Julianna Santos

Julianna Santos

Brooklyn, NY, US


Performing arts theater laboratory.

Theatre Performing Arts Laboratory is presented as a proposal for a space dedicated to performing research, experimentation and artistic productions and presentations of shows and dissemination of culture and knowledge.

The scenic representation fits into the context of contemporary dynamics, where spaces are constantly changes, which reflect demand for interaction and technological complementarity, spatial and human.

Space itself which takes the scenic-theatrical function has, long ago, breaking the fourth wall call imaginary line between the actor / character of the viewer. Thus, interactivity is also reflected in the essential agents do scenic: actor, argument and spectator.

Based on such assumptions, Theatre Performing Arts Laboratory has in its principles to create an architectural space that is technically suitable for carrying out activities related to the theatrical art education, the viability of artistic and technological experiments aimed at making scenic, as well as the presentation shows.

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Status: School Project
Location: Recife, BR
My Role: Final design of graduation