Luis Barros Virote

Luis Barros Virote

Lisbon, PT


Elementary School and Sports Complex public Competition

Educational center, sport facilities - International public competition, 7th place
Design proposal, presentation
colaboration_J. Ferreira, M. Ferreira
2 215.00 m2 school complex
1 174.00 m2 sport facilities
300 occupants

In a rural environment where the traits are markedly structural we propose a transposition into a new gesture to organize the whole structure of the Centre School.
Therefore, how each terrain sector has its own specific field of operation, we understood that select each piece of equipment and introducing functions, it could promote the separation and/or connection with users and activities.
All school grounds is developed on a platform that seeks to raise the entire center at the main road access. It is intended that the building projection has means to ensuring a distance essential to be able to coexist with reality environment. A existing waterline helped to take away and constitutes a physical barrier which helps to control access to school grounds, thereby promoting an increased safety factor for this equipment.
The exterior design confirm the guideline for the entire proposal directing and controlling gaze, routes or areas of outdoor activities. Outdoor Pátios between volumes are easy to control and space sensory reverb, with textures and colors of communicative character elements that are able to offer its users the experience of a playful character and a healthy  growth. Interior provides a clear functionality through space distribution, this unites the entire channel program, from Pre-School Education (north), through volume administration (center), the spaces of the 1st cycle of Basic Education to the Gymnasium (the South). The common areas are on another volume later (east) situated between the preschool program and administrative areas. The pathways were studied in order to ensure close relationships between users and the spaces used by each group.


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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Fonte de Angeão, PT