans the virtues of 'simple living and high thinking.' The essence of this design philosophy lies in respecting both change and continuity, allying with the teaching and learning practices of the university. 

The iconic image of Gautam Buddha in his meditative posture has been used as the primary design inspiration. At the 'head' of Lord Buddha sits the library, the ocean of all knowledge. The eight schools of study are located in the 'body,' forming the backbone of the university and representing Buddha's eight-fold path. The administrative office, which serves the university, is located at the 'feet.' 

With various faculties such as Management, International Law, Information and Communication Technology, Environmental Sciences, Applied Sciences, Biotechnology, Humanities, Buddhist Studies, and Development Studies, the university campus is dedicated to encapsulating an environment that truly nurtures intellectual growth. 

Entering the campus through the majestic main gateway, one is greeted by a forest that acts as a buffer from its high-traffic access along the Yamuna Expressway. Being an arid patch of land, the site was converted into a forest that creates a tranquil environment, metaphorically depicting the threshold between the chaotic worldly life of hectic frenzies and an orderly environment of peace and discipline. It also helps in regulating the microclimate of the area. A magnificent statue of Mahatma Buddha is positioned as the centre of gravity within the academic environment, and is visible from any point in the campus. At the foot of the statue is a striking lake that functions as an ecological water system and doubles as a vibrant meeting place for students and faculty members. 

The faculty blocks are strung around this lake like gems on a necklace, and are connected to each other by an impressive colonnade. The abstraction of overlapping chakras (circles) as design elements brings a rhythm into the spatial composition. Such elements represent the rhythm of life and death, success and failure, light and dark, and other such binaries that contribute to the creation of the Universe, as represented by the Middle Path of Buddhism. 

Measures for Sustainability

  • Situated in the hot and arid region of Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, the campus fosters an educational township spread over a sprawling 200 hectares.

  • Over 20,000 trees consisting of more than 90 species have been planted on arid, treeless land.

  • Thriving as a dense forest, the campus acts as a carbon-negative space, cooling and purifying its surrounding areas.

  • A centrally located natural depression is converted into an Eco-Lake. It becomes the focal point in the design, greatly helping in regulating microclimate and thermal comfort through natural passive cooling. A hundred per cent of water is recycled at the site.

Socio-environment performance

  • Initially, the site was an arid patch of land with no trees and recurring dust storms. The design intervention ensured redevelopment of the area with an urban forest. 

  • Regeneration of land as a thriving biodiverse site significantly impacted the micro-climate of the surrounding areas and lowered the urban island heat effect.

  • A gentle slope on the highway side created a few depressions, forming a basin where rainwater would collect. A magnificent lake was created in this natural depression and was designed as an ecological water-body, becoming a focal point for different blocks. 

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Status: Built
Location: Noida, IN
Firm Role: principle architect

Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University
Gautam Buddha University