
M-ARCH-T TU Berlin


what is the minimum grade for acceptance this year?

Jun 15, 19 5:11 pm  · 

what is your grade, guys? I guess the acceptabce grade is above 2.2 on german system

Jun 15, 19 5:45 pm  · 

To anyone whose uni-assist application has yet to process:

I just got off the phone with someone from the master program application help line at TU. It seems like some previous posters had this issue, but my application was registered under the wrong program: German 'Arkitektur' versus English 'Typology'. Am I the only one who was unable to find the M-ARCH-T program listed in the uni-assist database? Anyway. 

The service agent had me write an email confirming that I wanted the program on my application changed. It may well be too late by this point, but is maybe worth a shot for anyone still waiting on a reply.   

Jun 19, 19 4:48 am  · 

Same thing happened to me! But surely they wouldn’t make you write a letter if it’s too late for your application to be considered?

Jun 19, 19 11:24 am  · 

Happened to me too! Email them they replied to me saying it happened to a lot of applicants this year and that theyll change it no problem! Its not our fault we couldnt find it and so many people had issues so they'll understand!

Jun 19, 19 11:57 am  · 


Have you received any confirmation that your application was moved? I have been trying to contact TU for the last 2 weeks without any luck. I'm on the phone every day and probably sent more than 15 emails...

Jun 26, 19 11:30 am  · 

Hi everyone! I received an e-mail but there is no particular time or date for the interview. I add first sentences of the each paragraph of the mail. Did anyone get similar one??? 

Thank you very much for your interest in studying at TU Berlin... 

Please note that this message is not a statement regarding the completeness of your application documents... 

We are aware, of course, that you are eagerly awaiting the decision on your application for admission... 

While you are waiting – why not have a look at what TU Berlin has to offer for new students?... 

We are looking forward to welcoming you!


Office of Student Affairs
TU Berlin

Jun 19, 19 12:34 pm  · 

I got a similar email. I was assuming this to be a generic mail and does not imply that we are invited to an interview. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Jun 19, 19 12:43 pm  · 

i think the same. so they just let us know that our applications are still in process.. 

Jun 19, 19 12:47 pm  · 

And the interviews are scheduled on 28/29 :D

Jun 19, 19 12:54 pm  · 

Hi guys!! I received that mail today too and other confirming my interview via skype since on friday I received the invitation for it, I am scheduled for the next thursday.

Jun 19, 19 1:07 pm  · 

Hey! So you received both the generic mail and an invitation for an interview today?

Jun 19, 19 1:11 pm  · 

Hi, actually I received the invitation on friday, and today I received two mails; the first was the confirmation of my interview via skype and the second was the generic one.

Jun 19, 19 1:23 pm  · 

Thanks for the information. All the best for your interview :)

Jun 19, 19 1:30 pm  · 

jorgeluisriverotorres What is your grade in german system?

Jun 19, 19 1:46 pm  · 

Hi, it was 1,6

Jun 19, 19 2:41 pm  · 


Even I received just the generic email. Does it mean that I have not been selected for the interview ? 

Jun 19, 19 3:08 pm  · 


Has anybody received a formal rejection as of now ? would be easier to know if they are wait listing everybody else who did not get selected for the interview or are they sending rejections as well. 

Jun 19, 19 3:20 pm  · 


No rejection or invitation email. My application was also most likely registered under the wrong program via uni-assist. I have been trying to reach TU Berlin with no luck for the past two days. Every time after about 30 min waiting time it disconnects me. Emails also remain unaswered. 

Jun 20, 19 4:31 am  · 

Have you tried all email addresses? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Jun 20, 19 9:48 pm  · 

Yes, and continue calling and emailing without any response. This is extremely frustrating!

Jun 26, 19 11:27 am  · 

Hello, I just received the generic email on 19th June , not the interview confirmation. 

Jun 20, 19 10:15 am  · 


Jun 20, 19 1:59 pm  · 

hi everyone,

I also received generic mail without interview confirmation. I see an information in the web site like this:

"The invitations to the interviews have been sent out. If you have not received an invitation e-mail from us, we unfortunately inform you that you have not been selected for the Master – Typology Program 2019/20. (Exception: 7 students with 12 waiting semesters are accepted without interviews and informed at the end of July)"


Jun 21, 19 11:47 am  · 

Could you please post a link where you saw this notice ?

Jun 22, 19 1:00 am  · 

Jun 23, 19 2:29 pm  · 


Jun 23, 19 5:02 pm  · 

Has anyone been accepted without doing the interview?

Jun 21, 19 10:40 pm  · 

Hello everyone! I read on the website that we should bring our work samples to the interview. I was wondering if we should bring the exact same printed version of the porfolio that we previously submitted electronically, or are we free to bring whichever works we like in whatever the format we like? thankyou

Jun 22, 19 5:24 pm  · 


I had applied for Masters in Urban Design at TU Berlin and was called for an interview. Any idea as to what would be asked in the interview or any suggestions for me to prepare myself better for the interview?

Jun 23, 19 1:38 pm  · 
1  · 

Hi! I received the invitation for the interview. Although, I am very curious about the program, still not sure if it would be right for me - is here somebody who is on M-Arch-T from previous years? Or maybe someone knows more about it than what it is written in the internet? As I see it could be more about urban design than actually architecture and I am little afraid of this.

Jun 23, 19 1:43 pm  · 

I am too, and I can't seem to gauge how flexible the design studios will be for students not interested as much in Urban Design as they are in Architectural Design.

Jun 25, 19 5:08 am  · 
mariamebeid here you can check previous students work and some of their masters thesis, it will give you an idea about what to expect and help you make your decision whether this is what you want to do or not.

Jun 26, 19 8:44 am  · 

you both should take it or leave it! Some people are on the waiting list eagering a place in this program. Please make a decision soon!

Jun 25, 19 10:34 am  · 

Did anyone receive an email saying that they're on the waiting list already? Did they finalize their selection?

Jun 26, 19 8:46 am  · 

Can anyone tell me if there is any other costs if I study in an architecture masters program? such as for model making or sheet printing? Also would I be able to do part time jobs if I study in an architectural masters program in Germany?

Jun 25, 19 4:57 pm  · 

Hi guys, did anyone had the chance to interview this last two days?? 

I had mine already.

Jun 28, 19 7:38 pm  · 

i had mine , too. did they said anything about the results?

Jun 29, 19 4:18 am  · 

I asked them and told me that they will shortlist the candidates by Monday (July 1st.) But the university will notify us until perhaps 3 to 4 weeks later.

Jun 29, 19 9:33 am  · 

oh I see, good luck!!

Jun 29, 19 5:37 pm  · 

and do you know how many people they accept?

Jun 29, 19 5:38 pm  · 

Good luck to you as well, honestly I have no idea how many they accept.

Jun 29, 19 7:18 pm  · 

Was your interview leaded by Jacob and Profr. Reiner too?

Jun 29, 19 7:19 pm  · 

yep! it was these two..

Jun 30, 19 4:46 am  · 

As I was informed, they have 30 spots in the programe, however as I assume those 7 people were accepted through their waiting semesters, so that leaves 23 places...

Jul 2, 19 5:16 am  · 

Hi guys, I also had my interview on june 28th, but with Proff. Geipel and someone else (I didnt get his name). Do any of you have any Idea how your interview went? I could not tell at all if it went well or not and am very stressed! did they like give you any feedback on how you have done in the interview?

Jul 2, 19 3:37 pm  · 

I had mine with rainer hehl and im thinking the same thing you are. It was very generic like the questions and i have no idea how it went and how they select only 23....

Jul 2, 19 4:16 pm  · 

I blanked out a bit when they started conversing in German! I have no idea how it went. Just anxiously waiting for them to respond. From the previous year, they changed the status to 'J' with a date by next week. Soooo nervous.

Jul 3, 19 3:19 am  · 

I really hope they tell us by next week!! Good luckk!

Jul 3, 19 3:59 am  · 

Hi guys I was actually very nervous because I did not expect that Jacob Van Rijs would lead my interview, I was very impresed to the point that I even forgot a few important things to say

Jul 2, 19 4:21 pm  · 

Same i forgot a lot! I even gave some answers wrong because i forgot that i have done international courses but i said i hadnt...

Jul 2, 19 4:30 pm  · 

Any update?

Jul 8, 19 9:02 am  · 

Hi everyone! Has anyone received any letters from the university? Or has someone its status changed to "J"?

Jul 8, 19 10:17 am  · 

No, mine is still N without a date and it says Application still in process :(

Jul 9, 19 1:14 am  · 

Hey everyone! Anyy word from TU Berlin? Has anyone gotten admission?

Jul 9, 19 1:06 am  · 

No, I still have N without a date and I didn't receive any emails from them yet.

Jul 9, 19 4:37 am  · 

same here! still N

Jul 9, 19 6:06 am  · 

I emailed them, and their response was they dont know and be patient....

Jul 9, 19 6:23 am  · 


The Status der Bearbeitung changed to geprüft (H49b) , what does it means? Anyone knows?

Jul 9, 19 7:06 am  · 

I just checked and mine too says the same thing but I don't know what does it mean.

Jul 9, 19 7:33 am  · 

Mine changed too, i think it means we'll know soon lol

Jul 9, 19 8:08 am  · 

Same! I think this is the last step of the process before the change the approval status N/J with a date...

Jul 9, 19 9:21 am  · 

mine is still N! which one did exactly change? "Zulassungsstatus" or "Stand Ihrer Bewerbung" ?

Jul 10, 19 5:26 am  · 

in "Immatrikulationsstatus" you'll find "Status der Bearbeitung" that's what changed. but we still have N as well

Jul 10, 19 5:33 am  · 

ow, yes mine has changed too, thank you

Jul 10, 19 6:22 am  · 

I applied for this program for the second time this year and was invited for the interview twice.
Last year as I thought the interview went great. But then I was waiting for the reply till September and didn't receive any letters from TU neither by e-mail or by post.
I know that last year one girl received a letter with the renouncement and her number among candidates by post after a month. But it was in Berlin, so maybe something went wrong with the delivery in my country.
This year my interview was very tough, so I am not sure about the results. Anyway, I hope to receive any response in the nearest time, because last year it was so severe to wait till autumn.

Jul 9, 19 8:21 am  · 

What about om the portal? Did the status never change or any date added?

Jul 9, 19 8:45 am  · 

​No date and the status was the same, as I remember.

Jul 9, 19 8:49 am  · 

Hi everyone! I just received an admission letter today, I checked my status and I have a J in Stand Ihrer Bewerbung and geprüft (H49b) in Status der Bearbeitung. The thing is I didn't receive an invitation to the interview, so I'm very confused because I'm not sure if there is a mistake. Does anybody have a similar case? or any idea about why this happened?

Jul 10, 19 3:58 pm  · 

Exception: 7 students with 12 waiting semesters are accepted without interviews and informed at the end of July

Jul 10, 19 4:03 pm  · 

Was this your case?

Jul 10, 19 4:03 pm  · 

No, it's the first time I apply

Jul 10, 19 4:08 pm  · 

Omg lucky

Jul 10, 19 4:11 pm  · 

congratulations santi!!

Jul 10, 19 4:18 pm  · 

W hats your Gpa on german System?

Jul 10, 19 4:20 pm  · 

Thank you! my GPA is 1.9

Jul 10, 19 4:33 pm  · 

So you think it's not a mistake ??

Jul 10, 19 4:34 pm  · 

That's so weird! my GPA is 1.7, I don't think it has got anything to do with your GPA.

Jul 10, 19 5:11 pm  · 

What is the deal with 12 waiting semesters? I don't get that.

Jul 10, 19 5:12 pm  · 

I know it's weird! I asked about the 12 waiting semesters and they answered this: "The waiting is only for the students who have already applied previous years. So those students are already waiting for 12 semesters."

Jul 10, 19 5:19 pm  · 

So did you ask them also about your situation? I didn't know it's possible to get an admission without the interview. but probably it's possible. good for you anyway :)) congrats

Jul 10, 19 5:27 pm  · 

Thank you! anyway I have to ask them because it sounds too good to be true

Jul 10, 19 6:16 pm  · 

Congratulations! it just sounds a bit strange because on their website it's written "The invitations to the interviews have been sent out. If you have not received an invitation e-mail from us, we unfortunately inform you that you have not been selected for the Master – Typology Program 2019/20. (Exception: 7 students with 12 waiting semesters are accepted without interviews and informed at the end of July)"

Jul 11, 19 2:24 am  · 

wow, congratulations!

Jul 11, 19 6:02 am  · 

Does anyone have its status changed also?

Jul 11, 19 6:04 am  · 

Mine didn't change

Jul 11, 19 6:11 am  · 

Congratulations! Did they Email you the admission letter?

Jul 11, 19 3:05 am  · 

If anyones status changed to J, can you please let the rest of us know so we know if theres any point waiting?

Jul 11, 19 8:21 am  · 

Still N without a date :(

Jul 11, 19 9:02 am  · 

Seems like the first wave of accepted students had their statuses changed to 'J' on 9 July and received admission emails yesterday. I am not entirely sure, but it could be that your status remains 'N' until they know which applicants (current and prev. waitlisted) accept the offer (by 26 July), and remaining spots go to the next-highest scoring wave of this year's applicants per the admissions regulations:

Jul 11, 19 9:22 am  · 

Entirely speculation

Jul 11, 19 9:41 am  · 

Thank you for that doc. I haven't seen it before. And have you received the admission letter? Why do you know this date (26th July)?

Jul 11, 19 9:43 am  · 

Alex, how do you know all this? do you know anybody other than santiago, who had the interview and got an admission letter? It is also a bit strange because they said they will announce the selected students 2-3 weeks after the interviews and it hasn't even 2 complete weeks now.

Jul 11, 19 12:04 pm  · 

Everything is strange, and when you email them they apparently have no idea

Jul 11, 19 1:13 pm  · 
Yeah, I was admitted, and as mentioned I have no idea if my write-up is actually what’s happening. But could be that those who haven’t received admission offers aren’t out of luck yet.
Jul 11, 19 1:36 pm  · 
Hang in there!
Jul 11, 19 1:37 pm  · 

Ow congrats! and such a disappointment for us then :(

Jul 11, 19 2:10 pm  · 

Guys, did anybody else get an admission letter? please let us know, we are dying here, LOL.

Jul 11, 19 3:03 pm  · 

I got an admission letter on 10th July.

Jul 12, 19 12:06 am  · 

I got the admission letter on the 10th of July as well.

Jul 12, 19 8:30 am  · 

Nice, guess I will be seeing you in the uni then.

Jul 13, 19 10:03 am  · 

Hi guys,

I got an offer letter on 10th of July and have accepted the offer through the provided link. I have gotten a similar offer letter from DIA program in Anhalt university as well. 

 Keeping the university ranking a side, how do they compare?

Jul 12, 19 12:05 am  · 

The other interview panel member alongside Prof.Finn Geipel was Prof. Ralf Pasel.

Jul 13, 19 7:49 am  · 

hello everyone! I also have recieved the offer letter and am so happy! so what now? I clicked the link and accepted the offer. is there anything else we should do? 

Jul 16, 19 11:12 am  · 

Of you have accepted the offer through the link I think there are not any further process to go through. Now you will have to enroll before oct 1. But, shooting them an email regarding anything will certainly be helpful.

Jul 16, 19 8:34 pm  · 

Hello, i logged into the online portal to check out how far with the application and i saw" tested (H49b)" can anyone explain it to me and whats the meaning of "N" 

Jul 16, 19 2:16 pm  · 

That means you have not been selected yet. But, they say that they will be sending out acceptance till the end of July, according to the website.

Jul 16, 19 8:35 pm  · 

Does it mean i'll be selected and what are the chances

Jul 18, 19 11:46 am  · 

Well it is better if you talk to them directly. I am just quoting them from their website.

Jul 25, 19 4:37 am  · 

If you've been accepted, for anyone interested, this is the link to the Tu Berlin orientation days for internationals :) https://www.auslandsamt.tu-ber...

Jul 23, 19 4:24 am  · 

Rejection Letter arrived yesterday!

Jul 23, 19 7:13 am  · 

How did you get it: by post or mail?

Jul 24, 19 4:15 am  · 

Did anything on the portal changed?

Jul 24, 19 9:18 am  · 

Status der Bearbeitung: Ablehnung kapazitär


Jul 24, 19 9:48 am  · 

My status says the same, but I have not received any rejection letter yet.

Jul 25, 19 11:15 am  · 

Hey there!

Does anyone know what "waiting semesters" means?

Aug 12, 19 3:16 am  · 

I asked them and they clarified me that the waiting semesters are the semesters that you have spent after your graduation.

Aug 12, 19 10:40 am  · 

Get it! Thanks:)

Aug 12, 19 10:50 am  · 

Hi guys,

just wondering if someone could post their accepted portfolios or give insight on what matters most while applying for this program (GPA, portfolio, work experience, etc)? 

I'm a bit scared of applying lol :(

Nov 20, 19 11:07 am  · 

I wanna also wanna apply for this program so if anybody studying the subject at TUB could give us some insight, it would be very helpful.

Mar 5, 21 1:21 pm  · 

Hi! I'm wondering if there are any Americans who are applying or are in the program? I would be so thankful to hear about your application process and feelings about the program! 



Dec 2, 19 5:46 pm  · 

hey guys could somebody explain to me how the 8 page portfolio works ? Are the covers included ? Cv ? Is it front and back or front only ? Thank you!!

I’m applying soon and can’t get help anywhere. They’re not even replying to any emails. 

Apr 17, 20 11:53 pm  · 

hiya. I didn't include my CV because the number of pages was so limited, I figured I'd rather use that space for my projects ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Apr 18, 20 1:11 pm  · 

hey thanks for replying. Did you do it front and back or front only ?

Apr 18, 20 1:27 pm  · 

Hi guys, a bit of an off topic but I'm applying for the 2020 fall semester and I would like to know if you have any advices for the portfolio (any kind of advice, graphic style, which kind of material to include...), and of course, if you have been admitted, which are your feedbacks about the program itself!


Apr 18, 20 1:32 pm  · 

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